

Pain under root of tongue.- Tongue loaded with a thick white coating in morning.- Stammering speech, articulates with great difficulty.


Dryness in throat.- Hawking of lumps of transparent mucus every morning.


Sweetish, disagreeable taste after smoking.- Anorexia in morning (with white-coated tongue).- Hunger at night.- Dislike to salt things.- Frequent desire for brandy.- Bad effects from: sugar, salt food, tea, lemonade.


Hiccough and risings after smoking before eating.- Inclination to vomit. Feels very sick after sleep.- Cramp in stomach. Pressure in stomach as if cramp would occur.


Throbbing of the arteries in the whole body, especially in abdomen after a meal.- Pain in the liver, especially on taking an inspiration, extending to the renal region, with sensibility to external pressure.- Red itching, miliary eruption in the hepatic region.-Pains in right side, around under last ribs, especially on inspiration, extending to region of kidneys.- Violent shootings in spleen when walking.

Stool and Anus

Constipation.- Hard evacuations, followed by a discharge of mucus or of blood when passing the last portion of it, stool so hard and impacted that it has to be removed by mechanical aid.- Stools exceedingly difficult and threaten to tear anus from their immense size, hours spent in effort, stool can be seen through distended anus as an immense, dark, hard ball, sufferings great, patient becomes wonderfully agitated.- Somewhat liquid faeces, with tenesmus. Filaments, like hairs, in faeces.

Urinary Organs

Urine: scanty and red in evening, red sediment, like coarse sand.-Involuntary dribbling of urine when walking.- Dribbling of urine after micturition and after stool.- Sensation in tip of urethra, as if a biting drop were forcing its way out.

Male Sexual Organs

Tickling and itching in genitals, especially in scrotum. Impotence, with lascivious ideas.- Pollutions, with flaccidity of penis.- Discharge of semen, drop by drop, during sleep.- Lascivious dreams with emissions which waken him, followed by lameness and weakness in small of back.- Flow of prostatic fluid during evacuation and at other times.- Thin and scentless semen.- During coition, feeble erection, too prompt emission, and long- continued voluptuous thrill.-Priapism, glans drawn up.-Gonorrhoea (secondary), gleet.- Debility (weakness in loins) and peevishness after coition.

Female Sexual Organs

Menses copious and dark.- Menses delayed about eight days.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness on beginning to sing (or from singing, talking or long reading, voice hoarse and husky).- Hawking up of mucus and of small clots of blood.- Cough in morning, which fatigues whole chest, with expectoration of blood and small globules of mucus.- Difficulty of breathing when walking in open air.-Frequent efforts to breathe deeply, like sighing.- Respiration obstructed at night, when lying down, by pains in chest, side, and loins.

Neck and Back

Cramp in neck.- Pain through left side of neck and down back of left leg.- Pain in glands left side of neck.- Rigidity of muscles of neck and nape, which hinders head being turned.- Hard swelling on back.-Paralytic pain in small of back, better lying on abdomen.-Sensation of paralysis in loins.- Pain as from lameness in small of back in morning.


Pains in all the limbs, as if caused by a chill.

Upper Limbs

Miliaria in forearm.- Tearing in hands at night, with cracking in wrists.-Itching at wrist, in palms, itching vesicles on and between fingers.-Dry, scaly eruption on palms, with itching, having syphilitic base.- Painful hang-nails.- Scabious pimples on hand.- Emaciation of hands.

Lower Limbs

Itching pimples on buttocks and thighs, near the scrotum.- Emaciation of legs.- Cramps in calves and soles.- Legs feel weak, with fear of paralysis after typhus.- The knees crack when they are bent (at night).- Flat ulcers on (lower) legs.-Itching in feet, especially round ankles, in evening.- Blisters on toes.


(Escape of seminal fluids, particularly when straining at stool, which condition may be accompanied with headache, sleeplessness,

weakness, and troubles in general, complaints after stool, impotence of the male, spermatorrhoea, weakness of the sexual powers, nocturnal pollutions.- Deep respiration.- Itch where the pustule comes between the fingers, foul exanthema.- Perspires too easily, on single parts, on forepart of body.- Worse while drinking tea, after stool, while, or after talking, can’t bear to have the hair touched, walking in the open air. ***H. N. G.) Worse after sleep, especially on hot days, from lemonade, wine, from very salt food, in the sun.- Excessive emaciation, especially of face, hands, and legs (thighs).-*Cinchona produces extraordinary sufferings, and worse those which are already in existence to an insupportable degree. Throbbing in vessels of whole body, especially felt in abdomen.- Strong inclination to lie down and to- sleep, especially during heat of day. Symptoms worse after sleep. Inability to bear a draft of air.- Every draft of air, even warm, causes pain in limbs, head, &c.


Frequent tingling in circumscribed parts of skin, with great provocation to scratch.- Miliary eruption.- Red rash on region of liver.-Prolonged oozing from parts which have been scratched.- Flat ulcers.- Itching in folds of skin, between finger and about joints, especially ankle joint.- Hair falls off head, whiskers, and other parts.


Disposition to sleep early in evening, with imperfect sleep and frequent waking during night.- Retarded sleep in evening.- Jerks in body when going to sleep.- Light sleep at night, and waking with least noise.- Waking early in morning, and always at same hour.- Sleepless before midnight.- Symptoms worse after a siesta, on hot days.- Dreams of quarrels and unnatural cruelty.


Pulse very little accelerated.- Burning heat, extending over considerable portions of the skin (chest, abdomen, loins, and ribs). Constant alternation of heat and cold.- Perspiration from least exertion.- Perspiration as soon as he sleeps, day or night.- Tendency to profuse perspiration when walking, or during an afternoon sleep.- Perspiration (on chest, genitals, and under axillae) which leaves yellow or white spots on linen and stiffens it.-External heat, with burning in skin, and only in single spots.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica