
Salivation, as copious as from mercurial treatment, lasting almost fourteen days.

Sweetish, insipid taste.

Sweetish taste and dryness in mouth (eleventh day).

Flat taste in mouth, sweetish; mornings after waking.

Unpleasant, bitter taste.

Taste of cheese in mouth.

Food tastes salt.

Taste of onions.

Indescribable taste, both before and after a meal.

Speech almost prevented.

Slowness of speech.


Redness of the throat.

Inflamed aphthae and pustules in throat, making the patient’s condition almost desperate.

Dryness of the throat and frequent hawking (two hours).

Pain in the throat.

Burning in the throat.

Heat in the throat.

Pointed sticking in the throat, when not swallowing (second day).

Redness and swelling of the velum pendulum and adjacent parts; distress so great that he fears suffocation.

Itching and scraping in the oesophagus.

Feeling in throat as if she could not swallow, with spasmodic contraction of the right side of the throat and ear, for one hour (afternoons) on sitting (ninth day).

Great difficulty in swallowing, with sensation of pungent heat in throat and mouth.

Inability to swallow.


Total loss of appetite for every kind of ailment.

Want of appetite.

Want of appetite, although with clean tongue.

Want of appetite in the evening.

Burning, unquenchable thirst.


Continual thirst.

Urgent thirst.

Eructations, tasting of the ingesta.

Eructations, tasting of the soup eaten (one and a half hours).

Difficult eructations.

Empty eructations (afternoons).

Eructations after drinking.

The eructations are allayed by lying down.

Hiccough; evenings.

Nausea, without vomiting (in the evening).

Nausea, with prostration.

Troublesome nausea, with vomiting (in the evening).

Nausea, with prostration.

Troublesome nausea, with vomiting.

Regurgitation of food an hour after a meal.

Intolerance of milk; the children throw up their milk almost as soon as swallowed curdled or not curdled, in from ten to fifteen minutes, by a sudden and violent vomiting; then weakness makes them drowsy for some minutes.

Vomiting of milk.


Horrible vomiting.

Vomiting, painful.

Greenish vomiting.

Copious greenish vomiting.

Vomiting curdled milk (in five children, in two others of greenish mucus mixed with the half-digested green leaves).

Violent vomiting of a frothy, milk-white mass.

Vomiting after the colic.

Discharge off greenish mucus from mouth and anus, with violent pains; colored bloody (in two children).

Vomits bloody mucus.

Vomiting, with diarrhoea.

Frequent vomiting, with frequent painful diarrhoea.

Vomiting and fever.

Vomiting, with chills, sweat, and debility.

Very violent pains at the stomach.

Sense of pungent heat in stomach.

Feeling in stomach as if something had turned, followed by burning feeling, which rises into the chest.

Painful contraction of the stomach.

Pains in stomach, caused by inflamed aphthae and pustules in throat.

Painfulness of the epigastric region.

Pains in epigastrium, with nausea.

Deep seated pain at the pit of the stomach.

Tearing pains in pit of stomach, extending thence into the oesophagus.

Pain in pit of stomach and abdomen, followed by nausea, with or without vomiting.


Dull stitches in the side near the stomach, deep in, on sitting; heat disappears on becoming erect (first day).

A stitch in the right rib-region (afternoon).

Sticking in lower part of right rib-region, and soon again in the right ear (afternoon).

Sticking in lower rib-region (four hours); frequent and long-continued.

Constant sticking in left lower rib-region, with burning, disappearing only for a short time on rubbing.

A stitch in the left lower rib-region, extending backwards; then sticking deep internally under the left female breast (afternoons).

Painfulness of the hypochondria.

A painful pressing-in and burning, with sticking, in left hypochondria, twice in succession (one hour).

Now in left loins, then in the right lower rib-region, a sudden burning, as from glowing hot needles (four hours).

Great cold sensations in whole upper abdomen immediately.

Coldness of the abdomen, booth objective and subjective, with aching pain in the bowels (relieved by warm wet applications), accompanied by coldness of the lower extremities, particularly the left one.

A painful trust, as with a knife, round about the bowels, above the navel, internally, as it seemed (second day).

Rush, like boiling water, in navel region; then pinching in stomach.

Griping in the umbilical region and hypogastrium.

Hard and tense abdomen.

Contracted and tense abdomen.

Swelling of the abdomen.

Large, inflated abdomen.

Bloating of whole abdomen; sometimes with bluish-black color.

Abdomen swollen, sensitive, especially in hepatic region.

Severe pain in abdomen (in two children).

Pains in intestines.

Pains in abdomen.

Digging sensation in the abdomen.

Throbbing in the abdomen.

Cold feeling in bowels after every dose.

Moving in bowels, followed by stool; first part hard, the rest soft.

Excessive griping pain in abdomen.

Gripes, with flatulence. Gripes, accompanied by fearful vomiting, weakness, and indescribable anguish.

Colic, with diarrhoea.

Colic, succeeded by vomiting, vertigo, and weakness.

Cuttings in the lower abdomen, with urging to stool, which follows very soft, succeeded by tenesmus and repeated urging (tenth day).

Drawing in right lumbar region on walking, disappearing on sitting (one and a quarter hours).

A stitch in right lumbar region; then sensation of a slight pressure, as though a light body lay there (one and a quarter hours).

Painfulness of the hypochondria.

A painful pressing inward and a burning with stitches in the left hypochondrium, twice in quick succession (after one hour).

A stitch in the right hypochondriac region, and immediately afterwards in the right ear, in the afternoon.

Sticking in the left hypochondriac region, frequently, and lasting a long time (after four hours).

Constant stitches in the left hypochondriac region, with burning, only transiently relieved by rubbing.

A stitch in the left hypochondriac region, extending backward, then sticking deep internally beneath the left female breast, in the afternoon.

Painful moving’s about below the navel, with desire for stool, after the morning broth; followed after a few minutes by a hard stool (after one hour).

A rush as of boiling water in the umbilical region, followed by griping in the stomach.

In the morning after rising, at first some griping about the navel, and then two soft stools.

A sudden burning, as from a glowing hot needle, at one time in the left loin, then in the right hypochondriac region (after four hours).

Digging sensation in the abdomen.

Sensation of load in upper bowels.

Warmth in the upper bowels.

Sharp cramps in the small intestines, localized in spots, and quickly shifting from place to place.

Sensation in the upper bowels as if she had taken a dose of medicine, which was working.

Colic on awaking.

Pain in bowels, as if diarrhoea would follow.

A painful cutting as with a knife in the abdomen, above the navel (second day).

Cutting pain and flatulence.

Throbbing in the abdomen.

Movements in the abdomen, followed by a stool, the first part of which is hard, the last soft.

Sensation of great coldness in the abdomen after every dose.

Coldness in the region of the transverse colon.

Cutting in the lower abdomen, with urging to stool; a soft stool follows, succeeded by tenesmus and continued straining (tenth day).

Drawing in right lumbar region on walking, disappearing on sitting (one and a quarter hours).

A stitch in right lumbar region; then sensation of a slight pressure, as though a light body lay there (one and a quarter hours).

Stool and Anus.

Contraction of the rectum.

Sensation of dryness at the anus.

Feeling as if the hemorrhoidal tumors were excoriated.


Obstinate diarrhoea.

Stools of partly digested food, shortly after a meal or at night.

Evacuation of a thin, bright yellow, or greenish fluid, mixed with much bile, with severe tenesmus.

Morning, after rising, first some pinching about the navel; then two soft stools.

Stool, first part hard, the rest soft, preceded by movings in the bowels.

Painful “goings on” below the navel, with desire for stool after breakfast, followed, after some minutes, by hard stool (one hour).

Very hard stool, with clawing in the anus and severe urging (second day).


Most obstinate constipation, with feeling as if all action of the bowels had been lost.

Urinary Organs.

Cutting pains at the bladder.

Frequent urging to urinate.

Frequent urging to urinate at night.

Copious emission of urine.

She passes, three times, much pale urine, like water (second day).

Red urine, voided with difficulty.

Urine depositing a white sediment.

Sexual Organs.

Stitching pains in sexual parts (female).

Itching at the sexual parts (female).

Pimply eruption on the genitals (female).

The menstrual blood is watery.

Respiratory Apparatus.

Slight cough.

Cough, with stunning pain in the head.

Cough, with titillating sensation in the throat.

Cough, with paleness of the face.

Cough, with sweetish taste in the throat.

Cough, with tearing pain in the chest.

Cough, followed by mucous expectoration.

Cough, aggravated by lying down.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.