
While Nux vomica, Sulphur, and a few other remedies are of the first importance in this malady, the list of those proved curative is large, and will repay study.

Aconite.-Bleeding piles; stinging and pressure in the anus; abdomen feels full, with tensive pressure, and colicky pains; bruised feeling in the back and sacrum.

Aesculus hip.- Large, firm haemorrhoidal tumours, with severe pains across the back and hips, as if they would break in two.

Aloe socot.-Heaviness, heat, pressing, and burning in the rectum; mucus and blood in the faeces; itching. burning, pulsating pain, as from a fissure in the anus; constant bearing down, low in the rectum; large volumes of wind precede the stool; haemorrhoidal tumours protrude like bunches of grapes, and are very painful, sore, tender and hot; increased secretion of urine, especially at night, constant rumbling in the abdomen, with feeling as if he must have stool, but no evacuation following the effort. Jelly like, bloody stool. Worse in the afternoon; also when standing up or sitting still. Better from cold water.

Alumina.-During evacuation blood spurts out of the rectum, followed by soreness all along the rectum; stool hard and dry, shaped like laurel berries blood passes away from the haemorrhoidal tumours when walking; tumours always burn; perineum sweats, and is tender to the touch. Worse in the evening; also when walking and on being touched Better after night’s rest.

Ambra gris.-Itching, smarting and stinging at the anus; increase secretion of urine, much more than the fluid drank. Worse in the evening; also when lying in a warm place and on awakening. Better from slow motion in the open air, and when lying or pressing upon the painful part.

Ammonium mur-Bleeding from the rectum, with lancinating pains in the perineum, especially in the evening; stinging and itching in the rectum, during and before the stool; piles surrounded by inflamed pustules.

Antim crud. -Continual discharge of mucus from the bowels; alternate diarrhoea and constipation; increased and frequent discharge of urine at night, with discharge of mucus, burning in the urethra, and pain in the small of the back. Worse at night; also, after bathing, and from the heat of the fire. Better during rest, or in the open air.

Arnica mont.- Painful pressure in the rectum; stools small and frequent, consisting only of slime; crampy sensation in the rectum; running in the rectum when standing, tenesmus in the rectum; pain pricking and burning. Worse in the morning, evening and at night; also, when moving, when being touched, and from cold. Better from pressure.

Arsenicum alb.-Burning and soreness in the rectum and anus; haemorrhoidal tumours with burning pain; the rectum is pushed out spasmodically, with great pain, it remains protruded after haemorrhage from the rectum; smaller and painful haemorrhoids; varices which burn like fire, at night, stinging during the day particularly when walking; burns so that he threatens to tear them to pieces. Worse at night; also from cold. Better from warmth.

Belladonna.- Spasmodic stricture of the rectum; paralysis of the sphincter ani; stinging pain in the rectum; contortive pain in the rectum; violent itching, and constrictive sensation in the anus; urine scanty, fiery red, dark, turbid.

Worse in the evening, and at night; also, on moving, or when touching the parts.

Better while standing, or when lying down.

Berberis vulg.-Fistula ani with great soreness and pain throughout the entire back, from sacrum upwards, greatly increased when the patient performs any labour.

Bryonia alb.-Hard, tough stool, with protrusion of the rectum;long lasting burning in the rectum after hard stool;sharp burning pain in the rectum with soft stool, white and turbid urine; sensation of constriction in the urethra when urinating. Worse in the morning; also from motion, and from heat. Better while lying down, or on getting warm in bed.

Calcarea carb.-Discharge of blood from the rectum; prolapsus ani, with constipation; itching of the anus; varices smaller, protruding, and burning violent pressure in the rectum; burning in the rectum; pricking of the rectum as if from ascarides; grape-like eruption around the anus, painful and burning; frequent micturition also at night; during micturition burning in the urethra.

Calcarea phos.-Fistula ani, in persons who have pains in the joints, with every spell of cold, stormy weather. Fissures of the anus, in tall, slim, light complexioned children, and who form none and teeth slowly.

Carbo veg.-Constipation, with hard, tough and scanty stool; the stool, if soft, is passed with difficulty; discharge of blood from the rectum; burning varices, burning at the anus, after stool; soreness of, and oozing of moisture from the perineum; frequent and anxious urging to pass urine; copious emission of light yellow urine; great burning and itching at the anus, with swelling of the tumours, and lancinating pain in the thighs.

Causticum.-Haemorrhoids sore and painful when walking; piles impede the passage of faeces; for clergymen who have an attack after every effort to preach.

Chamomilla.-Constipation from inactivity of the anus; inflamed varices, with ulcerated rhagades of the anus; itching pain at the anus; ineffectual urging, with anguish during micturition; smarting pain in the urethra during micturition. Worse at night; also, while lying down. Better from warmth,

China off.-Difficult passage of faeces, even when soft, as from inactivity of the bowels; stitches in the rectum, also during stool; tingling in the anus, as if from ascarides; discharge of mucus from the rectum: bleeding piles; urine is dark, turbid and scanty; frequent micturition. Worse at night; also, from touching the parts softly. Better in the house.

Colchicum.- Stool scanty, discharged only by hard straining, even of the soft stool, with pain in the small of the back; extremely painful stool; ineffectual pressing to stool, he feels the faeces in the rectum, yet cannot expel them; during stool, sensation as if the sphincter ani were torn to pieces; burning at the anus; spasms of the sphincter ani, frequent micturition, Worse in the evening, and at night; also, from cold, when walking, and from being touched. Better while sitting, or lying down.

Colocynth.-Constriction of the rectum during stool; discharges of blood from the rectum with stinging, burning pain in the small of the back and anus, Worse in the afternoon, and in the evening; also during rest, Better from motion.

Ferrum met.-Contractive spasm in the rectum; protrusion of large varices at the anus; painless diarrhoea; involuntary micturition, particularly in the day time. Worse in the morning, and at night; also when at rest, Better from slow motion.

Graphites.-Constipation, with hard, knotty stools, in lumps, united by a thread of mucus; burning of the rectum, with sour- smelling stool; itching and sore feeling of the anus; varices of the rectum, and between them burning rhagades at the anus; prolapsus recti with the varices, as if the rectum were paralyzed; frequent micturition, particularly at night; hardness in region of liver; moist humid eruptions about the head and ears. Worse at night; also, from cold. Better from warmth, and in getting warm in bed.

Hamamelis virg- This remedy, I am sorry to say, has always been used by me empirically; it has, however, since I commenced using it, rarely failed to cure any case of haemorrhoids. I use it topically. Anal fissure.

Hepar sulph.-Constipation, with hard, dry stool; even when the faeces are not hard, they are expelled with great difficulty; haemorrhage from the rectum, with soft stool; soreness of the rectum after stool, with ichor; burning at the rectum; protrusion of the varices; perspiration on the perineum; the urine is passed slowly, and with difficulty. Worse at night; also from cold air, from pressure and from touching the parts. Better from warmth.

Ignatia am.-The stool is of too large size, soft, but very difficulty to discharge; stitches from the anus, up the rectum; itching and creeping in the rectum as from ascarides; prolapsus ani, with smarting pain from slight pressure to stool; constriction of the anus after stool; frequent discharge of watery urine; sudden sharp stitches in rectum, upwards into the body. Worse in the evening, and in the morning; also, after lying down. Better when lying on the back.

Kali carb.- Constipation with difficult emission of too large sized faeces; retarded stool, from inactivity of the rectum; smarting pain at the anus, with diarrhoea; continual burning at the anus after stool; discharge of blood with the stool; itching and tingling of the anus; ulcerated pimples at the anus’; protrusion and distension of the varices during stool, with pricking and burning; protrusion of the varices during micturition, emitting first blood, then white mucus; inflammation, soreness, stitches, and tingling, as from ascarides in the varices; frequent micturition, with discharge of small quantities of fiery urine; the urine is discharged slowly; feeling of fissure in anus; cannot convince him to the contrary; stinging, burning, tearing, itching, screwing, biting, follows each stool, setting him almost crazy; walks the floor for relief, cannot sleep from sufferings; difficult stool, from great bulk of piles. Worse in the morning; also, when at rest, from cold, and when lying on the side. Better on getting warm.

J.G. Gilchrist
OF IOWA, CHICAGO. Author of - The homoeopathic treatment of surgical diseases, Published 1873. Surgical emergencies and accidents, Published 1884. The elements of surgical pathology : with therapeutic hints, Published 1896. Surgical diseases and their homoeopathic therapeutics, Published 1880.