

Griping in abdomen, as if intestines constricted, with anxiety and difficult breathing.-Abdomen hard, and painfully tight.- Stitches in region of diaphragm, left side, arresting breathing.- Pressure in umbilical region, as by a hard body.-Colic, with pinching pains, cuttings (from worms) in the umbilical region, with shivering, diarrhoea, and copious secretion of urine.- Lancinations (stitches) in the abdomen. Tensive pain in the groins when touched.- Grumbling and borborygmi in the abdomen.- Painful pressure in lower abdomen, as if it would burst, especially in evening before a soft stool, sometimes better after.- Expulsion of fetid flatus.

Stool and Anus

Frequent, urgent, and ineffectual want to evacuate.- Soft, liquid faeces.- While stools daily.- Nodular stool with violent pressure.- Faints during stool.-Hard, difficult evacuations, with much mucus.-Discharge (of large lumps) of mucus from anus, without evacuation.- Liquid diarrhoea of faecal matter and of mucus.- Diarrhoea, with pinchings in abdomen and coldness in body.- Discharge of faeces with worms.- Ejection of lumbrici and ascarides from rectum.- Itching and sensation as if something were creeping in rectum and anus.- Boring stitches in perinaeum.- (Scirrhus of sigmoid or rectum, atrocious, unbearable pains.- H. C. Allen).

Urinary Organs

Urine, with whitish sediment.- Frequent want to urinate, with profuse emission, even at night.- Sudden and involuntary dribbling of urine, with burning sensation in anterior part of urethra.- Discharge of prostatic fluid from the urethra.

Male Sexual Organs

Tingling round glans penis.- Semi lateral swelling of glans.- Erections, with lascivious ideas, without voluptuous excitement.- (Discharge of prostatic fluid).- Itching stitch in right testicle and penis, from behind forward.

Respiratory Organs

Catarrh, with hoarseness, continual discharge of mucus from nose, dry heat without thirst, prominent eyes, distressing headache, and disposition to weep.- Nocturnal catarrh, with cough.- Cough in open air, with pain in chest as from excoriation.-Dry cough, violent and hollow, caused by irritation low down in trachea, with respiration obstructed, even to suffocation.-Short, dry cough causing soreness of chest.- Shortness of breath, especially when talking, with anxiety and redness of cheeks and lips.- Dyspnoea when moving in bed, can only lie on right side, or with the head very high.- Danger of suffocation on least movement, and especially on raising arms.


Aching at the chest, with painful oppression.- Contraction of chest, with anguish and obstructed respiration.-Stitches in diaphragm with dyspnoea.- Noise in the chest like that made by a spinning-wheel, especially in region of heart.- Pressure, burning or incisive sensation, pain, as from ulceration and tearing in chest, especially on lifting arms.- Cutting tearing beneath left nipple, extending to region of scapula and upper arm, worse during inspiration and deep breathing.- Sensation of trembling in thorax, worse by moving arms.- Spasmodic sensation in chest, proceeding from pit of stomach and causing choking.- Tensive lancinations in chest, especially when drawing breath.


Violent palpitation of heart, perceptible to sight and hearing, often with anxious oppression of chest, worse by curving chest forwards and by sitting down.- Noise in chest, like that made by a spinning-wheel, especially in region of heart.- Sudden attack of suffocation, with palpitation of heart and anguish.- Heavy aching in region of apex, with feeling as if a dull-pointed knife were slowly driven through it.-(Organic diseases of the heart, rubbing, bellows sounds.)- Sensation in heart as if squeezed with hand, as if crushed.- Lancinations in region of heart.- Stitches in heart, sometimes synchronous with the pulse.-Sensation of trembling in heart. The beatings of the heart do not correspond with those of the pulse.- Pulse weak, irregular, trembling.- Undulating movement of the heart.- In affections of the heart, particularly if the whole left side is sore from the affection, and possibly the eyes also from sympathy, purring of heart as of a cat, palpitation of the heart with anguish, trembling pulsation of the heart, sympathy of the chest with heart troubles.- (Visible pulsation of heart.- Violent, oppressive action of heart extending to top of head.- Tumultuous action of heart in acute rheumatism and other acute disorders.- ***R.T.C.).

Neck and Back

Needle-like stitches in upper dorsal vertebra, in right scapula.- Sensation in left scapula as though blood were dripping through a valve, a kind of bubbling.- Red pimples on neck, with pain as from excoriation when touched.- Hard and painful swelling of glands of the neck. Pains in nape, worse when still, better by motion.- Intermittent drawing in posterior cervical muscles and up to occiput.- Sticking pain in right side of neck, on swallowing, pain in parotid gland.- Itching of anus and coccyx.- Pain in back as from a fracture, also during movement.- Bruised feeling in spine, even during rest.- Lancinations (stitches) in back, sometimes on drawing breath.


Fatigue.- Drawing, tearing, twitching pains in limbs and joints.- The limbs are affected mostly when walking.

Upper Limbs

Heaviness and trembling of arms.- Easy numbing of arms and hands.- Jerking of muscles of arms and forearms.- Violent lancinations and shocks in bend of elbow and joints of hands and fingers.- Spasmodic drawings and tearings in bones of hands. Hard nodosities in the palms, with burning itching.- Hands of a pale yellow colour. Contraction of fingers.-Purulent pimples on fingers.

Lower Limbs

Pain, as of a fracture, tension and shootings in thighs, almost exclusively, when walking, or during rapid movements.- Stitches in the joints of the legs and feet and in the thigh.-Violent lancinations in knee on bending it.- Painful stiffness in knee- joint.-Lancinating shocks in joints of feet.- Excrescences, like warts, on toes.


(Very violent neuralgia, followed by an extreme soreness, boring pains, pains as if parts were pushed or pressed asunder, or as if they would burst, sensation of extension in size, feeling as of a lump in the inner parts, darting pains in inner and outer parts, darting pain from within outward, in the joints, pains of a dragging or rooting character.- Affections in general of right side of face and nose, stool with maw-worms (Oxyuris vermicularis), discharge of urine too copious, sensitiveness of outer parts, aversion to washing, trembling pulse that can scarcely be counted. Worse on stooping, when blowing nose, during expiration, after rising from a seat, from touching the parts affected, when walking in open air, from having worms. Better while taking an inspiration. Arthritic, shooting, or tearing pains in the limbs. Stinging pain in the limbs and principally in the joints. Tearing in the vicinity of the joints, as if the bone were scraped. Heaviness and soreness in the body when rising from a seat. Sensitiveness of body to touch, with chilliness of the parts touched, or it sends a shudder through whole body. Great weakness, especially mornings. Heaviness and sensation in limbs as if fractured.- Convulsions.- Lassitude, especially after slight exercise, and in open air. Syncope, especially when making an effort to evacuate, or in a warm room. Great sensitiveness to cold air, with sufferings from walking in open air.-Great liability to suffer from a chill.


Pale, wrinkled skin of body.- Painful sensibility of entire skin when touched.-Painful glandular swellings.-Red pimples, with pain, as from excoriation, when touched.


Strong disposition to sleep by day, and also in morning or evening, but without sleeping until long after lying down.-Sleep at night, unrefreshing, agitated, with uneasiness in limbs.- Heavy, stupefying sleep.- Confused dreams, which cause him to awake wearied, and which he cannot remember.


Pulse irregular, generally strong, but slow.-Trembling pulse.- Frequent shiverings, especially in morning or during slight exercise.-Chill, frequently returning at the same hour in the morning.- Chill, alternating with heat or perspiration.- Chilliness on some part of the body, on others heat.- The chill extends from the chest. Frequent heat, sometimes transient.- Heat, especially in back. Heat in face and on hands, with chill in back.-Thirst for beer during the heat (with flushes of heat at night).-At night putrid perspiration with heat at same time.- Clammy perspiration.- Cold perspiration.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica