

Injuries (slightest injury=spasms. Bed-sores form soon in typhoid). SYMPTOMS.


Extremely delirious, attempting to get out of the window, threatening and vociferating wildly. Anxious, hypochondriacal sensation, as if all around were desolate, disagreeable, or strange (very changeable disposition). Joyous, tremulous excitement, mild delirium. Intellect clouded. Fear, especially in evening, and in the dark. Despair. The most opposite moral symptoms appear alternately. Extreme instability of ideas. General illusions and errors of the mind. Hallucinations: especially at night, sees figures, animals, men, thinks she is some one else, moves to edge of bed to make room. Great flow of ideas, chasing one another. Felt like one who is dreaming. Hysteria, with nervous over-excitability of the nerves.


Head confused, as after intoxication. Intoxication and dizziness, with absence of ideas. Whirling in head when stooping forwards. Headache, which appears suddenly or in jerks. Fullness as from rush of blood to head. Pressive headache, or with pressive shootings, especially in forehead, towards orbits, often alternating with confusion and dizziness in the head. Headache, worse in evening, when at rest, and in the open air, better from movement in the room and when changing the position, the pressure over the orbits alternates between a pressing and a sticking, the sticking is like a darting, tearing as if it would pierce the eyes from within outward. Headache an hour after dinner, pressure over eyes as if they would be pressed out, worse moving them. Drawing pain on one side of head, from a current of air. Headache in the sunshine. Stupefying contraction in head, as from a violent blow on vertex. Sensation of icy coldness in upper part of head, from pressure of hat. Pressure and drawing into side of occiput. Piercing drawing, with pressure from nape to occiput, when bending head back. Sweat in hair of forehead and on forehead about noon.


Eyes downcast, as after a nocturnal debauch, especially after a meal. Pressure, burning sensation, and smarting in eyes as from smoke, morning after rising. Tearing in right eyeball, sight dim in morning, and pain as from insufficient sleep. Sees things at a distance more distinctly than usual. The eyes shine. Redness, swelling, and pain as from excoriation in margin of eyelids. Swelling and painful sensibility of eyelids. Myopia. Brightness and light before eyes when in the dark, so that objects become almost distinguishable, with this a sensation as if he felt that things were near him even when not looking at them, on looking, he perceives they really were there (10 p.m.). Sparks before eyes.


Otalgia, with spasmodic drawings. Jerkings in the ears. Tinkling and ringing in the ears. Illusions of hearing, imagined he heard the bell strike.


Violent sneezing.


Pain in face, with spasmodic twitching and drawing in zygomatic process. Redness and heat of cheeks in open air, a quarter of an hour later sweat breaks out over whole body, especially in face. Twitching of muscles of face. Darting like electricity in right ramus of lower jaw.


Toothache, with shooting pain.


White blisters on tongue and upper lip, painful when touched.


Taste in mouth (and smell before nose) as of fetid tallow (early in the morning after waking). Bitter taste on tip of tongue when passing it over the lips after a meal. Insipid and slimy taste in mouth after waking in morning. Bulimy, with nausea.


Risings, with the taste of rotten eggs, on waking in morning. Frequent, empty, or rancid and burning risings. Voracious hunger with nausea. Nausea and a sensation as if there were a thread from gullet to abdomen (arising from umbilicus and gradually rising to fauces), with copious accumulation of saliva. Nausea, with syncope, lips white and body cold. Disposition to vomit. Vomiting of bile and of mucus, with violent shivering and shaking. Nocturnal vomiting. Weak stomach and digestion. Pressure at scrobiculus, appearing and disappearing suddenly, with a gurgling in abdomen.


Pains in hepatic region and epigastrium when touched. Painful shocks in right hypochondrium. Abdomen inflated and hard. Powerful sensation of expansion in abdomen, as if about to burst. Tendency to retract abdomen. Spasms in abdomen, generally in evening, in bed, or after dinner, allowing no better in any position whatever. Hemorrhoidal colic, from worms. Gripings and painful pinchings in abdomen when retracting it. Pains in left side of abdomen in evening, as from subcutaneous ulceration. Drawing, pressure, and pains as from a bruise in hypogastrium, inguina, and abdominal muscles, as after a chill or strain. Digging pains in abdomen.


Loose evacuations. Greenish feces of consistence of pap, mixed with blood. Painful borings in rectum. Bubbling pressure above anus in region of coccyx. Discharge of blood from anus. Ascarides from rectum.

Urinary Organs

Profuse and frequent emission of urine. Urine contains a white, red, or turbid sediment. During urination much straining and prolapsus recti.

Male Sexual Organs

Creeping and drawing in penis as if it had gone to sleep, frequent erections the day previous, early in morning. Tensive gurgling in right testis when sitting.

Female Sexual Organs

Menses too late and scanty. Neurasthenia of sexual organs of women. Child vomits as soon as it has been nursed, after mother has been angry. Child vomits curdled milk in large lumps, the same in stools.

Respiratory Organs

Choking in throat-pit on falling asleep, wakens as if suffocating. Inspirations grow less and less deep and more rapid till they cease, then catches her breath by a sobbing effort in spells. Sensation as if something warm were rising from stomach, arresting breathing, with tickling deep in throat and cough.


Obstructed respiration and anguish in chest. Oppressed respiration, with pressure on lower part of chest. Frequent jerks and stitches in chest (with the sensation as if something were pressed out), sometimes on left side (in region of heart) when drawing breath. Sudden stitches in chest and liver from within out. Eruption of small, hard nodosities on chest.


Drawing pains in the loins and back. Pain in the region of the loins as from a chill or a strain. Lancinations in left lumbar region above hip, worse when standing, and especially when sitting, than when walking. Rheumatic pains in the shoulder- blades.


Painful drawing in upper and lower extremities when sitting quietly, better by walking.

Upper Limbs

Spasmodic drawings and jerkings, or else tearing in arms. Crampy drawing in region of biceps, in right arm from above downward while writing. Crampy, darting tearing like an electric shock, repeatedly through the humerus, intensely painful. Paralytic pain in joints of shoulder and elbow towards the end of a walk. Eruption of small, hard nodosities on arms. Trembling of hands when writing. Painful shocks across the hand.

Lower Limbs

Burning pain in hips when in bed in evening. Crampy tearing in outer side of thigh, extending into hip. Pain in hip and thigh intolerable when standing, as if thigh would break. Spasmodic drawing and jerking in thighs. Great heaviness and lassitude in legs, but especially in calves. Twinging pain in outer side of calf when sitting. Pulsative tearing in right calf when sitting in the afternoon. Pain, as of a fracture, in the thighs and tibia. Paralytic pain in the knees towards the end of a walk. Violent stitch in knee. Tensive pain in the calves of the legs, especially when crossing the legs. Drawing and weak feeling along tendo Achillis, toward heel, as if the part had lost all strength, when sitting, disappearing when rising from a seat. Constant pain in heels. When sitting heels, especially right, painful. Drawing in the joints of the feet when sitting down. Sudden pain, as if bruised, in outer malleolus of right foot, worse when standing, better when walking. Wrenching pain in the joints of the foot and ankles. Transient pain in right ankle, worse while standing, but seems to disappear when walking. Lower limbs contracted. Pains and shootings in heels, especially when seated. Tearing pains in the soles of the feet and in the toes.


(This remedy is like Pulsatilla in many of its aggravations, etc., but it has a different temperament patients get “raving, tearing, swearing” mad, get worse toward evening from being still, great sleeplessness in early part of night all like Pulsatilla, but the temper decides. Affections in general of the orbit of the eye, margins of the eyelids, calves of the legs. Fatty taste, sediment in the urine, reddish urine, hysterical condition, pains darting from within outward. Worse on stooping, after moving and being at rest, while resting, standing. Better from moving, from walking. Rheumatic tearing in limbs, but not usually in the joints, chiefly during repose, after exercise, and mostly better by movement, or which gives place to other sensations in other parts of the body during a walk. Jerking and shaking pains, appearing (in many places) suddenly and by fits. Pains which manifest themselves after resting a long time in any position, and are better by changing it. Drawing and jerking in limbs, as if in bones. Pain, as from paralysis in limbs, towards the end of a walk. Periodical symptoms, which reappear after two or three months. Epileptic fits. Paralytic torpor in and after dinner. Over-sensitiveness of all senses. General morbid excitement and irritability, with lassitude in the limbs, great gaiety, and appearance of vigor. Painful weariness, especially in lower extremities, after rising in morning.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica