Pulsatilla Nuttalliana

Female Sexual Organs

Stinging, darting pains passing through uterus from side to side. Leucorrhoea, bland but so profuse, and with so great depression that the prover refused to take more of the drug although it removed a pleuritic pain. Leucorrhoea, painless, 4 a.m. Feeling as if menses coming on. (Menses became more regular.) Menses weak, too soon (never before, but discharge, which had been formerly too dark and with pain, was this time natural in colour and painless). Menses, always copious, became increased to flooding and lasted three days. In morning on awaking found menses had returned first time since weaning babe (two months).

Respiratory Organs

Coughed much. Constant inclination to cough. Small sore spot in upper trachea.


Sharp, stabbing pain in pectoralis major muscle, followed by burning distress therein. During evening severe pain under left arm nearer back. Aching pain in chest all forenoon. Itching blotches on right breast, right side chest.


Audible pulsation of heart. Pulse accelerated.

Back and Neck

Stiffness right side neck, morning. Backache. Lameness in back, especially loins. Woke frequently with backache. Weakness of loins, feeling as if menses coming on.


Aching in limbs and loins wakes him frequently. Frequent flying pains in hands, feet, toes.

Upper Limbs

Rheumatism of right shoulder. Lameness in muscles of right upper arm. Muscles stiff. Frequent momentary pains in wrists and fingers. Fingers stiff. Hands dry and hot all day.

Lower Limbs

Sharp neuralgic pains along sciatic nerve from hip-joint to middle of thigh. Drawing in (left) sartorius muscle, when walking. Pain in both knees, worse l., severe, dull in right for two hours in bed, rheumatic. Legs heavy while walking, trembling weakness, nervous pains, worse l. Cramp. Dull pain in ankles, flying pains. With desire to urinate, afternoon, and at night, nervous sensation is felt, irresistible fidgets, worse night. Elevated eruption on ankles and half-way up leg, several large blotches on back, dark red, itches all the time, worse night. Very cold feet, evening.


Great debility, on rising, in evening. Languid, feverish, depressed.


Elevated blotchy eruption on legs and back. Slight rash on back and shoulders. Itching scattered pimples right side of chest, light red, rash-like blotches on right breast, itching severely at night, worse when heated. Red rash on body, face, neck, back, chest, abdomen, limbs, worse chest and abdomen, later erythema, later nodules, turn white after scratching (better Antim crud. 200). Itching: intense all over, worse night before bedtime, better rubbing, worse riding in cold air, returned repeatedly throughout the winter.


Sleepy, sleep not refreshing. Sleepless: for an hour 4 a.m., for several hours, from over-eating. Restless, with frontal headache. Many dreams, confused.


Chilly, with full, uncomfortable feeling in stomach, with inclination to yawn, with papescent stool, shaking. Heat, feverish, with debility, skin hot, flaccid, better cool, blustering wind. Hot face, cold feet, hands hot and feverish.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica