This books needs an introduction because of the words like, drainage; Drainer, tubercular conditions, etc. which are new to the Homoeopathic of India. The drainage is one of the most important system of Homoeopathic treatment among the French homoeopaths. In short, drainage nothing but the use of remedies having ephemeral action in order to help in the eliminatory functions of the antipsoric remedies. The helping remedies are generally the complementaries and antidotes of the principal basic remedy. The antidotes are used as an umbrella working as a check, in the too dangerous eliminatory function of the basic drug, which may cause aggravation of the disease. The word, tuberculinic, tubercular conditions, have been introduced into homoeopathy by Dr.A.Nebel of Lausanne who made serious investigations on tuberculines. It is Dr Nebel who says that, if the word Psora dose not merit to be maintained only to honour the memory of Hahnemann, we may replace it with Tuberculinism,. Some explanation are required about the above two facts in order that the principle of drainage and canalisation and identity of tubercular condition with Psoric miasm may not be misunderstood by the orders of this little book. I have, therefore, given in the summary of tow lectures of Dr.Fortier Bernoville, one on, identity of Psora and tuberculinism; delivered in Glasgow(1936) and the other on principles of Drainage and Canalisation.
Identity of Psora with Tuberculinism: if the name psora dose not merit to be maintained in order to honour the memory of Hahnemann, we may replace it by the word tuberculinism,.It is thus Dr.A.Nebel expressed himself in 1934.This opinion has become very much current among the French homoeopaths. It should be supported by 1.Clinic, 2.Laboratory work and 3.Homoeopathic therapeutics.
Let us see first of all what Psora of Hahnemann is? It is according to Master the most common, the most contagious and the most stubborn miasm.He called, itch, not only to lesions caused by Sarcoptic but also to all chronic, when suppressed, of causing numerous and varied metastasis.He shows by the help of numerous documentaries that the Psora may be succeeded by, suffocating catarrh, hydropsy, pleurisy, all sort of cough and hemoptysis, meningitis, ascites, hydrocele, jaundice, deafness, diabetes, haemorrhoids etc;. The researches of Hahnemann has been singularly illuminated by the researches of Richet, vidal and A.Lumiere. What do we mean by tuberculous virus according to the works of modern biologists?
After discovery by Koch the bacilli of Tuberculosis which Villemin foresaw, numerous kinds of alcohol or acid resistants have been discovered. At that time, one did not admit the existence of tuberculosis until and unless, Koch’s bacilli were detected by the microscope in the sputum. At present, the discovery of tubercular ultra-viruses, which are capable to cross through the placenta (Hauduroy, Arloing, Dufour) and cause contagion in utero (Calmette, Valtis, Negre, Boquet) has completely exploded the theory of Koch’s bacilli. The important of cuti-reactions which were then completely unknown has now become very important. Thus heredo-tuberculosis has become a reality like that of heredo-syphilis, which proves the theory of Psora.
We have then two theories: That of Psora and that of Tuberculinism. Now we will show their identity:
Clinical proofs.
The works of Bezacon and Jacquelin (Congress on Asthma, 1933), m show the close relation of Asthma with tuberculosis. The children of asthmatics very often become tubercular or inversely. It is also seen that asthma develops in chronic tubercular patients cured on in persons having calcified cavities.
Poncet has long ago described a form of Rheumatoid arthritis of tubercular origin. Numerous forms of arthritis are now attributed to the tubercular viruses. It is this conception which has led to the use of Gold in cases of rheumatoid arthritis, with frequent success. Let us note that the reaction of Vernes- resorcine is very often positive in these affections.
The tubercular form of salpingitis has a tendency of becoming more important. Pure or gonorrhoeal forms are associated. Same thing is considered in appendicitis (Caecal tuberculosis).
Some good results are obtained by anti-tubercular treatment in several other diseases. Asthma with Tuberculines (Jacqueline), treatment of rheumatism by chrysotherapy, methilic antigen or allergine.
Kent has shown alternate states of dementia and tuberculosis. Some anxiety neurosis are also attributed to tuberculosis.
In endocrinal troubles, tuberculosis is of great importance with syphilis (Addison’s disease, diabetes, Basedow’s disease etc.)
Systematic study of personal hereditary antecedents in psoric patients proves, alternate of diseases, which shows that there is predisposition to tuberculosis.
2.Laboratory results: The cuti-reactions to Tuberculines are positive in 97 Percent of cases in adults. Their intensity varies following anti-tubercular treatment by the application of diluted Tuberculines.
Vernes resorcin reactions which are positive in tuberculosis in evolution, is positive in rheumatism, which leads one to think that it is related to t tuberculous infections.
Pulmonary radiography shows in almost all individuals more or less discrete and sclerosed lesions of chronic tuberculosis.
This last information is confirmed by the autopsies in course of which the extreme frequency of calcified tubercles are discovered.
3. Arguments from Homoeopathic therapeutics: It is first of all necessary to take some cases which will show us in our psoric patients, the filiation with tuberculosis. In such cases, the addition of a diluted Tuberculine to the treatment is indicated. We know, on the other hand that in the majority of chronic cases, it is only after the use of a Tuberculine that we get final cure. The aggravation, almost constant in patients who are given Tuberculine at the beginning of the Treatment, has led Dr. A. Nebel to think that Psora was identical to tuberculinism. It is in order to avoid the aggravation, he found out his method of drainage. These aggravations, are seen in hypertensive, arteriosclerotic, arthritic, venous, uremic patients and in some patients having stones, eczema urticaria. Thus the arthritic diathesis which seems to be on the antipodes of tuberculosis is on the contrary attenuated tuberculinic. These patients have hypercholesterinemia which is nothing but an exaggeration of the defense against the tuberculous virus. Instead of caseifying, they cause sclerosis. The parasitosis are also under the dependence of tuberculin (intestinal worms, colibacillosis).
Finally if the Hahnemannian description of psora is compared with the pathogenesis of Tuberculinum, one will be astonished to see the analogy of the important symptoms. Dr. Renard has besides shown that Psorinum and Tuberculinum are interchangeable.
Therefore Psora seems to us clearly the ensemble of hereditary tubercular manifestations.
How can we explain the identification of psora with tuberculinism?
J. Sedillot has explained the role of hepatic insufficiency causing different manifestations, which apparently different and autonomous. He explains how the residues (nitrogenated) incompletely transformed by the weak liver are over-saturated in the blood serum where it flocculates either during a momentary overcharge of the liver (faulty diet), or during an anaphylactising cause (pollen, emotion etc.) These flocculates are phagocited by the monocytes, which, not being able to divest themselves of their renal epithelial burden, are eliminated through points where congestion of blood favours the exudation. In babies it is the skin,. the fragile barrier. it is very often irritated specially that of the orifices, causing oozing lesions which becomes secondarily infected and gives birth to oozing eczema. When late on the skin will become hard we, will find furuncles and urticarias; then come different tropisms: asthma during thee first bronchitis. Later on the favourite points of elimination will change and tropisms will be modified.
This hepatic deficiency, which remained undetermined to Sedillot, seems to us to be the fact that the foetus is contaminated by the tuberculous virus (Bernard). Because of the constant arrival during long months, of ultravirus into the liver through umbilical chord and vitellines, an abnormal proliferation of the conjunctive tissues of that organ is caused, because it is the tissue (reticulo-endothelial) which is precisely meant to produce the monocytes which will phagocyte the flocculates.
Thus we understand: 1.The identification of psora and tuberculinism. 2 Multiple psoric manifestations and their polymorphism.
In Summary:
Psora is therefore the direct consequence of tubercular affection, very often hereditary., sometimes acquired in lower age.
Its characteristic are 1. Alternance, 2. Endocrinal troubles, 3. Vago-sympathetic disturbances, 4 Troubles of tissue tonus, 5. Cutaneous tropism, 6 Parasital tendency, 7. Predisposition to contagious diseases, 8 Suppurative tendency, 9 Troubles of mineralisation.