

Oppression of the breath, constriction of chest in region of diaphragm as soon as that region is bathed, obliged to raise chest out of water, returned whenever the water reached the region of diaphragm.- Chest seems constricted by clothes, which are not tight.


Slight angina pectoris.- Becomes very weak about the heart.- Beat of heart accelerated, violent.- Palpitation.- Pulse: slow, irregular, accelerated, intermittent.


Tension and stiffness in nape.- Drawing in nape.


Trembling of limbs with weakness.- Very rapid growth of nails.- Limbs: feel light, with desire to move, heavy, indolent, weary, exhausted.- Swelling of hands and feet disappeared after copious sweat.- Sweat of hand and feet.

Upper Limbs

Trembling of hands. Inclined to panaritia.

Lower Limbs

Great weariness of lower limbs, with pain in toes. Cramp in thighs. Rheumatic pain in right thigh for several days, worse walking. Pain in right thigh-bone as if hernia would protrude. Feet: painful and sensitive, burning. Corns become raised, softened, and drop off. Strong odour of sweat on feet.


Body smells like rotten eggs.- Great ease and vigor of motion.- Feeling of comfort with very profuse sweat.- (Less weakness.)- Weariness, fatigue, exhaustion, uneasiness.- Faintness.- Dormant rheumatism reappears.- Aversion to the water, sometimes causing cramp-like sensations when coming near the bath.- Much inclined to take cold.- Whole body feels bruised.


In the bath the skin becomes thick, parchment-like, after a while rough like sand between the fingers, feeling wrinkled.- (Parchment-like skin becomes soft.) – Cracks.- Desquamation.- Callosities come off.- Pimples, vesicles, boils, red, elevated points, moist tetter.- Very painful abscesses develop towards surface from deep in flesh, with long-continued suppuration.- Itching: biting, burning, intolerable.


Sleepiness. – No desire to rise, weary, with sleep in morning. Sleep sound but not refreshing.- Sleep disturbed by dreams.


Chills: from slightest air on the clothes or under bed covers: while dressing after bath.- Alternations of chill and heat. Orgasm of blood disturbing sleep.- General heat of body with a hard stool.- Sensation of burning heat over whole body.- Constant sensation of heat with qualmishness.- Burning heat of hands. Sweat: profuse, and urine, copious on a long walk, with itching, clammy, itching, trickles from head, on neck, with disappearance of the yellow spots, profuse on face, compels rubbing.- Sweat on palms and soles, wrinkling of skin of hands as washerwoman’s. The sweat on diseased parts colours linen brown.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica