

Pains in eyes when viewing an object minutely. Itching smarting in canthus. Aching in eyes. Eyes hot like balls of fire, ache, feel strained. Burning sensation in eyes when reading by candle- light. Burning under left eye. Itching in inner canthi and on lower lids, which becomes smarting after rubbing them, whereupon the eye becomes filled with water. Lachrymation in open air (not in room). Speck on cornea. Red areola round candle in evening. Quivering and jerking in muscles of eyebrows. Spasms in (lower) lids, the tarsus is drawn hither and thither, and when it ceases water runs from both eyes for an hour and a half. Tendency to stare. Contraction of pupil (Aitken). (Detachment of retina.) Asthenopia. Astigmatism (?). Sight confused, as if directed through a mist, and complete cloudiness at a distance. Obscuration of sight from reading too much, with clouds, or like a veil before eyes. A green halo around the light in evening. Bad effects from over causes straining eyes, from reading too much, especially fine work at night. Dancing spots before eyes.


Earache with scraping pressure, as if a blunt piece of wood were pushed about in it. Itching lancinations in ear. Pain in cartilage of ear and under mastoid process as from a bruise.


Acute and hard aching in root of nose. Perspiration on back of nose. Epistaxis with pressure at root of nose.


Pains in face, in periosteum, as if caused by contusion or blows. Spasmodic tearing in cheek-bone. Itching and gnawing at face and on cheeks. Erysipelas in forehead with swelling. Eruption of pimples on lips. Lips dry and sticky. Acne.


Toothache with digging pain (in the lower teeth). Painful sensibility and ready bleeding of the gums.


Mouth dry and glutinous. Cramp in tongue, with embarrassed speech. Profuse salivation and swelling of tongue (Taylor, Medorrhinum Juris).


Sore throat, as if a tubercle were in bottom of gullet, during empty deglutition. Sensation as from excoriation and pressure on velum palati when swallowing.


Mawkish and dry taste of food, like wood. Violent thirst for cold water in afternoon. Disgust at first mouthful with a sensation of fulness and satiety in abdomen, although the appetite is good. Sudden nausea when eating, with vomiting of food. Pains in stomach after eating bread, or crude and indigestible food.


Empty risings or with the taste of food. Hiccough when smoking. Putrid risings after eating meat. Risings like those of hysterical women. Nausea at pit of stomach. Vomiting, even of food. Pains in stomach after having eaten uncooked or indigestible food. Pinchings in stomach after eating bread. Gnawing (sensation as from emptiness or hunger), burning, or pressive pains in stomach. Tearing shootings in epigastrium.


Gnawing pressure in hepatic region. Gnawing and eating pain about navel. Sick feeling in abdomen followed by soft stools. Pulsation and pricking in left hypochondrium. Painful swelling of spleen. Pain in abdomen as from a bruise, with digging in lumbar region. Pressive pinchings in hypogastrium. Incisive pinchings in sides of abdomen. Shooting pains, which pass into abdomen, when sitting down. Sensation of coldness or of heat, and burning sensation in abdomen. Gnawing in abdomen. Colic with burning or gnawing pain. Colic as from worms (in children). Lancinations in muscles of abdomen, which compel retraction of abdomen.

Stool and Anus

Difficult faeces, as from inactivity of rectum (or impaction following mechanical injuries), evacuated only with straining. Constipation alternating with mucous, frothy stools. Faeces scanty, hard, knotty, like sheep-dung. Slimy diarrhoea alternately with constipation. (Chronic and obstructed diarrhoea. ***R.T.C.) Frequent want to evacuate, with scanty but soft evacuations. Ineffectual want to evacuate, with prolapsus recti. Prolapse of rectum immediately on attempting a passage, from slightest stooping, after confinement, frequent unsuccessful urging. Prolapsus recti at every evacuation (whether hard or soft stool). Discharge of blood with stool. When sitting, tearing stitches in rectum. Pruritus ani with smooth appearance of skin round anus. ***R.T.C.). Tearing in rectum and urethra when not urinating. Nausea felt in rectum.

Urinary Organs

Want to urinate, sometimes very urgent, with pressure on bladder and scanty emission of green urine. Pressure on bladder (as if continually full), sometimes also after emission of urine and at other times. Frequent and profuse emission of urine, even at night. Continued want to urinate, even immediately after an emission. Retention of urine. Involuntary emission of urine at night in bed and by day during movement (walking). Urine charged with gravel.

Male Sexual Organs

Increased sexual desire. Pollutions.

Female Sexual Organs

Sterility. Catamenia very irregular. Symptoms worse at menstrual period. Catamenia of too short duration, preceded and followed by leucorrhoea. Corrosive leucorrhoea after the catamenia. (Pruritus pudendi. Vaginal pruritus with irritation of skin elsewhere. Pruritus vulvae, very severe, affecting external lips, which are swollen, began in vagina with pain under left breast and dimness of sight. ***R.T.C.) Metrorrhagia as a forerunner of miscarriage. Bearing-down pains. Miscarriage, at seven months. Lameness and soreness all over, with feeble contractions during labour.

Respiratory Organs

Bruised pain in larynx. Cough in evening after lying down, with copious expectoration of viscid mucus, and heaving as if about to vomit. Croaking cough at night with scraping in chest. Cough, with copious expectoration of purulent matter. Expectoration of thick, yellowish mucus, almost without cough, but with a sensation of fatigue in chest. Wakened about midnight with a choking cough.


Breath very short, with dyspnoea. Aching at chest with sensation of fulness. Nocturnal compression in lower part of chest. Lancinations in chest, often with suspended respiration, principally when going up stairs. Sensation of coldness or of heat in chest. Gnawing in right chest with corrosive burning. Gnawing sensation in (1.) chest. Phthisis after mechanical injuries of chest. A place in region of sternum is painful when touched.


Palpitation of heart with anxiety.

Neck and Back

Drawing in nape of neck and in the shoulder-blades. Pressure on inside of right scapula. Pricking itching between scapulae, not better by rubbing. Contusive pains in back and loins, often with oppressed respiration. Pain in loins and sacrum as from contusion. Shootings in loins when walking and when stooping, or only when seated, better by pressure and when lying down. Backache better lying on back. Pain in lumbar vertebrae as if bruised. Bruised pain in spine, and in iliac bones. Pain from coccyx to os sacrum as from a fall or blow.


Pains in the limbs, joints, and bones as if beaten, or after a blow or fall.

Upper Limbs

Wrenching pain in the shoulder-joint, especially when permitting arms to hang down or when resting on them. Shocks in arms as if in bones. Dull tearings in bones of the arm and joints of elbow. Pain as from contusion in joint of elbow. Pain in forearms as well as in bones and joints of hands as if they had been beaten. Pressive and spasmodic drawing and tearing in forearms, hands, and fingers. Paralytic stiffness of wrist. Wrenching pain or shootings in wrists. Sensation as from a sprain and stiffness in wrist. Bones of wrist and back of hand painful as if bruised when at rest and when moving. Pain in wrist (as from a sprain) on lifting a weight. Numbness and tingling in hands after exertion. Spasmodic contraction of fingers. Swollen veins on hands, after eating. Warts, with sore pains, flat, smooth, on palms of hands.

Lower Limbs

Falling from side to side when walking, legs will not support him, no power or steadiness in thighs. Legs give out on ascending or descending stairs. Sciatica, worse by cold applications, and in cold, wet weather. Spasmodic drawing in thighs, extending into the hip-joint and sacrum. Contusive pain in hip-joint and bones of the legs, especially on touching and stretching them. Weakness in thigh-bones on rising from a seat, as if they had been broken. Weakness, trembling, and paralytic heaviness of knees and legs, which prevent standing firmly, fatigue and heaviness of legs after walking. Sensation of contraction in tendons of knee (as if they were shortened, and weakness in them, especially on descending). “Rue pounded with honey and salt helps swelling of knee.” Culpepper). Fistulous ulcers in legs. Flexion of knees, especially when going down stairs. Lameness and pain in the ankles after a sprain or dislocation, as if ulcerated. (Pain and tenderness in soles, aching in ankles and very acute shooting in back of left heel, sometimes of right with pinkish discoloration of it, and shootings up through limb settling in one spot (sacrosciatic foramen), with aching and heavy drawing across back of neck as if being dragged down, patellae stiff and snap on bending knees.-***R.T.C.) Burning, gnawing pain in bones of the feet, which does not permit standing or walking. Paralytic stiffness of instep. Small epithelial swellings on joints of toes.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica