
Male Sexual Organs

Inflammatory gonorrhoea, with discharge of pus. Sycotic excrescences with burning soreness. Burning sore pain in glans. Hard (cartilaginous) swelling on dorsum of penis. Shootings in glans. Deep redness of glans. Painful sensibility of prepuce, with difficulty in retracting it. Frenum swollen and tight. Pain in condyloma as from excoriation. Increased sexual desire, with violent and prolonged erections. 16.

Female Sexual Organs.

Almost insatiable desire for coition with corresponding gratification. Sexual desire greatly increased (almost amounting to nymphomania). Contractive pain in region of uterus. Stitches deep in vagina. Sanguineous congestion in uterus. Haemorrhage of partly pale red, partly clotted, or of very thin, discolored, offensive-smelling blood, worse on least motion, has to lie perfectly quiet to avoid a profuse discharge after miscarriage. Metrorrhagia with discharge of clotted or bright-red blood, and pains resembling labour pains in the sacrum and in the groins. Metrorrhagia, bright blood, worse at night. Catamenia too early and too copious. Menses continue too long. Menstrual discharge partly fluid, partly clotted and offensive, it may be either bright red or dark and coagulated, flows mostly in paroxysms, which are brought on by slightest motion, or flow ceases when walking about (menses only when lying down). Suppressed catamenia with very offensive-smelling leucorrhoea (like meat washings). Miscarriage (especially in the third month). Perceptible swelling of mammae. Tingling in mammae. Leucorrhoea, itching, yellowish, fetid, and thick, like starch. Inflammation of the uterus after parturition. Retained placenta. After-pains with sensitiveness of abdomen.

Respiratory Organs

Dry cough, excited by a tickling, or followed at a later period by expectoration of mucus streaked with blood. Dry, hacking cough, and tickling in the trachea. Haemoptysis. Tensive, pressive pain in sternum, not affected by respiration.


Pressure on chest. Pressive, spasmodic tension in chest, principally in middle of sternum. Stitches in left nipple. Shooting and pain as from excoriation in xiphoid cartilage, worse on taking a full inspiration and on touching the part. Trembling in the lungs, with dull rattling and crackling. Lancination (intermittent) in the outside of chest and in clavicles.


Augmented and extended beating of the heart. Throbbing in all the blood-vessels. Pulse unequal, generally quick, strong, and hard.

Back and neck

Contusive pain in the muscles or vertebrae of neck. Pressive drawing (labor-like pains) in loins, as far as the inguinal region and down thighs, followed by a bloody, slimy discharge from the vagina. Paralytic pain in small of back, better (or worse) bending backward. Drawing pains in small of back, extending into public region. Pressive tearing and shootings in spine. Pain in back obliging him to bend inward. Paralytic pain in back.


Drawing, tearing pains, especially at night, most in wrist- joints and toes, with red, shiny swelling, worse from motion and touch. Stitches in elbow, in heels, extending outward. Limbs convulsed. Cracking in joints.

Upper Limbs

Wrenching pain in the joints of the shoulder and hands. Pain as if sprained in right shoulder-joint, even during rest. Paralytic tearing along right upper arm as far as hand. Sticking pains on outer condyles of both elbows. Aching in right radius, worse motion or touch. Pressive tearings and shootings in arms, forearms, and fingers. Arthritic rigidity and swelling in joint of wrist, with tearing and shootings: made almost insupportable when the hand hangs down. Drawing and tearing in bones of hands. Weakness of hands (when writing). Distortion of fingers.

Lower Limbs

Furunculus with shooting pain in buttock. Shooting pains in coxofemoral articulations when resting on the foot. Stinging pains in hip-joints in morning and when breathing. Pressure and drawing in thighs and knees. Middle of anterior surface of thighs feel bruised and painful, only when walking on the level or stepping down, not when stepping up. Tearing tension in thighs, with sensation when squatting as if the muscles were too short. Purulent and lard-like ulcer on tibia. Intermittent aching on left heel, lower part where it joins the sole. Sharp stitches from within out on right and left heel. Pressive tearing in bones of feet. Red and shining swelling of great toe (gout), with boring and lancinating pain.


(A marked characteristic is a pain which is felt all the way between the sacrum and pubis, from one bone to the other not particularly in front or behind, but right along from the sacrum to the pubis, this pain may be found in labor pains, after-pains, occurring in dysmenorrhoea, &c., in hemorrhage (particularly uterine) where the blood is in fluid and clots together as, the liquid blood would flow, then will come a clot, and the blood may be flowing rapidly. Bleeding from the nose, blood being pale. Bleeding from inner parts in general. Menstruation too early, too profuse, blood of light color, bright-red color, discharge of blood before the proper period. Affects particularly the uterus, lower part of chest, wrist, heel, toes, arthritic pain in joints. Cough with expectoration of pale blood. In threatened abortion. Worse on inspiration, taking a deep breath, affections in general during pregnancy, in a room, in a warm room, on getting warm in bed, women in childbed, after parturition. Better in open air, while breathing out, exhaling. ***H.N.G.) Chronic ailments of women. Twitching pulsation in the blood-vessels. Shooting and tearing, arthritic pains, especially in joints, and sometimes with red and shining swelling of the parts affected. Gouty nodosities. Lancinating drawing in hollow bones. Burning, pressive sensation in periosteum, which is swollen. Hemorrhage. Jerking throbbing in all the arteries. Great weakness and weariness in all limbs, with despondency. General uneasiness, as from long watching. Heaviness and indolence of body, obliging him to lie down.


Itching in skin, with excoriation and ulceration, or scabby places after scratching. Burning sensation in parts affected when they are touched. Black pores in skin.


Sleeplessness and restlessness after midnight. Disturbed sleep with frequent waking, ebullition of blood, heat, and perspiration. Anxious dreams. Continued dreams, full of fanciful images, and intellectual efforts. Talking and loud snoring during sleep. Tendency to lie on left side when sleeping.


Shuddering and shivering, with cutis anserine and cloudiness of sight (followed by sleepiness). Chill in the evening, with attacks of chilliness. Great chilliness through the day. Burning heat over the whole body, with great agitation. Sensation of coldness in whole right leg. Heat in face, with icy coldness of feet and hands. Fever in evening, first shivering, then heat, and lastly perspiration. Perspiration every night.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica