

Eyeballs (especially right) painful to touch as from a blow. Scalding pain in right orbit. Pain in right orbit when wrinkling skin of forehead. Very smart itching in inner canthi. Pain over right orbit worse by any mental exertion. Pupils widely dilated and insensible (D).


Features expressed suffering (D).


Pain in epigastrium when touched, especially in region of pylorus. (*Severe, dull pain in epigastrium, vomiting, &c., *Phas. 4x cured.).


Pressure on abdomen apparently gave pain, child shrank from it and drew up legs (D). Pain like hernia in right inguinal ring, lasting all day.

Urinary Organs

Bloody urine. Diabetes. Uric acid gravel.

Male Sexual Organs

Complete impotence (C). Prostate, enlargement of.

Respiratory Organs

Breathing slow and sighing (D). (Respirations eight a minute.).


Cartilage of last true right rib painful as if bruised. A hard, rounded, projecting, movable tumour, painful to touch, appears suddenly above right nipple, in full state of development (15th day). (Hydrothorax.).


Pulse at wrists rapid and almost imperceptible (D). Sudden curious sensation in region of heart, so sudden and strange he immediately felt his pulse and found it very weak and irregular, was frightened and discontinued the proving (C). (Sick feeling about heart with weak pulse.) (Last stage of heart disease, pulseless. *Phas. 9x restored pulse, and it remained good till death, three weeks later.) (For two years, about five times each minute heart would give one hard throb, then omit one beat, worse at night. *Phas. 10 cured this and caused headache.) (Restored heart action in case of puerperal convulsions and albuminuria when heart failed.) (Unconscious, pulseless respirations eight a minute.) (Distress in region of heart, pulse very slow. Stone.) Dropsy of pericardium.) (Fearful palpitation and feeling that she should die.).

Upper limbs

Pain to touch in extremity of head of right humerus.


Bedewed with cold perspiration (D).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica