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Borland gives the symptoms related to stomach, intestines, abdomen, liver, rectum, digestion etc for the homeopathy medicine Magnesia Carbonica, published in his book Digestive Drugs in 1940….


THERE are one or two definite conditions in which there are indications for Mag. carb., the clearest being in cases of acute acid dyspepsia, and like so many patients suffering from this complaint most Mag. carb. patients are depressed and very disconsolate.

They are aggravated by any mental exertion, particularly by talking.

Frequently they complain that after a good night’s sleep, they wake up feeling very weak and worse than before they went to bed. They are always sensitive to noise and to touch. They are also very sensitive to cold, particularly cold draughts, and to any drop in temperature even though it may not become really cold.

Mag. carb. patients are liable to have attacks of acute griping pain associated with violent heartburn, or they may have a feeling of abdominal distension accompanied by acute colic. In these attacks, the abdomen is very sensitive to pressure.

The eructations from which they suffer are either very sour or they are bitter; more commonly, they are sour.

Mag. carb. patients are always aggravated by milk, which seems to sour immediately in their stomachs and increase their distress. They always have a very marked aversion to any green food or green vegetables. Often this is accompanied by a definite liking for meat, which may amount to their taking practically nothing but a meat diet and no vegetables at all, although as a rule they have no aversion to bread and starchy things in general.

The point that makes these patients typically Mag. carb. is that, associated with the acid dyspepsia, they are very liable to suffer from either acute facial neuralgia or acute dental neuralgia.

With facial neuralgia, the patient has red-hot shooting pains in the face; which tend to be much worse at night, and the patient finds it impossible to stay in bed and must get up and walk about. They are also very much worse from cold, and from any cold draught.

With dental neuralgia the patient is much worse at night, and very much worse in a warm bed. But, in contrast to the facial ones, these neuralgias are definitely relieved by cold drinks or cold water held in the mouth, whereas the facial ones are very much aggravated by cold in any form.

Mag. carb. patients tend to get their most distressing gastric in the late afternoon, probably between 6 o’clock and 7 o’clock, and they are usually accompanied by nausea. You may confuse this with the Lycopodium 4 to 8 aggravation and so miss the Mag. carb. indication.

But there are other distinguishing points which help. Mag. carb. patients in their attacks of acid dyspepsia, are liable to have colicky pains on the left side of the abdomen or round about the umbilicus : Lycopodium patients have irregular colicky pains and a sense of general distension.

Following on the attacks of colic, Mag. carb. patients have very acute attacks of diarrhoea, usually with green stools which have a very sour smell : practically all Lycopodium patients are constipated.

Douglas Borland
Douglas Borland M.D. was a leading British homeopath in the early 1900s. In 1908, he studied with Kent in Chicago, and was known to be one of those from England who brought Kentian homeopathy back to his motherland.
He wrote a number of books: Children's Types, Digestive Drugs, Pneumonias
Douglas Borland died November 29, 1960.