Radium Bromatum


Eyes smart and look red (C). Eyes have sticky feeling and are reddened, as if sand in them. Sensation as if piece of cotton in eyes, better rubbing. Both eyes sore, worse 1. Swelling of tissues of left orbit with slight itching. Lids heavy, hard to keep them open. Discharge from right eye runs down on nose and forms yellow crusts. Margins of lids inflamed and burning. Both eyes ache along margin of lids. Burning, stinging in eyes. Eyes sensitive to light. Some secretion on lashes right eye on waking (C). R. eye began to feel sore with occasional sticking pains and increased secretion, worse reading, worse artificial light, better closing eye, sclerotic vessels injected running to cornea from both sides, occasional itching in lids, worse upper (C), Blenorrhagia of right eye, injection of sclerotic, slight injection of lower part of cornea, pupil of right eye dilates and contracts more sluggishly than left (C). Woke with right eye very painful, with feeling of foreign body in it, better open air (C). Sensation as if lash in left eye, slight soreness of ball (C). When reading for a while letters dance and get blurred.


Tickling in ears, very severe at night. Sharp sticking pain just over right ear. Earache, much pain in (right) ear, stitching and throbbing (C). Sound of rushing water (associated with rapid heart-action following vivid dreams).


Much mucus without having taken cold (C). Pricking and peppery sensation in left nostril (C). Naevus-like spot on tip of nose (C). Catarrh with green discharge (C). Epistaxis (C). Burning sensation in nose (C). Itching and dryness of both cavities. Pricking and hard crusts. Itching of nose.


Flushed face. Slight patchy erythema diffused over forehead (C). Succession of little pimples on forehead and chest, raised, red, exuding when punctured serum, blood, and a small amount of pus. Small papule in center of left cheek, which dried off and recurred many times. Heavy crust formed over area when papule scratched. This also recurred many times. Skin of face very irritable, this gradually got worse and lasted two months, the skin became thickened and broke in places, exuding clear moisture, better scratching, worse by washing, which caused oozing, better bathing in very hot water, worse shaving (only possible on alternate days), worse night when warm in bed. (Finally cured by Rhus-ven.) (C). Small naevus on chin turns black and scales off and disappears (C). Sudden and violent shocks of pain in lower branches of 5th cranial nerve, left, so intense and of such lightning-like suddenness as to call forth an exclamation (C). Severe aching pain at angle right lower jaw. Erythema of nose and face. Acne. Twitching and burning sensation in lips. Lower lip drawn and stiff, feels as if swelling.


Dry in the morning (C). Parched, dry sensation in roof of mouth, better cold water but soon returns, better Nux moschata. Mouth dry, breath seems hot. Saliva runs into mouth. Tongue white (C). Tongue bluish white and thick, swollen sensation, speech difficult and heavy. Taste: peculiar metallic, bitter-sour, of chalk with increased salivation, bitter and oily. Power of taste returns (C).


Teeth painful, feel elongated. Gumboil right lower jaw back of molar teeth, swelling and soreness prevented talking.


Dry mouth and throat. Warming sensation in oesophagus and stomach, lasted half an hour after the dose. Throat sore with earache (C). Wanted cold drinks to quench parched condition of throat. Sore throat followed by tickling cough. Stitching in throat on swallowing. Sensation of lump and constriction. Throat dry and raw, better swallowing and drinking cold water. Throat dry and congested, worse right side, as if he had smoked too much. Throat sore at bedtime, worse right side. Feeling in throat as from eating pepper.


No appetite (C). Loss of appetite, especially for meat (C). Loss of appetite with colic. Aversion to meat, to bacon for breakfast (o Rhus-ven.) (C). Aversion to sweets. Aversion to ice-creams, of which she is usually very fond. Great hunger an hour before meals, soon satisfied. Loss of appetite with colic. Usual food not relished: sour things taste good. Distaste for tobacco.


Intense emptiness (lasted an hour). Emptiness one hour before meals. Warm, empty feeling better after eating. Nausea (C). Nausea 5 p.m., desire to vomit but cannot. Nausea and sinking sensation in pit of stomach worse walking, lightness of head. Nausea in abdomen, before meals, better by eating. Food slow of digestion, though appetite good. Colicky pains in stomach. Much pain and distress in stomach, better by much belching of gas and eructations of wind. Frequent belching.


Distended feeling and indigestion after food, alternating with earache (C). Inflammation of umbilicus (C). Severe aching pains over pubes. Slight colicky pains with passage of foul flatus. Pain over McBurney’s point. Pain after dose better bending double and after defecation. Violent cramps 11 p.m., better bending double. Nausea in abdomen better by eating. Awoke 4 a.m. with colic in abdomen and stitching in rectum, better by passage of dark, watery stool, other stools less dark followed later. Cramping whilst eating better by stool. Cutting pains in intestines after waking, with great sensitiveness to pressure. Sharp sudden pains at McBurney’s point, also at sigmoid flexure above crest of ilium, attacks recurred several times in the week, came quickly like shocks and passed off quickly. Abdomen distressed evening. Two red macules on right and left sides of abdomen slightly itching. Lameness in both groins after sitting and first beginning to move.

Stool and Anus

Stools paler than normal (C). Stools relaxed, almost watery, tags of mucus (C). Constipation (C). Constipation, difficulty of evacuation even after the use of an enema. Dry, hard, scanty stools. Alternate constipation and looseness. Soft yellow stool with much flatulence. Severe sacral pains with much flatulence, better by stool. Much flatulence, hot, following diarrhoea. Gushing stool of bad odor. Yellow, soft stools alternately with hard brown stools, foul flatus. Burning stool. Rectum feels dry. Very large, dark brown stool, very offensive. Constipated for four days, no desire except twice, when passed three little black marbles, at noon, small diarrhoeic stool. Constipation of years’ standing removed in one prover. After several watery stools rectum feels sore and as if prolapsed. Yellow-brown or slate- coloured stools, bad odor. No desire, had to force a stool, which was soft and clay-like. Eczema about anus (C).

Urinary Organs

Urine becomes more profuse. Urine slightly burning. Has to wait some minutes before he can micturate. Urine radio-active, clayey or brick-dust sediment. Albuminuria (five provers, one of whom showed hyaline and granular casts). Increased elimination of solids, particularly chlorides.

Male Sexual Organs

Eruption of psoriasis on penis with circular or serpiginous edges (C). Eczema of penis and inner surface of prepuce (C). Sexual desire diminished or absent for one month. Three weeks after cessation of drug desire stronger than usual. Desire increased. Nocturnal emissions, once whilst sleeping in afternoon. Two emissions in one night. Slight pains in left spermatic cord when walking. Previous to taking the drug (12X) had slight phimosis, this was worse during the proving, head of penis itching and burning, after the proving phimosis was better.

Female Sexual Organs

Period delayed, rather less painful than usual (C). Aching over pubes when menses came on (an unusual occurrence), flow copious first two days, then stopped gradually. Menses delayed three days. During period, bearing-down pains in the back. Flow during night very copious and dark red. Leucorrhoea, white and scanty, curdy and cheesy. Urethral caruncle.

Respiratory Organs

Feels as if she could not get air enough (C). Tickling in larynx, worse lying down. Tickling in supra-sternal fossa very pronounced, could not stop coughing after once started. Aversion to sweets (of which ordinarily very fond) during cough, after three nights controlled by Rhus-tox. Dry, spasmodic cough worse smoking, worse indoors, better eating, better out of doors. Tickling in throat and hacking cough with frothy expectoration. Tickling in trachea, as if something had dropped into it, causing a dry, hacking cough, better in open air. Occasional dry paroxysms of coughing, with sensation as if dust had reached the larynx or bronchi, better by coughing.


Chest feels tight as if she could not get air enough (C). Eruption disappeared from chest in prover (C). Pain in chest alternating with indigestion and stuffed-up feeling (C). Sharp pain in left chest, comes and goes. Constriction of chest, in heart region. Beating pain right of sternum worse at end of respiration.


Sharp pains in region of heart, better after walking.

Palpitation on waking from dreams with sound in ears of rushing water. Constricting sensation about heart, with anxiety and desire for air, better in open air. (Applied locally in massive doses, Rad. bro. has produced endarteritis, atheroma, and sclerosis of the vessels acted on.) Examination of the blood of the provers showed a marked increase in polymorphonuclear neutrophils. “The police’ of the blood corpuscles which attack invading bacteria. Lowered blood pressure (in all Dieffenbach’s provers).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica