

(Drawing pain from before backward, as though abdomen were drawn in and through towards backbone, sometimes making abdomen concave, sensation as though a string were inside abdomen drawing it in, generally there is great despondency with this pain. Painters’ colic with this sensation, as though abdomen were drawn in and touching the spine, pulse may be down very low, 50, or even 40. Gastralgia with sensation as though abdomen and backbone met. Great liver remedy, inner belly in general, inner region of navel, sometimes umbilical hernia, and is an excellent remedy for this, left side of abdomen generally (H. N. G.). Pain in liver, with lancinating pressure. Hepatic region sensitive to pressure. Heat and burning in liver and spine. Sticking and darting in liver, first anteriorly, then posteriorly. Jaundice. Cirrhosis, first enlarged, then contracted. Affections of spleen. Very violent pains in abdomen, with retraction of navel. Inflation and induration of abdomen. Violent colics, with constrictive pain, especially in umbilical region, with violent contraction of abdomen (navel and anus are violently drawn in), sometimes forming elevations and depression, worse by slightest touch, and sometimes increased at night to the highest degree. Large, hard swelling in ileo-caecal region, very sensitive to contact or least motion, sneezing or coughing. Colic and paralysis of lower extremities. Pinchings and cuttings in abdomen. Shootings round navel. Sensation in upper part and in sides of abdomen as if something detached itself and fell down. Pulsation in abdomen. Burning sensation or coldness in abdomen. Inflammation, ulceration and gangrene of intestines. Hard nodosities in abdomen, as if caused by internal induration. Soreness of abdominal muscles, worse by movement and by touch. Continued production and incarceration of flatus, with grumbling and borborygmi in abdomen. Abundant expulsion of very offensive and hot, burning flatus. In rectum very urgent effort to expel flatus without any result.

Stool and Anus

Most obstinate constipation, stools blackish. Continued and ineffectual want to evacuate. Faeces difficult to evacuate, hard, sometimes in round pieces, like sheep dung, and tenacious. Balls in conglomerate masses, discharged with difficulty. Loose evacuations. Long continued diarrhoea, generally of yellow excrement, or else painful, and often very offensive. Sanguineous diarrhoea. Watery diarrhoea, with vomiting and violent colic, especially pain in umbilicus. Painful retraction and constriction of anus. Intolerable pain from spasms of rectum, with every evacuation lasting an hour or two, horrible constriction, much worse if stool solid. (Constipation from anal spasm in children. R. T. C.) Prolapsus ani, with paralysis. Fissures of anus.

Urinary Organs

Retention of urine. Difficult emission of urine, only drop by drop, dark coloured, scanty, albuminous. Tenesmus of bladder. More frequent and more copious emission of urine. Watery, or reddish, fiery, turbid, and sometimes thick urine, sediment consisting of red blood corpuscles and cylinders, all the symptoms of acute nephritis, with amaurosis and cerebral symptoms. Discharge of blood from urethra. Diabetes.

Male Sexual Organs

Swelling and inflammation of genital organs (of penis and scrotum). Contraction and constriction in testes, with jerking in spermatic cord. Retraction of testes. Excoriation of scrotum. Sexual desire excessively increased, with frequent erections and pollutions. Loss of sexual desire. Insufficient emission of semen during coition. (Impotence.).

Female Sexual Organs

Retarded menstruation. Amenorrhoea, chloro-anaemia. Nymphomania. Wants to stretch limbs during ovarian pains. Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea. Cessation of menses on invasion of colic, may reappear after paroxysm, or not again until next period. Metrorrhagia with sensation of strong pulling from abdomen to back, during climacteric, dark clots alternating with fluid blood or bloody serum. Strangulation of prolapsed portion of vagina, intense pain. Mucous discharge per vagina. Feels a lack of room for foetus in uterus, inability of uterus to expand, threatened abortion. During pregnancy cannot pass urine, from lack of sensation, or from paralysis. Puerperal eclampsia, albuminuria. Pulling, tearing, contractive pains in breasts, uterus, and vagina, with or without colic, the breasts become momentarily harder, or with the colic they become smaller. Induration and inflammation of breasts. Leucorrhoea. Miscarriage. Vaginismus. Hyperaesthesia of genitals. Obstructed bowels during pregnancy. Milk scanty and watery.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness and roughness in throat. Aphonia constriction of larynx copious expectoration of mucus from larynx which viscid transparent or yellowish green and in lumps dry convulsive cough. Expectoration of blood Haemorrhages from lungs. Shortness of breath. Spasmodic asthma. Oppression of chest, appearing periodically. Fits of suffocation. Pressure on chest, especially when breathing deeply or laughing. Shootings in chest and sides, sometimes with obstructed respiration. Apices of lungs affected. Small red papules on chest, which desquamate.


Difficult anxious oppressed and parting respiration.


Ebullition in chest, with anxietas praecordium, and perceptible palpitation. Change in muscular structure without coincident disease of valves, with or without atheromatous degeneration of vessels, usually hypertrophy and dilatation of left ventricle, sometimes with parenchymatous nephritis. Bruit de souffle. Palpitation, worse on ascending stairs or running. Pulse rapid, jerky, weak. Tachycardia.

Neck and Back

Tension in nape of neck, extending into ear on moving head. Tearings and shootings in loins, in back, and between shoulder- blades. Distortion of spine. Itching on coccyx above anus, going off when scratched.

Upper Limbs

Convulsive movements of arms and hands, with pains in joints. Drawing and tearing in arms and fingers. Wrist-drop. Weakness and painful paralysis of arms and hands. Dilatation of veins on back of hands, arms, and calves. Ganglion on back of hands. Wens on hands. Difficulty in moving fingers. Red and swollen spots on fingers.

Lower Limbs

Drawing in hip-joints when lying down. Painful sensation of paralysis in hip-joints, and in those of hands and feet, especially on going up stairs. Violent pains in limbs, especially in muscular parts of thighs, worse evening and night. Sciatica, walking causes great exhaustion, with consecutive atrophy. Cramp in valves, worse at night. Paralysis of thighs and feet. Numbness outer side right thigh from hip to knee. Numbness of legs and feet. Tearings and shootings in thighs and knees. Sensation of numbness in feet, with difficulty in putting them to the ground. Cramps in soles of feet. Swelling of feet. Fetid sweat on feet. Distortion of toes. Pain in great toe at night. Ingrowing toenails.


(Jaundice, where the sclerotica is yellow, face yellow, urine yellow, vomiting in bed after retiring for the night, restless, sleepless, &c. Loss of smell, reddish-yellow face. Affections in lower teeth, tongue, sweetish taste, as in expectoration of cough with sweetish taste. Obstructed flatus with terrible colic. Retraction of soft parts in general, pinching pain with sensation of tearing, sphacelus, grey ulcers. H. N. G.) Drawing and tearings in limbs, worse at night, sometimes shifting their position on the parts being scratched. Burning sensation in various parts of body. Violent tingling pains in bones, coming on fitfully. Cramps and constrictive pains in internal organs. Numbness, stiffness, pain as from fatigue, and contraction of some of the limbs. Paralysis, of the limbs of these who work in lead. Convulsive trembling and jerking of limbs, convulsions and cramps, sometimes followed by paralysis. Epileptic fits (without consciousness). Swooning, especially in a large company. Heaviness and torpor of limbs. Great weakness, with trembling of limbs. Depression, with want to lie down, and throbbing of arteries in whole body after slight exercise. Muscles flaccid. General emaciation, especially in paralysed parts, followed by swelling of those parts. Excess of uric acid in the blood. Anaemia. Anaesthesia. Hyperaesthesia. Arthralgic and neuralgic pains in trunk and limbs. Dropsical swellings, sometimes of whole body. Sensitiveness in open air. The symptoms develop themselves slowly, and sometimes disappear for a time and reappear subsequently. Worse in the night, from rubbing.


Sensitiveness of skin to open air. Lead coloured, dry, rough, bluish, or yellow skin. Dark brown spots over whole body. Tendency to inflammation and suppuration of slight wounds. Burning pain in ulcers. Excoriations. Decubitus. Sphacelus.


Great drowsiness during day, tendency to fall asleep, even while speaking. Coma and lethargy, sometimes with dizziness. Retarded sleep. Nocturnal sleeplessness, with abdominal spasms. Jerks during sleep. Must stretch in every directions. Assumes strangest attitudes in bed at right. Many dreams, sometimes lascivious, with erections. Talking during sleep.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica