

Pain in eyes as if dilated and pushed out of orbits.- Aching of eyes in evening, especially by candle-light and when stooping.- Congestion of blood in eyes when stooping.- Burning sensation in eyes when reading and writing (in evening).- Swelling of lids, with burning pressure and tingling. Vesicles on tarsal edges.- Styes.- Dryness of eyes.- Lachrymation in open air, and when gazing intently at an object.- Accumulation of hardened dry humor on lids and lashes in morning.- Jerking and spasmodic drawing in lids, in right outer canthus.- Convulsive contraction of lower lids.- Fixedness of look.- Oculomotor paralysis.- Opacity of cornea.- Double vision better by bending head backward. When walking towards the setting sun he seemed to see another smaller sun hover below the other, assuming a somewhat oval shape when looking down, disappearing on bending the head backwards and on closing the eyes.- Sensitiveness of eyes to light.-Confusion of the letters and dazzling of sight when reading.- Weakness of sight and flickering before the eyes when reading, must wipe them often.- All objects appear as if in the shade.-Obscuration of sight, with glistening before eyes, worse from rubbing them.- Brilliant spots before sight. Photophobia.


Aching in ears during mastication.-A cooling sensation frequently extends through left ear.-Painful acuteness of hearing.


Itching the interior of the nose.- Smell of pus, or as of a malignant ulcer, in nose.- Sneezing so often and so violently head grows dizzy, followed by thin coryza, with pain as of excoriation in chest.- Troublesome dryness of Schneiderian membrane.


Sensation as if muscles of (left half of) face were paralysed.- Heat in face.- Burning vesicles in commissures of lips, on upper lip (and in corners of mouth).


The teeth are set on edge. Digging in the teeth during inspiration (of damp and cold air).


Dryness of the mouth, especially in the morning.-Copious secretion of saliva.- Putrid breath.- Tongue: yellowish white or slimy in morning, with slimy, unpleasant taste, loaded with a white coating – Burning sensation in throat, mouth, tongue and palate.


Sore throat, as if it were excoriated and raw.- Scraping, burning sensation and dryness in throat, with irritation, which provokes coughing and embarrassed speech.- Accumulation of tough mucus in throat, which it is difficult to hawk up.- Sensation of constriction in the gullet.-Irritation and roughness in oesophagus, burning sensation as if abraded, followed by copious discharge of mucus.- Inflammatory swelling of palate, throat, and uvula.- Copious accumulation of viscid mucus in throat and palate, which is detached in small clots.


Impaired taste.-Metallic taste in mouth, or taste of urine.- Clammy taste in mouth.- Anorexia, especially in morning.-Gnawing hunger, with sensation of emptiness in stomach.- Violent, burning thirst.


Risings.- Eructations, which ameliorates the mucus and hawking of mucus from the stomach.- Loathing and nausea, with inclination to vomit, which seems to proceed from the stomach, with retching.- Vomiting, with diarrhoea and great anguish.- Spasms (colic) in stomach, with pressive pain, also at night.- Pressure below pit of stomach.- Burning sensation in stomach.- Sensation of emptiness in stomach.


Boring and digging pains in abdomen, especially in epigastrium and hypochondria.-Gnawing in (upper) abdomen.-Burning and squeezing (oppression) in epigastrium during an inspiration.- Drawing between the integuments of the abdomen, as by a foreign body.- Flatulent affections, with a sensation of a general bearing down towards hypogastrium.

Stool and Anus

Slow, hard, and scanty evacuation, with effort, and followed by pressure in anus and rectum.- Frequent, loose evacuations of consistence of pap.- Diarrhoea, with vomiting and great anxiety.- Watery stools spurting from anus.

Urinary Organs

Diminished secretion of urine.- Increased secretion of urine.- Wetting the bed at night.- Urine frothy, or mixed with slimy filaments, and becoming turbid and cloudy when it cools (or deposits a thick sediment, yellowish red, with upper stratum yellow and flocculent). Reddish sediment, with flakes of mucus in urine. Sensation of an obstruction in urethra when urinating shootings and burning sensation in urethra after and during the emission of urine.- Urging and scalding before and after micturition.- Irritability of bladder, subacute and chronic catarrh.

Male Sexual Organs

Increased sexual desire, with painful erections.- Slight burning in glans when urinating.- Paroxysmal cramp-like pain in region of glans.- Tickling of prepuce and glans.

Female Sexual Organs

Menses too soon, has to press her left side at tenth rib to relieve gnawing pain.- Slimy leucorrhoea.

Respiratory Organs

Great dryness of the larynx, especially in morning and forenoon.- Sudden hoarseness when reading aloud.- Hoarseness and roughness in throat.-Hacking cough from irritation in larynx.- Tickling and burning sensation in larynx, especially when lying down, with danger of suffocation.- Abundant accumulation of mucus in larynx and trachea, with short respiration. Tearing and stinging in larynx and trachea.- Dry and shaking cough, excited by a tickling in larynx, worse in open air (and from walking fast).- Expectoration of transparent and yellow mucus when coughing.- Cough, with profuse expectoration of viscid mucus.- Shaking cough, like whooping-cough, from burning and tickling in larynx in morning, with copious expectoration of tough, white mucus (like white of egg).- The cough is worse in evening and at night, during rest, in warm room, when sitting, when lying on the (left) side.


Dyspnoea, with sensation of stagnation in lungs.-Shortness of breath when walking quickly and going up stairs.-Troublesome oppression of chest, especially in open air and on stooping, as if thorax too narrow.- Pressure in chest, especially during repose, and in morning, or at night, on waking.- Great sensibility in interior coats of chest when touched.- Squeezing and spasmodic pains in chest, with agitation and anxiety, especially when lying on side.-Certain movements cause pain, as if chest were too tight, disposed to expand the chest, this leaves soreness.- Burning, sore pain under sternum, especially during motion and on deep inspiration.- Orgasms of blood, oppression with flushes of heat, oppression, especially during rest.- Shootings in chest, especially when coughing and taking an inspiration.-Burning, aching, and stitches in left half of chest, worse lying on right side. Pleurisy right side of chest with thickening. Pain as from excoriation in chest, worse by external pressure, movement, coughing, and sneezing.- Soreness of walls of chest on moving arms, especially l.- Great soreness in walls of chest and great accumulation of clear albuminous mucus which is difficult to expectorate, pressure on chest as if lungs were pushed back to spine.-Accumulation of mucus in chest, larynx, and trachea.- Phthisis mucosa: hydrothorax.- Profuse secretion of mucus in lungs of old people.-Drawing and burning sensation in the chest.- Tingling in the chest.- Violent congestion of blood in chest, with pulsation and ebullition, leading even to syncope.- The majority of symptoms are most violent during repose, but do not obstruct respiration.


Aching, burning pain in chest becomes seated in region of heart, whence it radiates to left axilla.- Aching and pressure in heart region, during deep inspiration.- Violent shaking palpitation of heart.


Aching and drawing in back and shoulder-blades, as well as between and under shoulder-blades.- Pain under right shoulder- blade, as if chest should burst, when coughing or drawing a long breath.-Burning sensation and subcutaneous itching over whole back.

Upper Limbs

Paralytic drawing in forearms as far as fingers. Anxious starting and jerking in upper arm during siesta.-Pain as if sprained in wrists.- Sticking, crawling, prickling in palms.

Lower Limbs

Sensation of excessive lassitude in legs, and of paralysis in joints. Wrenching pain in hip-joint. Trembling in legs. Great weakness of feet, especially in forenoon.


Where there is great burning in chest, either before or after coughing, profuse secretion of mucus.- Dryness of inner parts which are usually moist: dry skin.- Diseases of mucous membranes.- Dropsy of internal organs (especially after inflammation).- Inflammation of internal organs. General affections of windpipe, left side of chest particularly, right eye, lower eyelids, worse from looking fixedly at any object for a long time.- Sensation of great general lassitude, with trembling, especially in lower limbs.-Great moral and physical depression, with stretching of limbs, heaviness, emptiness, and throbbing in head.-Great weakness, which seems to proceed from the chest. Fainting, when walking in open air.- Several symptoms, especially those of chest, are worse by repose, and better by walking in open air.


Bites of poisonous animals or animals when in a state of range.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica