
Kreosote.-Constipation, the stool being hard, dry, and only expelled with difficulty; stitches in the rectum extending towards the left groin; diminished secretion of urine, although he drinks much. Worse in the morning; also in the open air. Better from warmth.

Lachesis.-Constipation, with effectual desire to evacuate; constriction of the rectum or sensation as of a plug in the anus, stitch in the rectum when laughing or sneezing; haemorrhoids protrude after the stool, with constriction of the sphincter; foaming urine; sensation as if a ball were rolling in the bladder. Worse in the evening; also, in the open air, and from cold. Better from warmth, or in the house or room.

Lycopodium.-Constipation, hard stool with ineffectual desire to evacuate; desire for stool, followed by painful constriction of the rectum or anus; haemorrhage from the rectum, even after a soft stool; feeling of fullness in the rectum, which continues after a copious stool; contractive pain in the perineum, after scanty hard stool; stitches in the rectum; itching and tension in the anus; itching eruption of the anus, painful to the touch; painful closing of the anus; protrusion of the varices; distension of the varices of the rectum; narrowing of the rectum which produces piles; tearing pain in the rectum arresting the breath; piles surrounded by itching eruption painful to the touch; feeling of great fatigue after stool; haemorrhoids are the most painful when sitting; frequent desire to urinate, copious emission; sandy sediment in the urine. Worse in the afternoon; also, when lying down, or sitting, and from the pressure of the clothes. Better from cold.

Mercurius.-Constipation, stool tenacious or crumbling, can only be discharged after violent straining; discharge of blood before, during and after stool; burning pain in the anus with a loose stool discharge if mucus from the rectum; after the stool prolapsus ani, or when straining and pressing to stool; the rectum is black, discharging blood; frequent and violent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge and feeble stream. Worse in the evening, and at night; also. from the heat of the bed, and when exercising. Better when at rest, or while lying down.

Muriatic acid.-(See Nitric acid. The same symptoms when they occur in light complexioned people). Prolapsus ani when urinating.

Natrum mur.-Constipation, stools difficult to discharge, hard, dry, crumbling, like sheep’s dung; difficult stool, with stitches in the rectum; passes blood with the stool; during and after stool burning in the anus and rectum; piles with stinging pain; soreness at the anus, and around it, when walking; tetter at the anus; frequent and strong desire to urinate, with profuse discharge. Worse in the afternoon; also from any exertion. Better when lying on the back or right side and after lying down.

Nitric acid.-Anal fissure, or haemorrhoids with painful burning in the rectum, after stool; and after micturition, excessive irritation; anxiety and general uneasiness after stool. Bleeding of the piles, and of the anus during stool; swelling and almost continuous protrusion of the varices; almost daily contraction of the anus; in persons of dark complexion; sharp stitching pains after each evacuation; constant weight and pressure in the rectum, aggravated by exercise; in women, throbbing in the nape of the neck, and small of the back, just before the catamenia.

Nux vomica-Constipation, stools insufficient, black, hard, often streaked with blood, as from inactivity of the intestines; stools like pitch; painful blind piles; shocks in the small of the back, with bruising pain so that the patient is unable to rise up; stinging, burning, and itching of the anus; discharge of blood and mucus; painful, ineffectual urging to urinate. Worse in the morning; also on motion, and on being lightly touched. Better from strong pressure.

Opium.-Constipation, from inactivity of the intestines; the stools are retained spasmodically; suppression of urine, as from contraction or paralysis of the bladder. Worse in the night; also after sleep, and on becoming heated. Better from motion.

Paeonia.-Painful ulcer at the anus with exudation of a foetid moisture extending toward the perineum.

Petroleum.-Have cured several cases with the following symptoms: Haemorrhoids, internal, with puffy tender swelling at the posterior verge of the anus; intense itching from the coccyx upwards, also in the nates on either side; attacks preceded by weeks of intense itching-biting of the anus, and perineum with widespread redness around the anus; the margin of the areolar surrounded by a herpetic eruption, scaling off; itching changing to burning with moisture after scratching; at night on getting into bed, the itching is intolerable for hours with great moisture of the perineum, with mucus discharge from the anus; the itching changes place on scratching or rubbing. Worse at night; also from heat, heat of the bed, and rubbing or scratching.

Better from cold, cold water, and pinching the parts. Sulphur is sometimes needed to complete a cure, and in one cases Kali-c.

Phosphorus.-Constipation, small-shaped, hard stool, and expelled with great difficulty; discharge of blood from the rectum, also during stool; spasms in the rectum; paralysis of the lower intestines and the sphincter ani; discharge of mucus out of the wide-open anus; stinging or itching at the anus; easily bleeding piles; increased secretion or watery pale urine; involuntary discharge of urine. Worse in the evening and at night; also when lying on the back, or left side. Better when lying on the right side, from rubbing and after sleeping.

Platina.-Itching, tingling and tenesmus at the anus, in the evening; frequent micturition, with slow flow of urine. Worse in the evening, also when at rest. Better during motion.

Podophylum.-Constipation, with flatulence and headache; faeces hard and dry, and voided only with difficulty; prolapsus ani, with diarrhoea; descent of the rectum from a little exertion, followed by stool, or by thick and transparent mucus, mixed with blood; urine suppressed, or involuntary urination during sleep.

Pulsatilla.-Difficult soft stool, with straining and backache; during stool congestion of blood to the anus; piles with great soreness; incontinence of urine; scanty red-brown urine. Worse in the evening; also from heat. Better from cold.

Rhus tox.- Sore haemorrhoids, protruding after stool; frequent urging to urinate day and night, with increased secretions; involuntary discharge of urine at night, or while sitting. Worse at night; also, from cold and pressure. Better from warmth.

Ruta grav.-Prolapsus ani with every stool, either soft or hard; frequent unsuccessful urging to stool, with prolapsus ani; soft stool. which from inactivity of the bowels, is discharged with difficulty; frequent desire to micturate, with scanty emissions. Worse in the afternoon; also, during wet, and from cold. Better from motion.

Sarsaparilla.-Difficult and painful stool, with fainting attacks; stool retarded, hard, and insufficient; frequent inefficient urging to urinate, with diminished secretion. Worse in the afternoon; also, from cold. Better from warmth. Sepia.-Insufficient stool, with straining and tenesmus; discharge of blood with the stool; pain in the rectum as from contraction; itching, burning, and stinging in the rectum and anus; sensation of a leaden ball in the rectum oozing from the rectum; discharge of mucus from the rectum, with stinging and tearing; frequent micturition. Worse in the forenoon, and in the evening; also, when at rest. Better from warmth, and when violently exercising.

Silicea.-Constipation; difficult hard stool, which is large, and if partly expelled slips back again, as if there was not power enough to expel it; even the soft stool is expelled with much difficulty; itching in the anus and rectum, also during stool; piles protrude during stool and become strangulated; intense pain, with even slight protrusion; a cramping pain from the anus and rectum to the testicle; anus constantly damp; violent sharp stitches in the rectum when walking; pains chiefly burning and cutting; continuous urging to urinate, with scanty discharge. Worse in the night; also, from cold. Better from warmth.

Spigelia.-Frequent, though inefficient, urging to stool; discharge of large lumps of mucus without faeces; itching and tickling at the anus, and in the rectum; frequent micturition, with profuse discharge. Worse in the forenoon, and at night; also, on bending down, from movement, or on touching the parts. Better after lying down.

Sulphur.-Constipation; frequent unsuccessful desire for stool; stool hard, knotty, insufficient; during the stool, discharge of blood, pain in the small of the back, palpitation of the heart, congestion to the head, prolapsus recti (especially during a hard stool); itching, burning and stinging at the anus, and in the rectum; after stool, tenesmus, constriction of the anus, swelling of, with soreness and stitching in the anus, frequent micturition, with small emission; burning, tearing, itching, in the rectum and anus, with feeling of fullness; cannot bear to have the piles washed with water; inclination to scratch the part; scratching increases burning and itching. Worse in the evening, and at night; also, on getting warm in bed, from bodily exertion, while at rest, and from touching the parts. Better from motion, and from heat.

J.G. Gilchrist
OF IOWA, CHICAGO. Author of - The homoeopathic treatment of surgical diseases, Published 1873. Surgical emergencies and accidents, Published 1884. The elements of surgical pathology : with therapeutic hints, Published 1896. Surgical diseases and their homoeopathic therapeutics, Published 1880.