Rumex Crispus


Great desire to pick nose. Nose obstructed, dry sensation even in posterior nares. Sudden, sharp, tingling sensation in Schneiderian membrane, followed by violent and rapid sneezing five or six times in succession, with watery discharge. Violent sneezing with watery coryza and headache), worse evening and night. Accumulation of mucus about posterior nares. Yellow mucus discharged through posterior nares. Epistaxis, violent sneezing, and painful irritation of nostrils. Influenza with violent catarrh, followed by bronchitis.


Great paleness of face while standing. Heat of face, redness worse evenings: dull headache, with pulsations over whole body. Pain in side of face, including right temple and ear, also left side of upper lip. Pain in right jaw, morning. After retiring late at night, lancinating pains in lower jaw at root of left canine teeth.


Pain in teeth of both sides, morning. Toothache: entirely better after eating dinner, better by rinsing mouth with cold water. Grumbling stinging toothache in right upper molars, while riding in a cold wind, with pain in forehead. Tongue coated: white, yellow, yellowish-brown, or reddish brown. Dryness of anterior part of tongue, with sense of repletion in stomach and as if one had eaten spice. Sensation of excoriation at edges of tongue. Front of tongue dry and hot. Soreness of right edge of tongue. Sensation as if tongue and mouth burnt. Ulceration of mouth and throat. Taste: bitter (mornings), nasty, flat (on rising). Flow of saliva.


Scraping in throat, excoriated feeling with secretion of mucus in upper part. Sensation of a lump in throat, not better by hawking or swallowing, it descends on swallowing, but immediately returns. Sensation of a lump in oesophagus. Aching in pharynx with collection of tough mucus in fauces. Catarrhal affections of throat and fauces. Throat dry, swallowing difficult, pain in left side on swallowing.


Appetite: much increased, lost. Thirst. After meals: flatulency, heaviness in stomach or epigastrium, aching in left breast, pressure and distension in stomach. Nausea in night before diarrhoea. Sensation of hard substance in pit of stomach. Fullness and pressure in pit of stomach extending toward throat- pit, descends with every empty deglutition but immediately returns. Tight, suffocative, heavy ache in epigastrium, through to back, clothes seem too tight, weak feeling in epigastrium, all worse when talking, frequently takes a long breath. Shooting from pit of stomach to chest, sharp in left chest, slight nausea, dull aching in forehead. Aching and shooting in pit of stomach and above it on each side of sternum. Eructations, empty, tasteless. Hiccough. Pyrosis. Nausea, better by eructations. Nausea and vertigo while dressing in morning, compelling him to lie down again. Sensation of undigested food and upward pressure in throat-pit. Severe pain in digestive organs on waking. Pain in stomach with the pain in the lungs. Burning and cutting in stomach.


Pain in hypochondrium from walking or deep inspiration. Griping near navel partially ameliorates by discharge of offensive flatus, flatulent colic soon after a meal. Pain occurring or worse during inspiration. Sensation of heaviness and fullness in abdomen with rumbling. Borborygmus. Pain in abdomen in morning, followed by a stool. Colic from a cold, with cough.

Stool and Anus

Stools: painless, offensive, profuse, brown or black, thin or watery, preceded by pain in abdomen. Before stool: sudden urging, driving him out of bed in morning. Morning diarrhoea, with cough from tickling in throat-pit. Diarrhoea 6 to 10 a.m. Copious diarrhoeic stool with colic pain just above hypogastrium, and a very disagreeable rumbling in bowels together with nausea and loss of appetite, these sensations continued throughout the day with four or five evacuations which passed away in a stream as if a large quantity would be discharged, nevertheless each discharge was suddenly arrested, and the inclination passed away entirely for a short time, but on rising the urgency returned, and on returning to the closet a new stream poured forth as before. Faeces black, scanty. Constipation for several days, followed by a dry, hard stool. Itching at anus with discharge of offensive flatus. Sensation as from pressure of rough stick forced up rectum, painful on walking. Haemorrhoids protrude, much heat and itching at anus, and sensation as if a foreign body there.

Urinary Organs

Sudden urging. Frequent inclination with feeling as if urine could not long be retained. Involuntary micturition with cough. Copious colourless urine in afternoon. Urine less copious, flocculent deposit, oily surface, marked brick-dust sediment.

Male Sexual Organs

Tendency to phimosis. During evening feeling of soreness and excoriation, with redness of end of prepuce. Itching of prepuce. Sexual desire diminished, lost.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness worse evenings, voice uncertain. Voice: changes suddenly, on two consecutive days at 2 p.m. rose several notes, higher with catarrh, nasal. Aphonia after exposure to cold. (Reflex aphonia from tubercle of left apex.) Tenacious mucus in larynx, constant desire to hawk. Violent irritation to cough in larynx while eating (at three meals). (Cough all day, better lying down at night.) Pain in top of larynx, mostly left side. Dry, spasmodic cough, like beginning of whooping-cough, in paroxysms, preceded by tickling in throat-pit, with congestion and slight pains in head, and wrenching pains in right chest, began a few minutes after lying down at night (11 p.m.), lasted 10 to 15 minutes, after which he slept all right, a less severe paroxysm in bed on waking and throughout day, this lasted two weeks, when he began to expectorate adhesive mucus in small quantities, detached with difficulty. Hacking cough. Cough worse by any irregularity of breathing. Hoarse, hacking cough 11 p.m. and 2 to 5 a.m. Cough with pain behind mid-sternum. Pressure on throat causes cough. Dry, tickling, spasmodic cough, with tenderness in larynx and trachea, rendering cough quite painful. Teasing periodical cough, worse in cool air or by anything which increases the volume or rapidity of inspired air. Cough worse from changing rooms. Cough originally caused by inhaling extremely cold air during winter, worse lying down, especially 11 p.m. Cough provoked by change from cold to warm or warm to cold. Cough worse lying left side, better lying r., better covering up mouth, better wearing respirator. Sensation of breathlessness, as if air did not penetrate chest, or as when falling or passing rapidly through the air. Frequent feeling as if she could not get another breath.


Clavicular pain, raw pain just under each clavicle while hawking mucus from throat. Pain in chest: in both sides, dull aching in anterior part, with headache and belching. Sharp stitching or stinging through left lung. Acute stitch along left margin of sternum. Burning stinging: in left side near heart, in whole left chest suddenly when taking a deep inspiration while in act of lying down in bed at night. At 3.30 p.m., while writing at desk, stitches in substance of left lung. Burning, shooting pain in right chest. Sharp pain near left axilla. Pain in center of left lung. Sternum feels sprained. Great pressure and sense of depression in upper part of breast. Very sharp pain in breast running right to 1. Sharp cutting pain in left breast at noon lasting an hour.


Heart feels as if it suddenly stopped beating, followed by a heavy throbbing. Dull pain in region of heart, with dull pain and heaviness in left upper arm, especially elbow. Dull pain in heart on deep inspirations. Burning in region of heart. Severe stinging in region of heart, extending through chest to apex of left scapula, with frequent desire to take a deep breath, which worse the pain (afternoon for two or three hours). Sharp pain in left side of heart. Palpitation: after supper, worse going upstairs, violent with throbbing carotids.

Neck and Back

Sensation as if a thread were tightly tied round neck just below ears, with a slight roaring in the ears. Pain: in back of neck, running down back. Aching between scapulae. Stinging burning just below inferior angle of left scapula, followed and accompanied by stinging, almost itching pain l. chest just below nipple. Pain under right scapula. Pain in left Scapula. Burning pain in small of back near tip of right sacroiliac joint. Sore pain in left sacroiliac joint, lame as from over-lifting, worse by sudden motion, followed by pulsation in nates. Aching and sense of great fatigue in loins.


Twitching of right arm and leg. Pain in upper and lower limbs of same or opposite side.

Upper Limbs

Pains in shoulder down to elbow, arms feel strained. Hands cold when coughing, Bruised aching and stinging pain in arms, hands, elbows, and right wrist.

Lower Limbs

Stitching in back of right hip, limping walk. Legs ache. Stitch- like pain in knee-joint when standing. Legs covered with small red pimples. Feet sensitive, stinging in corns. Tender feet.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica