Prunus Spinosa

Male Sexual Organs

Flaccidity of penis, and retraction of prepuce. Agreeable itching in the scrotum immediately better by scratching.

Female Sexual Organs

Discharge of a watery and pale blood from uterus. Tickling, itching in region of ovaries, not better by scratching and rubbing. Metrorrhagia daily for eight to ten weeks, becoming more and more watery the longer it lasted. Menses watery and thin. Catamenia too early, and too copious, with sacral pains. Corrosive leucorrhoea, staining yellow.

Respiratory Organs

Scraping and roughness in throat, with inclination to cough. Cough excited by a tickling as with a feather, or crawling in larynx and upper part of trachea, cough renewed by holding the breath. Wheezing cough. Breathing difficult, caused by a sensation of heaviness in lower part of thorax. Oppressed, short, difficult, anxious, and panting respiration. Respiration in continually arrested at pit of stomach.


Pain in chest, when speaking, with weak voice. Sensation of heaviness and oppression in chest. Pains under sternum, and oppression, with fullness in scrobiculus, and distension of abdomen. Stitching pains in fleshy parts of left breast on deep inspiration, extends to every side and even above left shoulder, while walking and sitting.


Furious beating even when at rest, and great danger of suffocation from slightest motion, visible pulsation of carotids, face bloated and purple, lips purple, menses suppressed. Knocking at heart with laboured breathing. Even very moderate motion worse beats of heart fearfully. Far advanced oedema of feet in girl, 14, with hypertrophy of heart.

Back and Neck

Pressive pain in nape which involves whole occiput on stooping. All parts of back and small of back seem stiff as if he had been injured. Stitches between shoulder-blades on drawing a long breath. Pain in small of back when sitting. (Pain in small of back as if all strength had gone. ***R. T. C.) Stitch on right loin to navel, taking away breath, worse lying on back. Pain, as from ulceration in loins. Stiffness in back and loins, as if caused by a strain.

Upper Limbs

Pressure on right shoulder, extending to deltoid muscle, preventing one from raising arm. Soreness of axillary glands. Tension, wrenching pains, and paralytic sensation in various parts of arms and hands. Paralytic pains in left elbow-joint extending to wrist. R. wrist: wrenching pain during rest, pain as if bruise would form. Sensation as if sprained in right thumb, hindering one from writing, cannot hold the pen. Itching in fingers, as from chilblains.

Lower Limbs

Pains in hips at night, before midnight. Pain in hip, worse forenoon, and free from it after midnight. Restlessness in legs, has to change the position continually. Wrenching pains in knees and feet. Burning sensation in legs. Pain as from sprain left ankle. Pain in first joint of big toe, as if it were pulled out.


Shootings in muscles. Trembling in whole body. Uneasiness in body, with shortness of breath and oppression of chest.


Sleep after a meal. Retarded sleep and sleeplessness at night. Waking too early. Lassitude in morning, as after unrefreshing sleep. Sleep full of dreams and phantasies. Dreams of furunculi, or of salt things.


Shivering, especially in evening. Dry heat over the whole body, especially in genital organs. Sweat on face only, during sleep.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica