
heat and pain in anus: sensation as if genital organs would fall out, in women bearing down as from inactivity of rectum, nausea, gagging, Taormina, and pain in lumbar region, colic or absence of pain, prolapsus ani, pains in sacrum, tenesmus. After stool: extreme weakness and cutting pain in intestines, exhaustion, even after natural stool, flashes of heat running up back, cutting in bowels, severe and painful tenesmus, colic continues, faintness and pain in lumbar region, prolapsus ani, sore anus, sensation of emptiness in abdomen and rectum. Aggravation of internal piles, rectum protrudes more than an inch after every stool, or sudden motion as sneezing, even during mental excitement, prolapse sometimes persists for days from swelling and congestion. Prolapsus ani: in infants, stool bloody, or too large, with uterine displacement. Secretion of mucus from anus. External piles, bleeding or not. (Cancer of rectum.).

Urinary Organs

Micturition painful, scanty with frequent voiding. Urine: yellow, containing sediment, very red. Diabetes mellitus and insipidus, chalky stool, urination immediately after drinking, frequent, profuse. Urinary tenesmus. Enuresis, (markedly worse on lying down, hence at night. ***R.T.C.).

Male Sexual Organs

Sticking pain above pubes and in course of spermatic cords. Diseases of prostate gland associated with rectal troubles. Inflammation either of scrotum or of eyes, seldom of both. Inflammation of scrotum is attended with a pustular eruption which suppurates freely.

Female Sexual Organs

Symptoms of prolapsus uteri, with pain in sacrum, muco- gelatinous stools. Sensation as if genital organs would fall out at stool. After-pains with strong bearing down. Pain in right ovary and uterus. Numb aching in left ovary, heat down thigh, third month of pregnancy. Pain in ovaries, especially r., extending down limbs. Pain from right ovary down anterior crural nerve, pain worse as it descends, worse straightening limb. Shooting pain in right ovary, before and during menses. Ovarian tumour: with pains extending up to shoulder. Prolapsus uteri: with diarrhoea, from washing, after over-lifting or straining, after parturition. Induration of os uteri. (Extreme tenderness of uterus, backache, sick feeling and enuresis on lying down. R. T. C.) Menorrhagia from straining. Menses, retarded, with ovarian, hypogastric, and sacral pains, worse from motion, better lying down. Bearing down in abdomen and back during menses, ovarian pains running into thighs. During pregnancy: swelling of labia, can lie comfortably only on stomach, early months, excessive vomiting. Haemorrhoids and prolapsus ani after confinement. Pendulous abdomen.

Respiratory Organs

Chronic bronchitis. Inclination to breathe deep, sighing. Sensation of suffocation on first lying down at night. Bronchial asthma, worse after catching cold. Cough: loose, hacking, with remittent fever, dry, loose, rattling in chest, during dentition, from disease of liver. Whooping-cough, with constipation and loss of appetite.


Catarrh of chest during dentition. Pneumonia. Snapping in right lung like breaking a thread, when taking a deep inspiration. Pains in chest worse by deep inspiration. Oppression in chest with constant desire to breathe deep, which is prevented by feeling of constriction in chest.


Sensation in chest as if heart ascending to throat. Sticking (or stinging) in region of heart. Palpitation: with a clucking sensation rising up to throat, obstructing respiration, from exertion or mental emotion, with heavy sleep and feeling of fatigue on waking, nervous, in consequence of excessive hepatic action. Pulse: quick and small, slow, scarcely perceptible, pulseless.

Back and neck

Nape of neck stiff, muscles sore. Pain under right scapula. Pain between shoulders, morning: with soreness, worse night and morning, worse by motion. Pain in small of back, when walking or standing, with sensation of back bending inward. Pain in lumbar region with sensation of coldness, worse at night and from motion. Pain in lumbar and sacral regions worse during stool, and still worse after. Pain in loins worse walking on uneven ground or from misstep. Sacral pain.


Aching in limbs worse night. Weakness of joints, especially knee.

Upper Limbs

Pain in course of ulnar nerve of both arms. Rheumatism in left forearm and fingers. Pains from head into neck and shoulders, fingers numb. Weakness of wrists, sore to touch.

Lower Limbs

Pain and weakness in left hip, like rheumatism from cold, worse by going up stairs. Sharply defined ache in sacro-ischiatic foramen, with tenderness on pressure. Slight paralytic weakness of left side. Heaviness and stiffness of knees as after a long walk. Cracking in knee from motion. Cramps in calves, thighs, and feet, with painless, watery stools. Sharp pains in outer and upper portion of left foot.


Faintness and emptiness after stool. Prostration with the pain. Stiffness on beginning to move. Sudden shocks of jerking pains.


Sallow skin, jaundice, also in children. Skin moist with preternatural warmth. Scabs on arms and legs. Pustules slow in healing. Rawness and itching of genitals, also pustules. Cold, clammy skin. Erysipelas. Rubefacient and vesicatory. Intolerable itching of body and arms. Urticaria. Skin has peculiar odour in patients taking Podophyllum (Ussher).


Sleepiness: in daytime, especially forenoon, with rumbling in bowels in morning. Heavy sleep, fatigue on waking. Drowsy, half- closed eyes, moaning. whining, especially children. Great restlessness, tossing about in bed, yawning and stretching, which better completely. Rising up in sleep without waking. Drowsiness or restless sleep, with grinding of teeth or rolling of head. Worrying and sleepless early part of night, apparently from nervous irritability. Sleep disturbed, full of confused dreams. Rolled and tossed about, bed felt too hard, feeling as though head and shoulders lying too low.


Chilliness while moving about during fever, and in act of lying down, with sweat immediately after. Chilly at first on lying down in evening, followed by fever and sleep with talking and imperfect waking. Chill 7 a.m. Backache before chill. During chill great loquacity. Shaking and sensation of coldness continue some time after heat commences. Heat begins during chill or while he is yet chilly. Chilly with stool. Pain in bowels first attended with coldness, which is followed by heat and warm sweat. Feverish during afternoon, with occasional chilliness, not better by heat of stove, but better by covering up warmly in bed. Heat with violent pains in head, thirst, loquacity. Flashes of heat running up back during stool. Ravenous hunger with thirst during fever. Bilious fever, bilious intermittent, remittent, infantile remittent, intermittent, quotidian, tertian, quartan. Sweat: profuse, dropped off prover’s fingers, of feet in evening, bathed in cold, warm on head and legs. Sleep during sweat.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica