Veratrum Viride


Full, pressing heavy feeling in eyes. Severe shooting, suddenly stopping pain in left eye. Aching: upper part of right orbit, directly over right eye. Fullness about lids as after crying. Lids heavy and sleepy. Profuse lachrymation. Vision: dim (as if scales over eyes), unsteady, double, dim with faintness on rising up. Green circles round gas-light. Immense green circles round candle, which as vertigo came on and I closed my eyes turned to red. Suddenly blind in upper half of visual field. Cannot walk, if attempts if very faint and completely blind, obliged to keep horizontal position 2.20 p.m. Photophobia and vertigo better closing eyes and resting head, morning.


Fullness and throbbing in ears Used locally relieves earache (*R.T.C.). Earache with sleeplessness and restlessness, sometimes leaving left ear and passing up to vertex causing eyeballs to ache and back of head to be painful, chills down back and electric twitches in fingers of both hands, and affecting tongue: temperature and pulse high (great relief. *R.T.C.). Deafness from moving quickly with faintness. Ringing, humming with sensitiveness to noise.


Nose pinched and blue. Catarrh and sneezing. Profuse secretion of mucus from nose. Itching first of right then left ala.


Face: very pale, with cadaverous look, blue, hippocratic, flushed. Stinging in right malar bone. Pains in right angle of lower jaw. Lock jaw. Convulsive twitchings of facial muscles. Mouth drawn down at one corner. Lips dry, and mucus of mouth thick. (Phlegmonous erysipelas of face and head).


Tongue: white as if bleached (not coated), white center, red edges and tip, strawberry, red center, edges yellow, feels scalded, red streak down center, inclined to be dry. Acrid burning sensation in mouth. Faint odor of chloroform or ether in mouth. Great increase of saliva, and mucus from stomach and nose. Taste: flat, like lime water, bitterish and peculiar, like odor of semen. Loss of speech.


Dryness and heat in throat, with severe hiccough. Burning in fauces and oesophagus, with constant inclination to swallow. Numbness of fauces. Spasms of oesophagus constant, violent, with or without rising of bloody frothy mucus, with violent hiccough. Sense of ball moving into oesophagus as far as top of sternum.


Ravenous appetite, on waking. Very thirsty, drinks little, which better for a short time. Hiccough: constant, exceedingly painful and violent. Eructation: frequent of wind: acrid, sour risings. Nausea and dizziness, followed by heat of surface. (Continual nausea and sick feeling with dread of food in a bronchitis patient. *R.T.C.). Contents of stomach thrown off with a rumbling action without nausea. Sensation as if stomach thrown off with a rumbling action without nausea. Sensation as if stomach slowly contracting on its contents and forcing them into oesophagus, producing sensation as of a ball rising up to top of sternum. Retching with agonizing pain. The least quantity of food causes violent vomiting. Vomiting: profuse, of thick, glairy mucus, of food, of bile, with collapse and cold sweat. Twisting-tearing pain in stomach worse by least motion. As if waves rising from stomach to chest, on waking. Pains in stomach, sharp, flying. Great irritability of stomach. (Choked spleen. *R.T.C.).


Dull, heavy aching in region of gall-bladder, and umbilical region. Neuralgic pain right side of navel to groin. In umbilical region: severe cutting aching pains, with rumbling, dull aching, distress. Peritonitis when pulse is hard and firm (A.C.Clifton). Pain and soreness across abdomen just above pelvis. Pain in bowels ran into scrotum, pain in scrotum last to disappear.


Crawling in anus. Tenesmus and diarrhoea, copious and offensive stool, with burning of anus and pale face, tenesmus and burning before and up to stool, not during and after, better after stool. Sudden excessive tenesmus. Stools: copious, light, mornings, mushy, with tenesmus and burning, bloody (black in typhoid), doughy, stringy, hard to expel, alternately soft and hard every two hours.

Urinary Organs

Smarting in urethra on urinating. Urine: scanty, very clear, turbid, with reddish sediment, and scum. Hemorrhage in fungus hematodes vesicae.

Male Sexual Organs

Pains in both testicles, worse left morning, sometimes shoots up into abdomen. Severe pain in left testicle all through the proving.

Female Sexual Organs

(Congestion of pelvic organs, tenderness of uterus, fever, heat, restlessness, palpitation, local or general anaesthesia. Menstrual colic or dysmenorrhoea, much nausea and vomiting, plethora, cerebral congestion. Membranous dysmenorrhoea, soreness as of a boil in uterine region. Suppressed menses with cerebral congestion, plethora. Amenorrhoea from exposure, chill, complete suppression of discharge, heavy pressive aching in uterine region, intense pain in head with heat and throbbing arteries, mind wandering, sobbing, tendency to hysteric spasms. Vomiting during pregnancy. Rigid os. Puerperal convulsions with arterial excitement, cold, clammy sweat. Puerperal fever, sudden suppression of milk and lochia, quick, weak, or hard, bounding pulse. After abortion retained placenta. Mastitis with great arterial and nervous excitement.).

Respiratory Organs

In evening, tickling, spasmodic cough from just above sternum. Respiration: difficult, with nausea: slow between the vomiting spells, convulsive almost to suffocation. Oppressed breathing on attempting to walk, irregular bowels, sleepless, fullness and heaviness in splenic region, history of ague in early life, profuse diarrhoea followed *Verbascum v. with great relief (*R.T.C.). (Membranous croup, after *Aconite) Cough: short, dry, hacking, loose, rattling, worse going from warm to cold.


Constriction of chest, when vomiting ceases. Chest oppressed as from heavy cold. (Oppression of chest with phlegmy sickness in woman, 83. *R.T.C.) Feeling of dislocation in chest when walking. Throbbing in right side of chest. Pains about left nipple. (Congestion of chest with rapid respiration, nausea, vomiting, dull burning in region of heart. Pneumonia and pleurisy: pulse hard, strong, quick, or slow and intermitting, lungs engorged, faint feeling in stomach, high fever, face flushed.) (Old pneumonic congestion with super added acute pleurisy. *R.T.C.).


Pricking pains in region of heart with the headache. Constant burning distress in region of heart. Burning under sternum. Dull, hot, aching pain in heart region 3 p.m. Neuralgic pains in heart. Slow action of heart. Palpitation and dyspnoea. Violent palpitation of heart and faint feeling (agg. *R.T.C.) Faintness and biliousness, when rising from lying, from sudden motion, lying quietly. Pulse: slow, soft and weak, irregular, intermittent, suddenly increases and gradually decreases below normal.

Neck and Back

Aching in neck and shoulder, almost impossible to hold head up. Muscles of back contracted, drawing head back. Pain in right and left sides of neck. Throbbing and crawling in left back. Pain in right of sacrum where it joins pelvis.


Rheumatism especially left shoulder, hip, and knee, high fever, scanty red urine. Clumsiness. Loss of power of gastrocnemii and muscles of forearm. Slight drawing in right elbow and calves. Throbbing in left radius and right femur. Sensation as of galvanic shocks in limbs.

Upper Limbs

Aching: top of left shoulder above scapular ridge, in arms and neck. Shuddering in left and right shoulders in succession. Pain: in outer condyle of right humerus, in right elbow, in right and left ulna, in fingers and thumb.

Lower Limbs

Total loss of locomotion for some hours. Pains in either great trochanter when lying on it. Much pain in hip-joints and about condyles. Cramps in legs. Sensation of cramp in gastrocnemii with inability to exert them. Drawing in right calf while walking. Lancinating pain in right hip. Joints swollen, very tender, high fever. (Knee tender, swollen after a wrench.) Right ankle feels dislocated, can scarcely walk, later, left.


Pallor with syncope. Tremor. Spasm with violent shrieks, opisthotonos, face dark blue, breath suspended, lasting two minutes and recurring after few minutes’ interval. (Epileptic fits in a child, bad case. *R.T.C.) Nervous attack with shaking trembling and chilliness (agg. *R.T.C.). Numbness. Clothes irritate as if they did not fit well. Convulsions. Chorea, movements continuing in sleep. Often indicated in hemorrhage from various organs *R.T.C.). The pains of influenza, headaches, gastralgia, pains in calves of legs (*R.T.C.).


Itching in many parts. (Erythema. Erysipelas. Congestive stage of exanthema.) Used locally, relieves pain in erysipelas (R.T.C.) (Measles, with intense conjunctivitis and high fever. R.T.C.).


Very sleepy. Coma, blue face, spasms. Restless and sleepless. Dreams: frightful, of being on the water, of people drowning, about water, fishing, &c., lively in which he was continually baffled and provoked.


Chilly, body cold but moist skin. Cold shivers, head and feet cold and numbed, crept up arms and legs as if enveloped in damp clothing. Heat followed dizziness and nausea, icy coldness followed the heat. Feverishness, depressed in mind and body, weak, pains in shoulder and over body as from influenza, with prickling irritating rash on forehead, face, and chest (agg. *R.T.C.). Profuse diaphoresis and sense of utter prostration. Bathed in cold sweat. Cold, clammy sweat on forehead. (Irritative fever with cerebral congestion. Streptococcus fever, rapid and violent alternations of temperature. Ephemeral fevers with nausea and retching. Cerebrospinal fever. Typhoid. Yellow fever.) (Typhoid fever, fourth week, beef-steak tongue, sickness, unable to retain any food, great prostration and sinking at epigastrium. *R.T.C.).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica