
As if occiput struck with a hammer, Naj. Deep-in headache, Bac. Extreme joy, Coffea Unfortunate love Ph-ac. Meniere’s disease, ague, Chin-s. Sees faces, Sul. Fidgety feet, Cause, Zincum met. Satyriasis, Pic-ac. Bloody semen, Mercurius, Ledum Angina pectoris, Lat. mac., worse after coitus, Kali-c., Staphysagria Physometra, Bromium Crawling under skin, Coca. Callosities, Ant-c. Heart as from fright or bad news, Gelsemium Septicaemia, Pyrogenium


Fall. Unrequited love. Bad news. Scolding. Punishment. Sepsis.



Paroxysms of insanity, presses her head and pulls her hair, repeated after intermissions, threatening manners and speech, restlessness of the legs, mocking laughter and joy expressed in her face, comes out of the attack with severe headache, eyes staring and wide open, sees small figures hovering before her eyes, and moves her hands. Great excitement caused by music, one hour after it general and copious sweat Hysteria: with bitter belching, worse by moaning, better by sighing, with repeated yawning, ludicrous and lascivious. Visions: monsters, animals, faces, insects, ghosts. The colours red, yellow, and green, and particularly black, produce heavy mist before the eyes. Sees strangers in the room. Great taciturnity and irritability, desire to strike himself and others. Excessive gaiety, laughs at slightest cause, maniacally happy mood. Joy and strong emotion with trembling when seeing beloved persons Sings until hoarse and exhausted. Fits of nervous laughing, followed by screams. Profound grief and anxiety. Desire to take things which do not belong to her. Indifference, disgust, and sadness from morning to 3 p.m. were marked, worse after midday, from 3 p.m. to evening the gay disposition returned. Wants to be without any light and without being spoken to. Irritability, rage, fury. Mischievous, destructive. Ennui. Fear of impending calamity. Little intelligence and poor memory.


Vertigo: on walking, after breakfast, with bad taste in mouth, sudden, in air, on coming downstairs, transient during the night, preceded by gastric symptoms, worse by carrying anything heavy on head, causing falling without loss of consciousness, when fixing sight on any object, with headache, severe pain in cerebellum, accompanied by incomplete erection of penis and formication of soft palate. Contortions and extraordinary movements of head and hands, with rage and nervous agitation. Must move head from right to left and hit it against some object, with crossness. Head heavy, difficult to open eyes, tendency to incline head backward. Headache on waking compels her to lie down again. Headache with giddiness when fixing the sight on any object. Pain in head and heart with cough and nausea, morning on waking Deep, intense headache, with restlessness, compelling to move from place to place, the pain flies to forehead and occiput with photophobia, a strong light compels to complain and swear. Compression, hammering, lancinating, burning pains in head. Great burning in head, the hair troubles to the point of wanting to remove it, continually tossing head without finding a place where to rest it, uneasiness, impatience, ill-humour, oppressive breathing and desire to pull out her hair. Headache worse by touch. Inclining head forward worse frontal pain, inclining backward worse occipital pain, inclining to either side worse pain in that side. Frontal headache, pain in vertex and parietal bones, as if cold water was poured on the head, with great noise internally. From 3 to 7 p.m. pain in forehead, especially right side. Neuralgia of temples. Pain in upper and middle part of head extending to cheek-bones, with nausea and desire to vomit. Headache particularly affecting left eye. Lancinating pain left side of head, with itching or right ear. Pains extending to occiput, with necessity of shutting the hands, which improves. Headache on occiput: as if struck with a hammer, burning, scorching, with burning thirst, as if a nail driven in, compression, extending towards neck.


Blue circles round eyes. Eyes glassy, red. Right pupil much dilated, left contracted. Feeling of a hair in left eye, which pricked it, pricking caused her to rub it, worse on waking. Pain in left eye as if cold water poured into it. Sensation: of splinter, sand, eye-lash, pin pricking eyes. Shooting, lancinating, stinging pains in eyes. Light irritates eyes, company annoys him. Itching of eyes and very thick tears. Pain in eyebrows. Lids agglutinated on waking. Itching of lids, herpes. Photophobia. Vision: weak, obscure, sees ghosts, faces, flashes.


Profuse mucous secretion from right ear. Violent pain at external meatus, worse by touch, which causes sensation as if a nail were driven through head, or a general shaking. On rising snap in right ear followed by thick, brownish discharge. Snapping cracking in right ear with pain and hiccough. Deafness with buzzing, whizzing, and vertigo. Noise in ears: in night worse waking, in right with mucous discharge, in right of clear bell on waking vanishing on getting up. When a snapping or cracking is felt the hearing is improves.


Sneezing and coryza (right). Profuse epistaxis, with a flow of back, quickly coagulating blood. Great itching in left nostril and frequent sneezing. Epistaxis better throbbing carotids and fulness in head.


Face: expression of terror, pale, earthy, strongly contrasting with purple neck, flushed with burning heat, also heat and sweat of palms. Burning and scorching sensation on lips as after a fever. Pain in angles of lower jaw, so severe he thinks he is going crazy. Pain in lower jaw as if all teeth going to fall out. Pain in direction or right lower maxillary nerve, with a tickling sensation in stomach, dizziness, vanishing of sight, buzzing in ears.


Toothache: With sense of formication, with hiccough, as if loose, and electric sparks passed through them, throbbing, worse coming in contact with the air. Great dryness of mouth and teeth. Painful aphthae on tongue, with fetid breath. Tongue drawn backward preventing speech. Patch of suspicious cancerous nature in mouth and on fauces. Palate feels scalded.


Sore throat: when swallowing, at same time shooting in left eye, when coughing, talking, yawning, with painful constriction when smoking. Sensation when swallowing of constriction in throat. Throbbing sore throat. Sensation as if cold water continually dropping down throat. Right tonsil: painfully swollen, painful constriction, extending to ear, worse by swallowing. Fauces inflamed purplish. External swelling of neck so great as to cause danger of choking. Constant throbbing pain in cervical and submaxillary glands, with occasional sharp stinging pains. Tonsillitis, high fever, delirium, red face, tonsils so swollen, suffocation feared. (Diphtheria with same symptoms.).


Loss of appetite, intense thirst, general prostration, vomiting after eating, and getting out of bed, craving for raw food, disgust for meat. (Disorders of pregnancy.) Opium habit. Taste of food: flat, bitter, salty: piquant. Flat or sweetish taste in mouth.


Hiccough, with toothache. Nausea: with dizziness compelling to lie down. Vomiting: acid, mucous, with intense burning pains in stomach and oesophagus. Pain in stomach worse by drinking water. Gastric symptoms with slight pains in roots of teeth, especially when touching each other. (Many digestive symptoms are peculiar on account of accompanying sympathetic neuralgic pains, in sides of head, face, ears, teeth, malar bones.).


Swelling of hypochondria. Lancinating pain in spleen, with pain in stomach and uterus. Hepatic region painful to touch. Sharp pain in umbilical region, violent burning in abdomen and rectum, stools profuse, dark, fetid, with violent urging, constipation. Bloating. Borborygmus. Fibrous tumour in hypogastrium compressing genitals, and causing uterine discharges. Burning in hypogastrium with great weight, interfering with walking and causing pruritus of vulva. Pain in hypogastrium, hips and uterus, as if these parts were compressed, at same time unconquerable drowsiness. Pain in groins, with relaxed sensation, as from rupture, especially r., worse by cold water.

Stool & Anus

Pain and burning in anus after stool. Repeated shooting in anus. Violent effort to have a passage, hard stool with blood. Tenesmus. Constipation, with involuntary passing of urine on coughing or any effort. Profuse diarrhoea with prostration, nausea, vomiting, fainting. Stools: three or four times daily, very dark, fetid, partly formed, containing much mucus, expelled with difficulty, and followed by smarting and burning in anus, stools occur immediately on having head washed. Weakness of sphincter, faeces appear natural but are passed as fast as accumulated.

Urinary Organs

Pain in kidneys, with prostration. Cystitis, with high fever, gastric derangement, excruciating pains and inability to pass a drop of urine, bladder seems swollen and hard, great tenderness and spasmodic action, debilitating patient, who passes only by drops a dark-red brown, fetid urine, with gravel-like sediment. Pain in region of bladder, urination frequent, very painful, extremely nervous, could get no relief in any position, worse night. Urine: hot, thick, much sediment, difficult micturition, incontinence and pain in kidneys. Diabetes. Incontinence when laughing, coughing, &c.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica