

Pressure and pain as from an abscess in root of nose (near inner canthus, as if a lachrymal fistula would form). the nose feels sore internally and externally. Ulceration of nostrils and of the alae nasi (emitting a watery humour). Discharge of fetid and greenish or yellowish pus from nose (like old catarrh). Old catarrh, frequently a profuse discharge every morning, in mild and pleasant persons. Nasal catarrh accompanied by special discomfort in the house, cannot breathe well in a warm room, and great better by going out into the open air. Blowing of blood from nose and nasal haemorrhage (blood coagulated, with dry coryza, with suppressed menses), sometimes with obstruction of nose. Obstruction of nose and dry coryza, principally in evening and in the heat of a room. Coryza with loss of taste and smell, or with discharge of thick (yellowish green) and fetid mucus. Tickling in nose and frequent sneezing, principally in morning an evening. Constant shivering during coryza. Imaginary smells. Constant smell before nose, as from a coryza of long standing, or as of a mixture of coffee and tobacco. Swelling of nose. Nasal bones pain as if they would be forced asunder.


Face pale (or yellowish, with sunken eyes) and sometimes with an expression of suffering. Painful sensitiveness of skin in face. Boring in left malar bone. (Neuralgia of right face, worse and then better by warmth, tightness across forehead as from a tight- string, keeps her awake at night. ***R. T. C.) Pallor of face, alternating with heat and redness of cheeks. Heat and redness of right cheek only. Sweat on face and scalp, shuddering or one (right) sided sweat of face. Face (and nose) puffed and of a bluish red colour. Convulsive movements and muscular palpitations in face. Tension and sensation of swelling in face, or painful sensibility of skin, as if it were excoriated. Erysipelas in face, with shooting pain and desquamation of skin. Red nodosities in region of cheek-bones. Lower lip swelled and cracked in middle. Swelling, tension, and cracks in lips, with desquamation of skin. Gnawing and smarting around mouth. Sharp and contractive pain in jaws. Swelling of submaxillary and cervical glands.


Sharp, shooting pains in teeth, or drawing, jerking pains, as if the nerve were tightened, then suddenly relaxed, or pulsative, digging, and gnawing pains, often with pricking in gums. Jerking and stinging in teeth, extending to ears and eyes. Toothache which affects the sound as well as the carious teeth, often only semilateral, and frequently extending to face, side of head, ear, and eye, on the side affected, being sometimes accompanied by paleness in face, shivering, and dyspnoea. Toothache worse or appears principally in evening or afternoon or at night, as well as in heat of bed or of a room, renewed by eating, as also by partaking of anything hot, and by irritation with the toothpick, better by cold water or fresh air. Toothache from cold (in the first warm spring days), with otalgia, paleness of the face, and chilliness. The toothache is also sometimes worse by cold water as well as by fresh air or by wind, but these cases are rare. Sensation of burning or swelling, pain as from excoriation, and pulsation in gums ( worse by the heat of the stove). Looseness of teeth.


Dryness of mouth in morning (without thirst). Offensive smell, and even putrid fetor from mouth, principally in morning or at night, and in bed in evening. Flow of sweetish and watery saliva from mouth, sometimes with inclination to vomit. Sensation as if tongue were too large. Tongue feels dry, and clammy. Painful blister on right side of tip of tongue. Sensation in middle of tongue, even when it is moistened, as if it had been burned and were insensible, at night and in morning. Edges of tongue feel sore as if scalded. Tongue greatly swollen, dorsum bright red and covered with network of dilated and congested veins varicose swelling on left side of tongue. Tongue loaded with a thick coating of a greyish, whitish, or yellowish colour (and covered with tough mucus). Accumulation of tenacious mucus in mouth and on tongue, these parts are, as it were, coated with a white skin. Cracks and painful vesicles on tongue. Sensation as if the palate were swollen, or covered with tenacious mucus. Constant spitting of frothy, cotton-like mucus.


Pain as from excoriation in throat, as if it were all raw, with scraping, burning sensation and smarting. Redness of throat, tonsils, and uvula, with sensation as if those parts were swollen, worse swallowing. Difficult deglutition, as from paralysis, or from contraction of throat. Shootings in throat, with pressure and tension during empty deglutition. Inflammation of throat, with varicose swelling of veins. Dryness in throat (in morning) or accumulation of tenacious mucus, which covers the part affected (especially night and morning). The sore throat is generally worse in evening or afternoon. Sensation of a worm creeping up into throat.


Insipid mucus, putrid taste in mouth, empyreumatic, earthy, or pus-like taste. Taste: fatty, lost, in colds where there is an entire loss of taste. Sweetish, acid, or bitter taste in mouth, and of food, principally meat, bread, butter, beer, and milk, substances which also often appear insipid or cause disgust. Bitter or sour taste in mouth immediately after eating, as well as in morning and evening. Wine has a bitter (beer a sweet or bitter) and meat a putrid taste. Food appears either too salt or insipid. Want of appetite and dislike to food. Hunger and desire to eat, without knowing what. Ravenous hunger, with gnawing pain in stomach. Complete adipsia, or excessive thirst, with moisture on tongue, and desire for beer, or spirituous, tart, and acid drinks. Thirstlessness with all complaints. Sensation of derangement in stomach, similar to that caused by fat pork or rich pastry. Repugnance to tobacco smoke. After eating, nausea and eructations, regurgitation and vomiting, inflation, and aching in pit of stomach, colic and flatulence, headache, obstructed respiration, ill-humour and melancholy or involuntary laughter and weeping, and many other sufferings. Bread, esp., lies heavy on stomach.


Frequent eructations, sometimes abortive, or with taste of food, or acid, or bitter, and principally after a meal, like bile in evening. Regurgitation of food. Water brash. Frequent hiccough, principally on smoking tobacco, after drinking, or at night, and sometimes with fit of suffocation. (Constant hiccough with jaundiced look and burning pains about shoulders. ***R. T. C.) Insupportable nausea and inclination to vomit, sometimes extending to throat and into mouth, with distressing sensation as of a worm crawling up oesophagus. Morning sickness (during pregnancy). Attacks of constriction and choking in oesophagus. Scraping sensation in stomach and oesophagus, like a heartburn. Vomitings, sometimes violent, of greenish mucus, or bilious and bitter, or acid matter (especially in evening and at night). Vomiting of food. Haematemesis. The nausea and vomiting take place principally in evening or at night, or after eating or drinking, as well as during a meal, and they often manifest themselves with shivering, paleness of face, colic, pains in ears or back, burning sensation in throat, and borborygmi. (Persistent indigestion in fits, with great weight on chest and sickish feeling, from mental and physical upset. ***R. T. C.) Cold in stomach from ice-cream and fruit. Colic, with nausea, ceasing after vomiting. Painful sensibility of region of stomach to least pressure. Disordered stomach (digestion) from eating fat food (pork). Pressive, spasmodic, contractive, and compressive pains in stomach and praecordial region, principally after a meal or in evening or in morning, and often with vomiting or nausea and obstructed respiration. Tingling or pulsations in pit of stomach, or shooting pain on making a false step, or on uneven pavement. Pain in epigastrium, which is greatly worse when sitting (during pregnancy).


Inflammation of abdomen, with great sensitiveness of integuments to pressure. Drawing tension in hypochondria, or pulsative shootings, as in an abscess. Hard distension of abdomen, principally in epigastrium, with tension, and sensation as if all were full, hard, and impassable, as if no stool or flatus could be expelled, though a stool does pass slowly but not hard, and yet the flatus is passed with difficulty and in small amounts. Chilliness extending from abdomen to lower part of back. Pressure in abdomen and small of back as from a stone, limbs go to sleep while sitting, ineffectual desire to stool. Spasmodic and compressive pains, sometimes at bottom of hypogastrium, with pressure on rectum or cuttings, principally round navel (low down in abdomen, penetrating into pelvis), or sharp and shooting pains in abdomen. Colic and labour-like pains in pregnant women. Colic with chilliness, while the menstruation is suppressed. Sensitiveness and inflammation of abdominal walls. The colics are often accompanied by vomiting or diarrhoea, they manifest themselves mostly in evening or after eating or drinking, and are sometimes better by squeezing the abdomen or by repose, while movement worse them. Annular swelling round navel, painful when walking. Retraction and soreness of abdomen, with great sensibility of integuments of abdomen, which appear swollen, with pain as from a bruise on touching them, or on yawning, singing, coughing, and at every movement of the abdominal muscles. Stitches and cutting in abdomen in evening, worse on sitting still. Flatulent colic, principally in evening, after a meal, or after midnight, or in morning, with pressive pains, produced by incarcerated flatus, tumult, borborygmi, and grumbling in abdomen and escape of fetid flatus. Painless rumbling of flatulence in upper abdomen. Constriction as from a stone extending to bladder. Purulent pustules in groins.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica