

Cannot lie more than few minutes in one position, better change (S). Debility in morning, staggered on trying to walk (S). Nervous, restless (S). Aching all over, bed feels hard. Great muscular debility, rapid recovery in few hours (dog).


Skin pale, cold, of ashy hue. Obstinate, varicose, offensive ulcers of old people.


Slept awhile, woke to roll and tumble in every conceivable position (S). Unable to sleep for brain activity and crowding of ideas (S). Restlessness better after sleep. Cries out in sleep that a weight is lying on her. Whispers in sleep. Kept awake by purring of heart. Dreams: of various things, of business.


“In all cases of fever commencing with pains in the limbs” (Swan). Shivers and begins to move about restlessly, temperature rises gradually and as gradually subsides (dog). Temperature rises rapidly to 104o F., and sinks rapidly from heart failure (dog, fatal dose). Chilly at times and a little aching, a little feverish (S). After dinner, ache all over, chilly all night, bed feels hard (S). After getting into bed, chilly, teeth chatter, woke 10 p.m. in perspiration on upper part of body, better motion (S). Feels hot as if he had a fever, but was only 99o F., feels like 105o. Cold and chilly all day. No fire would warm, sits by fire and breathes the heat from it, chilly whenever he leaves it, at night when the fever came on he had a sensation as if lungs on fire., must have fresh air, which gave improvement. Frequent calls to urinate as soon as fever came on, urine clear as water. Every other day dumb ague. Perspiration horribly offensive, carrion-like, disgust up to nausea about any effluvia arising from her own body. Cold sweat over body.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica