

Vertigo, during which all objects seem too far off. Vertigo on sitting down, with loss of ideas. Headache, usually neuralgic, which comes on gradually and grows steadily worse till it reaches its height or severest point, when it begins to grow better and goes away just as gradually as it came on _ *e.g., if it was twelve hours on coming on, it will be twelve hours in going off. Headache, with nausea and retching, sometimes with burning sensation in the sinciput, eyes and nose, or else in the morning, with ill-humour. Heaviness in head in evening. Heaviness and stunning pressure in head, especially traversing forehead. Shooting pains in head, especially in forehead, and worse after a fit of coughing. Spasmodic pains in head, as from tension or squeezing (as from a band in whole upper part of head, and in forehead, slowly increasing and decreasing). Intermittent tearing pain in right half of forehead, worse on stopping. Crushing pain in forehead. Sharp jerking in right anterior lobe of brain, above orbit. Pressive drawing and tearing in the head. Boring pain in head. Throbbing pains in temples. Painful jerks through left temple, forehead and cerebellum, worse during rest, better from motion. Burning in forehead with nausea, better in open air. Painful shocks across head. Pain as from suppuration in head externally. Burning tension on scalp just above right forehead.


Eyes sore, and, as it were, excoriated by rubbing. Pressure in lids and canthi. Burning lancinations in lids. Itching, smarting, and burning sensation in eyes. Nocturnal agglutination of lids. Pressive pain in Left inner canthus, as from a stye. Styes. Ulcer in the internal canthi (pustular swelling of left inner canthus) like a lachrymal fistula. Eyes dull (sunken), and clouded. Jerking and quivering of eyes. Convulsed or prominent eyes. Variegated areola round candle.


Earache, with drawing tearings. Ulceration of holes pierced for earrings. Tinkling in ears. Ringing in left ear. Cries (screeching) in ears, on blowing nose.


Heaviness, and sensation of obstruction, in upper part of nose. Inflammation of interior of nose. Burning sensation in nose. Epistaxis: on moving, on rising from bed, immediately on waking. Dry coryza on one side only, with soreness, swelling, and redness of nostrils. Oversensitiveness of smell.


Pale and wan countenance, with (deep, sunken) eyes, sickly expression, features elongated. Pains in the face, with pressive drawing especially in zygomatic process, and orbits. Burning, lancinating pain in muscles of face. Swelling of cheeks and upper jaw. Spasm in jaw. Painful swelling of submaxillary glands.


Toothache after a meal, with jerking pain and heat in the face. Sensation of elongation and looseness in teeth. Ulcer on gums, with swelling of cheeks. Epileptiform convulsion from teething, child better lying with abdomen across something hard, clenching of thumbs.


Fetid exhalation from mouth. Flow of acid saliva. Difficult, weak speech, occasioned by weakness, especially on chest. Tongue coated with a yellowish mucus. Tongue yellow. Tongue red.


Sore-throat, as from an internal swelling, with drawing and tension. Sensation in velum pendulum as if a foreign body were there, or some mucus which could neither be hawked up nor swallowed, same sensation in posterior nares. Sensation of stinging dryness in throat, with lancinations ( worse when swallowing). Cutting in pharynx and oesophagus on swallowing. Ulcerated sensation in right side of throat. Roughness and scraping in throat, especially in evening. Accumulation of thick, viscid, greyish, bloody mucus in throat and mouth, with necessity to hawk, followed by a sensation of excoriation (efforts to expel it excite vomiting). After hawking mucus the voice for singing is higher. Tobacco has a sharp, dry taste in the fauces. Permanent rawness and dryness in throat: during swallowing a painful feeling as of being denuded. Rawness and dryness in throat, without thirst. Nausea in fauces and pharynx.


Bitter and sour taste. Bitter taste of all food (except water). Bitter, herbaceous taste of beer. Increased hunger, which cannot be satisfied. Increased thirst. Nausea and vomiting after a meal. Excessive weakness of digestion.


Bitter risings, or with a taste of rotten eggs. Sour risings, with scraping in throat. Frequent hiccough. Nausea and vomiting, in the morning, from odour of cooking food. Nausea, especially after a meal, followed by bitter and watery vomiting. Vomiting: of bile, of blood. Violent retching, followed by vomiting of (undigested) food. Aching in stomach sometimes very violent. Tensive pressure at scrobiculus, which is painful when touched, as from subcutaneous ulceration. Cramps in stomach, sometimes with bitter risings, sensation of hunger and diarrhoea, or else with nausea, and pale and sickly complexion. Squeezing, as from a claw in stomach, and umbilical region, with nausea. Sinking, gone feeling in epigastrium.


Dull blows across hypochondria. Cramps in region of diaphragm. Pressure and burning sensation in hepatic region. Pressure, spasmodic pain, and shootings in the left hypochondrium. Abdomen painfully distended, and sensitive to touch. Spasms (colic) in abdomen, with pains above and below navel. Hysterical spasms in abdomen. Digging, pinching, and griping in abdomen, before every stool. Burning sensation, and shootings in abdomen. Feeling of excoriation in abdomen, worse by touch. Severe pain causing the patient to lie over the sharp corner of a table or sofa, or something hard, and to press the abdomen firmly against it, as in this way better is afforded. Griping as of something being torn away. Sensation as if stretched in (right) abdominal muscles. Squeezing as from a claw, in umbilical region, followed by nausea. Sensation of emptiness (hollowness) in abdomen, even after eating. Incarceration of flatus. Stitches from both sides through hips.

Stool & Anus

Haemorrhoidal pimple on left side of anus, with painful soreness when touched. Violent shooting, like needle pricks at base of rectum extending to anus. Soreness and smarting at anus, with fine stitches, immediately after a stool. Itching stitch in rectum. A corroding pain about anus, while walking and sitting. Burning in anus, constant itching. Constipation. Frequent, ineffectual want to evacuate. Hard, dry, knotty feces, or else scanty and greenish. Stools: green, curdy, with colic, insufficient with renewed desire afterwards. Slimy evacuations. Violent dysentery, urging and tormina, stools bloody, mucous with intolerable tenesmus. Violent diarrhoea. Passes worms, lumbrici, taenia.

Urinary Organs

Dull stitches inward in kidney region. Sensitive pressure in neck of bladder and urethra after urinating, seems as though more would follow, some drops pass when the pressure is worse. Blister on margin of meatus. Retention of urine. Scanty emission of urine. Frequent want to urinate, sometimes with scanty emission. Absence of want to urinate, as from insensibility of bladder (only a sensation of fulness indicates the necessity to urinate).

Male Sexual Organs

Increase of sexual desire. Violent and voluptuous excitement during emission. Frequent pollutions, with excessive prostration.

Female Sexual Organs

Increased sexual desire, early orgasm. Catamenia too profuse. Before catamenia, anxiety and melancholy. During the catamenia, colic. Cramps in uterus. Prolapsus of the vagina, with hard stool. Bearing down in uterine region, prolapsus uteri et

vaginae. Prolapsus strangulated tends to gangrene. Leucorrhoea of transparent or yellowish mucus, with considerable prostration of strength. Itching in vulva, worse evening (*Stannum *mur.). Spasmodic labour pains, they exhaust her, she is out of breath. A child leaves the breast of its mother, and will not suck.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness and roughness in larynx, with tickling, which excites a cough. Catarrh, with hoarse voice, sensation of fatigue in chest, obstructed respiration, and cough with expectoration. Great accumulation of mucus in trachea, which is easily detached. The voice is louder in singing, after having hawked up the mucus. Cough excited by laughter, talking, and singing, or by a tickling in chest, or by warm drinks. In chest affections, when talking, reading aloud, singing, &c., they cause a very weak feeling in throat and chest, an exhausted, “given-out” sensation, and produce hoarseness, using the voice produces weakness in the arms between the elbow and shoulder, then the weakness extends all over the body. The above symptoms are very often found in operatic singers, actors, auctioneers all who use the voice a great deal. Dry, violent, shaking cough, in bed, in evening, until midnight, or more violent in morning. Shattering, deep cough. Fatiguing, paroxysmal cough, so that epigastric region was painful, as if beaten. Short cough from weakness of chest, having a hoarse, weak sound. Cough concussive, with paroxysms of these coughs. Cough excited by lying on the right side. Cough, with retching and vomiting of food. Cough, with frequent expectoration of mucus. (Cough coming after whooping-cough in girl, 9, very profuse, white, thick expectoration, hoarse, tongue coated, sleepless, no appetite, rapid emaciation and debility, with contracted chest and pleuritic adhesions. R.T.C.) Expectoration when coughing (during the day, in morning expectoration is most profuse and) is greenish, sweetish, or yellow, saltish, or else viscid, and in lumps, or serous, and composed of liquid mucus, or of a putrid smell (after coughing and expectorating the patient feels hollow and empty). During and after the cough, pain as of excoriation, and shootings in the chest. Phthisis pituitosa.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica