(Pseudo-colloid of the lips)
This affection involves the vermilion of the lips and mucous membranes of the mouth and was first described by Fordyce in 1896. Subsequent observations have demonstrated that it is relatively common but not often detected because it does not annoy its possessor. The eruption consists of few or many, white or yellow, discrete, aggregated milium-lime maculopapules which are best seen by stretching the affected membrane. The subjective sensations are slight if any and the favorite locations are the upper and lower lips and the oral mucous membrane along the line of the teeth as far back as the last molar.
Etiology and Pathology. White, from his report of sixty-five cases, found that a large proportion were associated with digestive disturbances and disorders of the sebaceous glands. Adult males are those more frequently affected. There is some difference of opinion as to the nature and development of these lesions. Thus White coincides with Fordyce’s original opinion and holds that this condition is due to a granular degeneration of the rete cells. Other investigators believe that the malady is due to a varying degree of hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands.
Prognosis and Treatment. This disease is benign, persistent and shows only slight tendency toward retrogressive changes. Treatment is usually not essential and fortunately so, for it is most unsatisfactory.