Senecio Aureus


Face pale, depressed appearance, weary, wants to lie down.- Lancinating pain right side of face, right shoulder, left breast.- Lips pale, dry, feverish.


Teeth tender and sensitive, gums pale, dry, feverish.


Tongue slightly coated, catarrhal fever.- Mouth and fauces dry, hot.


Throat and nose feel very dry, later, tightness in throat, wants to swallow. Fauces dry, later, mucus fills throat.


Aversion to all food, especially sweets and coffee (she is usually very fond of both).- Faint before meals (not hunger).-

Full after eating very little.


Eructations of sour gas and ingesta.- Nausea on rising, morning sickness of pregnancy.- Nausea from renal derangements. Stitches in epigastrium.


Stitches in hypochondria, sharp cutting in diaphragm.-Pains about navel, spreading thence in all directions, better by stool, griping pains better bending forward.- Rumbling of wind.-Catarrh of bowels, rumbling and watery stools.- Abdomen much enlarged and very tense, lower limbs oedematous, urine scanty, high-coloured, not more than eight ounces a day, pain in lumbar region and in ovaries, constipation, cervix uteri congested, albuminous leucorrhoea, sense of weight in uterine region (ascites).-About noon, before dinner, stitches running from one part to another in both inguinal regions, lower jaw, shoulders, &c. Smarting pain in left groin.

Stool and Rectum

Stool thin, watery, bloody, with tenesmus and colic, catarrhal dysentery, evening.-Stool copious with great debility and prostration, flatulence, morning.- Stool in hard lumps mixed with yellow mucus.

Urinary Organs

Slight pain in region of kidneys.- Attacks of renal inflammation, attacking particularly right kidney, causing intense pain, fever, and great prostration.- Severe renal inflammation with fever, chilliness, and pain in lumbar region, particularly in left kidney, quantity of urine below normal, urine red, depositing a brick dust sediment, considerable arterial excitement, skin hot and dry, motion caused him to cry out with pain, constipation.- Intense pain over right kidney, severe pain during urination, urine red, hot, acrid, bowels constipated.- Renal dropsy.- Inflammation of kidneys and ureters after passage of gravel. Tenesmus of bladder, smarting in urethra, dropsy.-Haematuria, renal pain with nausea.- Tenesmus of bladder, with heat and urging.-Irritation of bladder in children, preceded by heat and headache.-Renal colic with or without nausea.-Chronic inflammation of neck of bladder with bloody urine and tenesmus of bladder.-Chronic inflammation of kidneys.- Dysuria: of women and children, evidently of catarrhal origin, mucous sediment in urine, with uterine displacement.- Smarting in fossa navicularis before urination.

Male Sexual Organs

Lascivious dreams, emissions.- Prostate gland enlarged, feels hard and swollen to touch.- Dull, heavy pain in spermatic cord, moving along cord to testicle.-Gonorrhoea, gleet.- Chronic prostatitis.

Female Sexual Organs

Awakened early by great sexual irritation, vagina full of mucus, labia swollen, itching and burning exasperates.-Orgasm in afternoon after feeling of irritation, and again after sleep.- Aching in both ovarian regions, knees, and ankles, and down front of thighs.- Profuse flow of mucus from vagina.- Menses two days early, very scant, less pain than usual, followed by excessive thirst and thin leucorrhoea streaked with blood, and with dull pelvic pains.- Menses every three weeks, very profuse, lasting eight or nine days, accompanied by severe cutting pains in region of sacrum, hypogastrium, and groins, she was pale, weak, and nervous, and had a slight cough, generally at night, after an abortion.- Menses premature and profuse or retarded and scanty.- Dysmenorrhoea with urinary symptoms, cutting in sacral and hypogastric regions, flow scanty or profuse or irregular, pale, weak, anaemic, strumous, hacking cough at night.- Amenorrhoea: from a cold, nervous irritability, lassitude, dropsy, wandering pains in back and shoulders, sensation of a ball rising from stomach into throat, costive, in young girls with dropsical conditions.- Symptoms as if menses would appear, but they fail, nervous, excitable, sleepless, loss of appetite.- Suppression of menses from a cold, after venesection.-Menstrual irregularities in consumptive patients.- Itching of vulva, feels sore and chafed, begins when sitting still, better when mind employed.- Leucorrhoea:- preceded by headache, sleeplessness and irritable bladder, in little girls, preceded by headache and sleeplessness.- Chlorosis in scrofulous girls, with dropsy.

Respiratory Organs

Hawking of tough white mucus. Respiration as if greatly fatigued. Laboured breathing from mucous accumulation. Hacking night cough. Mucous rattling with suppressed cough. Palliated cough and bloody sputa in a woman far gone with consumption, and brought back menses, which were absent four months. Cough with bloody expectoration.


Catarrh of lungs, loose cough and copious mucous expectoration.- Haemoptysis, great emaciation, dry, hacking cough, hectic flush, sleeplessness.-Haemoptysis after venesection or suppressed menstruation.-Phthisis with obstructed menstruation, bloody or copious mucous sputa.- Sharp pain through either lung.- Hot flashes of pain through lungs in morning.- Compression about chest.


Pain in back and loins, when sitting long or when lying down.- Sharp, lancinating pains in lumbar region. Severe pain in small of back in morning.-Cutting pains in region of sacrum, hypogastrium, and groins, with too early or too profuse menses, she is pale, weak, and nervous, and has a slight cough at night.- Wandering pains in back and shoulders, pain in joints.


Sharp stitches here and there, rheumatic pains in joints. Skin dry and nails very brittle.

Upper Limbs

Occasionally during the day sharp, lancinating pain in right shoulder, left heel, and in right side of face.- Sharp, sticking pain in left shoulder.- Hot pains through arms.- Hands cold and clammy, trembling from nervousness.

Lower Limbs

Lower limbs weary.- About 4 p.m. sharp pain in neighborhood of sciatic nerve, shooting down thigh.- Constant desire to keep feet in motion.- Feet cold.


Nervousness, sleeplessness, and hysterical mood. Lassitude and nervousness.-Tired all morning.- Hysteria.- Wants to lie down, pale.- Slight exertion causes fainting.-Stitches in different parts of body.


Skin dry, nails brittle.


Great sleeplessness, with vivid, unpleasant dreams.- Sleeplessness of women suffering from uterine irritation, prolapsus, and its attendant nervousness (it is the Coffea of women), during climacteric period.- At night sleepless, nervous, hysterical, by day drowsy, languid.-Dreams mostly of an intellectual character, memory very active.- Sleep unrefreshing.


Chilly forenoon as after taking cold, followed by heat and sweat in evening with moderate thirst.- Chilliness followed by urging to urinate.-Copious warm sweat towards morning, catarrh.-Hectic fever. Heat of forehead. Hot flushes day and night.-Sweat of forehead.- Disposition to perspire.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica