Rx Hydrarg. sulph. rubri.,

Sulph. sublimat.,


Ol. bergamot.,

M. Sig. Apply constantly.








Rx Sulphuris precipitati,

Balsami Peruvianae.

Unguenti diachyli,

M. Sig. Apply constantly.


3j; z3j;




Lotions containing the above may be used in individual cases but are less often useful. Occasionally acute cases may be benefited by the continued application of sodium bicarbonate solution or a 5 per cent. creolin in glycerin, while long standing, obstinate indurated cases may be aroused by painting a small area at a time with liquor potassae, which is washed off in half a minute and a zinc oxid or other mild protective ointment applied.

I believe the X-rays present the best treatment for all persistent and obstinate cases. A medium soft tube may be used for five to ten minutes at eight to ten inches distance, every three or four days, until a slight erythema develops and falling of the hair ensues. Eight to ten exposures usually suffice and I have followed this procedure in about thirty cases, including one of lupoid sycosis, with nearly perfect results. Massive dose X-raying presents some advantages over the fractional method and may be used if the proper technic is possible. In milder forms the unipolar X-ray tube or mild fulguration are equally successful. Pyoktanin in 10 per cent. solution may be applied by cataphoresis, the positive electrode being placed on the lesion and the cathode held in the hand. A vaccine (staphylococci) may be administered in selected cases. Any of these means suggested may be followed or accompanied, to a certain extent, by the ointments before mentioned.

No matter what local treatment may be selected, the internal remedy, particularly as it applies to the general condition, should be carefully selected. See indications for Arsen. iod., Graphites, Hepar., Kali brom., K. mur., Mercurius, M. biniod., Nat. sulph., Viola.

Frederick Dearborn
Dr Frederick Myers DEARBORN (1876-1960)
American homeopath, he directed several hospitals in New York.
Professor of dermatology.
Served as Lieut. Colonel during the 1st World War.
See his book online: American homeopathy in the world war