

Delirium: like that of hydrophobia, like delirium tremens, frightened, shrinks from persons, from currents of air. Shouted out, “They are coming for me!” Extreme nervous excitability, painful nervousness. Immoderate fits of laughing, with light, swimming sensation and giddiness. Moaning, sobbing, screaming. Exceedingly despondent. Irritable. Confusion of ideas. Loss of memory. Consciousness perfect till death, though there may be loss of consciousness.


Vertigo: inclines to fall forward, with roaring in ears, while lying, with nausea. Jerking of head forwards, and backwards. Veins of head, and neck and face turgid, red, protruding eyes. Violent headache with bursting pains in forehead, especially left side. Stupid headache with extreme drowsiness. Severe pains over left eye and behind ears, with a feeling of stupor and drowsiness, 8 p.m. Sensation as if an iron cap on head. Violent thumping pains in head, especially right half and over left eye. Shattered sensation in head with drowsiness. Sharp, darting pains in left temple and round to back of left ear. Rapid pulsation in left temple and left hypochondrium. Sudden pain and pressure in vertex and left eye. Peculiar paralysed feeling in left half of head and face. Dull pains in back of head and temples. Constant pains on back of head and nape of neck. Boring pain in occiput. Pains on back of head, extending down whole length of spine. Sharp pains in occiput, extending to left eye and back of right ear. Sore pains in scalp as if hair had been pulled. Intense itching of scalp and nape.


Eyes highly congested and in constant motion, as in great a fright. Eyes red, injected and protruding. Eyes: sunken, rolling, distorted, turned to one side, turned to right and fixed, with dilated, insensible pupils and red conjunctiva. Aching, smarting, dull pains in eyes, with misty vision. Burning in eyes, worse left Feeling as if eyes were suddenly stiffened and drawn back. Burning, intense, sudden, in eyes and lids. Feeling as if cold in eyes. Rolling of eyes as if they were two cold bullets. Tender, bruised feeling over left eye. Rapid pulsation over left eye, in left upper lid with weakness, swelling, discharge. Increased lachrymation. Needle-like pains in balls. Pupils dilated, eyes staring. Pupils contracted. Vision: dim, confused, misty, persistent amaurosis. Sparks before eyes, blackish, white, or red. Increased, peripherals sensibility for blue. Enlargement of field of vision. Everything seemed to turn green and he fell on the floor.


Creeping, tingling sensation in external ears. Sudden burning itching in ears, nose, lips, and eyes, in left ear in afternoon. Intense aching behind ears and down spine. Sharp, darting pains behind right ear, behind ears and back of head and neck. Digging pain deep in left ear. Intense fulness in ears. Hearing extremely sensitive, hears slightest sounds. Roaring, burning, noise like wind.


Face swollen and burning hot, eyes half closed as if stung by bees. Face puffy, pale, distorted. Muscles stiff. Risus sardonicus. Expression of extreme terror. Face: livid, flushed and bathed with cold, clammy sweat. Sharp, needle-like pains in cheek-bones, in left cheek-bone shooting into teeth. Lips: blue, livid, swollen, retracted. Trismus. Stiffening of jaws affecting speech. Dull pains in jaws generally shooting into temples. Needle-like pains under jaws. Pulsation in chin.


Teeth clenched. Toothache: at midnight, in left upper teeth shooting into cheek-bone, as if nerves suddenly pulled out, at night, drawing, shooting.


Tongue: dry and papillae erect, dry, with white moisture on edges, gums and lips violet, hot, sore, and roof of mouth. Frothing at mouth. Violent itching in roof of mouth. Taste: bad, feverish, hot and bitter, dry. Mouth filled with (frothy) saliva. Articulation difficult. Speech: indistinct, lost.


Choking sensation in throat, as if something were held tightly round it. Dry, spasmodic, contracted feeling, intense difficulty in swallowing. Feeling as of a lump in throat, evening. Dry, hot feeling, soreness (1. side), scraping. Every attempt to swallow causes violent spasms of muscles of pharynx. Severe dull pains in muscles and glands of neck and at back of ears. Sharp pains in glands of neck, behind ears and back of head.


Unusually good appetite, enjoys her food amazingly. Thirst: intense, feverish. Eructations: of bitter wind before vomiting, bitter, greasy, with bad taste. Nausea. Almost constant retching. Violent vomiting. Vomiting thin, colourless liquid. Heavy feeling in stomach. In pit of stomach: intense pain, sharp pain, intense twitching, violent jerks, spasm. Spasm of pit of stomach, suddenly, while at dinner, lasting an hour with severe pain and feeling of suffocation, compelling to loosen clothes. Burning along oesophagus and in stomach. Immediately felt a burning sensation in stomach for about a minute then felt as if the blood ran cold.


Right hypochondrium: aching at intervals, with sick, faint feeling, tense pain in r., sharp, needle-like and cutting pains. Sharp pains, in left hypochondrium shooting to pit of stomach. Rapid pulsation in left hypochondrium and left temple. Abdominal muscles rigid in tetanic spasms. In muscles: sore, contracted, bruised feeling. Rumbling. Griping, cutting gnawing pain in bowels. Sharp, cutting pain in right lower and left upper half of abdomen. Uneasiness in bowels and constipation. Deep-seated, sore, contracted, cramp-like feelings in lower abdomen. Sharp, needle-like pains in left groin.

Stool & Anus

Gurgling sounds in rectum, with spasms of darting pain compelling him to sit on the ground as if shot. Two agonizing darts of pain during the night. Two darts like shocks from a strong galvanic battery before going to bed. Spasmodic jumping in anus. Diarrhoea: copious, watery. Faeces discharged involuntarily during the spasms. Stools: lumpy and dry, flatus smelling of fresh putty, lumpy with mucus. Very obstinate constipation, with griping.

Urinary Organs

Contraction of bladder, it expelled urine apparently as fast as it was secreted. Bladder paralysed. Painful pressure in bladder and rectum. Uneasiness about bladder and urethra worse walking or sitting on anything hard. Darting and shooting pains from bladder down thighs, from back of bladder down rectum, from front wall of bladder along urethra, finally the pains left the bladder and settled in glans penis. Scalding in urethra. Constant urging. Urine: copious, scanty, variable, natural, dark like beer, thick, red sediment, albuminous-looking masses floating in it.

Male Sexual Organs

Left spermatic cord painful, left testicle swelled, painful only on standing or walking, hard, swollen, later burning pain on left side of scrotum where the skin was tense on the testicle, and a large abscess formed in the dartos and cellular tissue, this was opened by a small incision, and yielded a very large quantity of semi-transparent fluid, partly mixed with blood, after the discharge of which the size of the testicle became somewhat less, there was no connection between the testicle and the abscess.

Female Sexual Organs

While falling asleep, quite suddenly several hysterical jerks as from the womb, with burning, irritating heat and violent pulsation in the passages, also feeling of great pressure and bearing down. Darting pain and thrilling sensation in vagina with momentary pulsation coming on at intervals. Violent tearing pains in womb, at intervals. Menses at proper times, lasted only two days and were scanty. Any touch on the body, it mattered not where, excited a voluptuous sensation.

Respiratory Organs

Spasm of muscles about larynx and of arms, she felt and looked as if strangled, the muscles on each side of larynx became tense like cords. Spasm of respiratory muscles, breathing irregular, intermittent, difficult. Voice: weak, low, hoarse. Aphonia. Occasionally spasmodic, explosive cough, dry. Breathing: hurried, difficult, choking, tight, with great pain in praecordia, sobbing, moaning. Asphyxia.


Walls of chest fixed. Oppression. Chest moves en mass, is hyper- resonant. Tightness. Pain: severe, sharp, contractive, spasmodic, darting, on chest, neck, and back. Sharp needle-like pains: in upper chest and small of back, in right (and l.) upper chest, in Left side under the ribs. Severe stabbing pains in right breast passing through to back at intervals. Violent tearing in left breast, at intervals. Sharp pains in left breast.


Tightness about praecordia. During day, dull pain, shifting along line of aortic arch. Fluttering sensation about heart with faintness. Sudden palpitation. Tumultuous action of heart. Feeling as of heart coming into throat. Heart fluttering like a wounded bird. Pulse: irregular, accelerated, corded, tense, strong, full, rapid, nearly extinct in the paroxysms.

Back and neck

Neck swollen, jugular veins distended. Neck stiff, muscles like rigid cords. Stiffness: painful, extending down back, momentary in left half of neck. Darting, knife-like pains: in muscles of neck and top of shoulders, chest, abdomen, with sick feeling. Violent pain (stabbing, darting) in nape and down spine. Back stiff. Convulsive jerks in the back, and spinal column. Intense aching or icy-coldness in entire back. Agonizing, gnawing pain in back and neck and muscles of legs. Cutting in left half of back. Sudden stiffness in lower back and hips. Sharp, needle-like pain in back about waist. Suddenly violent cutting pain in back about waist, as though she were chopped in half, extending right and left to stomach at night.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica