

*Antidoted by: Smelling Nip-sp-d., by Vegetable acids, Aco., Ant-c., Ant-t., Rhus. *It antidotes: Calcarea, Chi., Mercurius, Natrum mur., Nat-ph., Pho., Sarsaparilla, Sul. *Incompatible: Lachesis (but in one case in which *Lachesis in very high potency had caused intensely distressing rectal tenesmus with alternate inversion and eversion of the anus, Sepia high proved to be the antidote). *Complementary: Natrum mur. (the cuttlefish is a *salt-water animal), Natrum carb., and other *Natrum salts, Sul. *followed well by: Acid nitricum *Compare: Vesicular eruptions and ulcers about joints, Brx., Mez. Psoriasis, Arsenicum, Arsenicum i. Chloasma, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Sul., Curar. Ringworm, Bac., Calcarea, Tell. Sadness, Causticum, Pulsatilla Mild, easy disposition, Pulsatilla Weeps when asked about her symptoms (Pulsatilla, weeps when telling her symptoms) Diseases with tender prostration and sinking faintness. Murex, Nux.M, Washer woman’s Remedy, Pho. (Pho., headache after washing). Pains extend from other parts to back (Sabi., the reverse). Pains with shuddering. (Pulsatilla, with chilliness). Lack of vital heat, especially in chronic diseases (*Ledum in acute diseases). Coldness of vertex with headache, Verbascum

(heat of vertex, Calcarea, Graphites, Sul.). Indifferent to his occupation, Fl. ac., Ph. ac. Greedy, miserly, Lycopodium Must loosen neck band, Lachesis Sensation of ball in inner parts, Lachesis Herpes circinatus in isolated spots (Tell. in intersecting rings). Empty feeling better eating, Chelidonium, Pho. Constipation during pregnancy, Alm. Pain in rectum long after stool, nitricum acidum, Sul. Urine so offensive must be removed from room (Indium, horribly offensive after standing). Bed wet almost as soon as child goes to sleep, Kreosotum Old-standing gleet, Kali-iod. Bearing down as if everything would protrude from pelvis, Agaricus, Belladonna Lil-t., Murex, Sanicula Sight or thought of food sickens, Nux. Smell of cooking food nauseates, Arsenicum, Colchicum Itching turns to burning by scratching, Sul. Spine pain worse sitting than walking, Cob., Zn., Pulsatilla, Cannabis indica Indurated uterus, vaginismus, Platina Bearing down, Belladonna (Belladonna worse lying down, Sepia better, Belladonna better standing, Sepia <.). Cannot expectorate, Causticum Drosera, Kali-ca., Arnica Spurting of urine with cough, Causticum, Natrum mur., Ferrum Eczema of backs of hands, Nat-c. prolapsus uteri, Nux. (Sepia follows when Nux ceases to act). Ptosis, Gelsemium (Gelsemium, Sluggish mind, suffused red face). Urticaria worse in open air, Rx-c. Urticaria, Ast-fl., Natrum mur., Apis, Chloral., Urtica. Eye affections of tea drinkers, Thuja Dyspepsia with thick urine, Lycopodium Indurated uterus, melancholy, Aurum Bearing down, Kali-f-cy. Bearing down, congestion, aching distress, prolapse, Ustilago, Secale, Vib-o., Vib- t., Inula., Hedeo, Ziz. Uncontrollable fits of laughter, Croc. Ignatia Terrible sadness during menses, Lycopodium, Natrum mur., nitricum acidum (Nat- m. is worse or better 10 a.m.) Irritable during menses (Nux vomica, Chamomilla, Mg-m. before and during, Lycopodium before). worse Kneeling, Coccul., Mg-c. Anxious about health, Calcarea, Pho. Ozaena, clinkers, Pul., Syphilinum, Pso. Fetid urine, Calcarea (Benz-ac. and Nit- ac., strong). Burning, shooting, stitching pains in cervix, Murex. Hot, burning eructations, Pet., Kali-ca., Hepar Delay in passing water, Arsenicum (ineffectual desire, Nux). Fear of ghosts, Pho., Pul. Phimosis, Can-s., Mercurius, Sul., nitricum acidum, Thuja With exhausted feeling in bowels after stool, Platina Movements of head, Lycopodium worse From coitus, remedy for women, relaxation of tissue, K. ca. As if struck by a hammer in the back (Naj. in nape). Tongue and mouth as if scalded, Sanguinaria Turning round in abdomen, Acid nitricum (as if machinery working in abdomen). Pain as of subcutaneous ulceration, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus bulbosus Badly healing skin, Hepar Eyes better bathing in cold water, Asarum europaeum Sensitiveness, Asarum europaeum Apoplexy, Ast. r. (a sea animal). worse From milk, Homar. (a sea animal). Chest, Pho.


Anger and vexation. Blows. falls. Jar. Injury. Overlifting (dyspepsia). Snowy air. tobacco (neuralgia). Laundry work. Wetting. Alcohol. Milk, boiled (diarrhoea). Fat Pork.



Sadness and dejection, with tears.- Melancholy and moroseness.- Anguish and inquietude, sometimes with flushes of heat, generally in evening (when walking in open air), and sometimes in bed.- Restlessness, fidgety.- Dread of being alone.- Excessively nervous, sensitive to least noise.- Great uneasiness respecting the health, and about her domestic affairs.-Pensiveness.-Timorous disposition.-Discouragement, often to such an extend as to be disgusted with life.-Indifference to everything (to all surroundings), even to relations.-Repugnance to customary business. Great disturbance caused by vexation.-Great excitability in company. Susceptibility and peevishness, with great irascibility.- Quarrelsome and caustic disposition.- Weakness of memory.- Distraction.- Aptness to make mistakes in speaking and writing.-Unfitness for intellectual labour.-Slowness of conception. Comprehension difficult, heavy flow of ideas.- Language coming slowly.


Confusion of the head, which disables him from performing any mental labour.- Fits of vertigo, especially when walking in open air, or when writing, or even on least movement of arms.- Vertigo, during which all objects appear to be in motion, or with sensation as of something rolling round in head.-Vertigo in morning, on rising, or in afternoon.- Sensation of coldness on vertex, worse from moving head and stooping, better when at rest and in the open air.- Fits of headache, with nausea, vomiting, and shooting or boring pains, which extort cries.-Headache every morning.-Headache, which does not permit the eyes to be opened.- Headache, with excessive desire for coition.- Headache, on shaking or moving head and also at every step, as if brain were shaken about Semilateral headache, sometimes in the evening, after lying town, preceded by heaviness of head. Paroxysms of hemicrania, stinging pain as from within to without, in one side of head (mostly l.) with nausea (and vomiting) and contraction of eye, worse in room and when walking fast, better in open air and when lying on painful side.- Boring headache from within to without, from forenoon till evening, worse from motion and stooping, worse by rest, when closing the eyes, from external pressure, and sleep. Heaviness of head.- Pressive cephalalgia above eyes, in the clear daylight, as if the head should burst and the eyes fall out, with nausea.- Expansive pressure in head, sometimes when stooping, as if it were about to burst.- Contraction in head. Drawing and tearing in and on head, sometimes semilateral.-Lancinating cephalalgia, often semilateral or frontal.- Shooting pains, especially over left eye, extorting cries.- Headache at menstrual nisus, with scanty flow.- Headache in terrific shocks.- Involuntary jerking of head backward and forward, especially in forenoon and when sitting.- Fontanelles remain open, with jerking of the head, pale, bloated face, stomacace, green diarrhoeic stools.- Perspiration on the head, smelling sour, with faintish weakness, worse in evening before going to sleep.- Rush of blood to the head.- Throbbing cephalalgia, especially in occiput (beginning in the morning, worse in evening, from least motion, when turning eyes, when lying on back, worse when closing eyes and when at rest).- Violent congestion of blood in head, with heat, especially when stooping. Coldness of exterior of head.- Disposition to take cold on head from dry, cold wind, and if head gets wet.- Involuntary trembling, and shocks in head.- Mobility of scalp.- Scalp and roots of hair very sensitive to touch.- Itching on head (nose and eyes).- Eruptions on vertex and back part of head, dry, offensive, stinging, itching and tingling, with cracks, extending behind ears, feeling sore when scratching them.- Swelling on one side of head above the temple, with itching, sensation of coldness and tearing in it, worse when touching it, better when lying on it, or after rising from bed.- Humid scabs on the head.- (Bald spots on scalp, porrigo decalvans. ***R. T. C.) Falling off of the hair.-Small red pimples on forehead, rough forehead.- Swelling of head, especially forehead.


Heaviness and depression of upper lids.- Pressure on eyeballs.-

Itching and smarting in eyes and lids.- Pricking in eyes, by candlelight in evening.- Burning sensation in eyes, especially in morning on waking.-Inflammation of eyes, with redness of sclerotica, and shooting pains.-Inflammation, redness, and swelling of eyelids, with styes.- Pustules in the cornea.- Scabs in eyebrows.- Glassy, watery eyes, in evening.- Fungus haematodes in cornea.- Dry scabs on lids, especially on waking in morning.- Yellow colour of sclerotica.- Eyelids pain in morning when awaking as if too heavy, and as if he could not keep them open.- Eyelids red, swollen, styes on them.- Lachrymation, especially in the morning or nocturnal agglutination of lids.- Quivering and jerking of lids.-Paralysis of the lids, and inability to open them, especially at night (and evening).- Confused sight, when reading and writing.- Presbyopia.- Weakness of sight, as from amaurosis, with contracted pupils.-Appearances of a veil, black spots, points, sparks, and streaks of lights, before eyes.- Intolerance of reflected light from bright objects.- Green reflection round candle in evening.- Great sensitiveness of eyes to daylight.- Sight vanishes during the menses, better on lying down.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica