
Headache worse on shaking head: better by epistaxis, worse from light and noise. After stool: hunger immediately. Ravenous hunger, frequently awakened by it at night, easily satisfied, with aversion to meat, fats, cooked or hot food, desire only for dainties, which are eaten with avidity. Eating ameliorates gastralgia. Gastralgia comes on whenever the stomach is empty. Empty, weak sensation in stomach. Worse after eating or drinking. After eating: giddiness, heat in face, cutting in abdomen, eructations, drowsiness, uneasiness. Cabbages, saurkraut causes diarrhoea. Colic better by bending double. Exertion, motion, riding, sitting worse. Lying down aggravates cough, and distension of abdomen. Vertigo when head lies low. Worse by cold air. Worse by winter. Worse in open air. Worse before and during thunderstorm. Worse by bathing. Ameliorates warmth and warm air. Worse by warmth of bed (itching). Cough if worse at night and 2,4, and 6 a.m. Smoking befogs him, causes cough. Worse after coitus (nervous irritability). Cough worse by laughing (cured). Worse during day (diarrhoea and dysentery). Throat affections go right to left. Headache back to front.


*Antidoted by: Cocc., Nux vomica, Phosphorus (in my case), *Antidote to: Lead poisoning (one of the best remedies), nitricum acidum *Complementary: Before Sepia *Compatible: Bryonia, Calcarea, Lycopodium, Nit- ac., Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, Sul. *Compare: Graphites, Naph., Paraf., Eup., Kreosotum, and other Carbons. In sea-sickness, Arnica, Cocc., Tabacum Nausea of pregnancy, Cocc., Sepia Cracking of joints, Causticum Gastralgia better by eating, Chelidonium, Anacardium, Graphites, Lachesis Imagines he has a limb double, illusions of shape, Baptisia, Stramonium Epistaxis ameliorates headache (Borax worse). Aversion to hot food, Pho. (opp. Lycopodium). Worse from thunderstorms, Pho., Mercurius, Silicea, Rho., Pso. Head as if made of wood, eruptions behind ears and on genitals, Graphites Cold feeling about heart, Natrum mur. (< when exerting mind), Kali-chl., Graphites, K. nit., Ruta. Diarrhoea in early morning, Sul. (Petroleum also during day). Loses his way in well-known streets, Glo. (from heat or sun). Moist eruptions about genitals, Thuja Hot, burning eructations, Kali-c., Sepia Faintness during or connected with evacuations, Crot-t., Dulcamara, Ox. Ac., Sul. (These have it with scanty stools, the rest with copious stools:) Apis, Nux moschata, Pul., Spi., Verbascum Sinking immediately after meals, Arsenicum, Cina, Lycopodium, Silicea, Staphysagria, Urt. ur., Calcarea, Iodium Brownish scattered spots on dark-haired people, Acid nitricum Loquacity, Lachesis (Petrol. on one subject). Hunger after stool (Aloe during stool). Symptoms appear and disappear rapidly, Belladonna, Mag-p., Lycopodium opp. Platina, Stannum Imagines two babies in bed, Val. Vertigo on rising, Bryonia Skin sensitive to clothing, every injury suppurates, Hepar Tender feet, which are bathed in foul- smelling sweat, Graphites, Sanicula, Silicea Heat and burning of soles and palms, Sanguinaria, Sul. Skin worse in winter, better in summer, Alumina


Vexation. Riding in carriage or ship. Nitric acid (deafness from). Cabbage. Suppressed eruptions. Sprains.



Anxious and timorous disposition. Sadness and mental dejection. Great irresolution. Uneasiness respecting the future. Hypochondriacal humour. Inclination to anger and to scold. Violent, irascible, insolent temper. Frequent tears, on slightest provocation. Loss of memory Does not know where she is in the street. Unfitness for reflection. Weakness of apprehension. Delirium, thinks another person is lying with him in bed (or that he is double, or one limb is double), or always and continuously delirious talk of the same distressing subject. Imagines he has a third leg which will not keep quiet. Desire to kill. Hallucinations of vision.


Head bewildered. Feeling as if brain wrapped in fog. Frequent vertigo, especially on raising eyes. Vertigo, like that produced by a swinging motion. Vertigo on stooping, or on rising from bed, or from a seat. Headache after a fit of anger, or when fasting in morning, as also after a walk in evening. Attacks of semi-lateral headache, which compel patient to lie down. Heaviness and fullness in head in morning, and when stooping. Pressive or lancinating pressive pains in head, especially in occiput. Headache worse by all kinds of intellectual labour, to the extent of complete stupefaction. Tension in head, as if dura matter were tightened. Cramp-like, drawing, pinching pains in head. Neuralgic headache, beginning in occiput and extending forward. Occipital headache, extending to vertex, with vertigo. Occipital headache, with nausea, especially in sea-sickness. Pulsative headache, especially in occiput (cerebellum). Pressing stinging in the cerebellum. Sensation as if all were alive in head. Scalp painful to touch, as if bruised or ulcerated (followed by numbness and very sore on scratching, worse in morning and on becoming heated). Headache in forehead, every mental exertion causes him to become quite stupid. Drawing pains in head, forehead, and temples, extending into teeth. Seborrhoea of scalp. Eruption on head and nape of neck. Oedematous swelling and scabs on scalp. Hair falls off.


Itching in eyes. Itching of lids, obliged to rub them. (Lids everted.) Aching, smarting, shooting, and burning pain in eyes. Conjunctivitis and blepharoadenitis. Inflammation of eyes (with itching and stitches in eyes). Lachrymal fistula (with dryness of

right side of nose). Lachrymation. Jerking and quivering of eyes and lids. Convulsion of eyes. Myopia or presbyopia. Diplopia. Scintillation and appearance as of a veil before sight, or sparks and black spots.


Inflammation and painful swelling of meatus auditorius. Otalgia, with cramp-like and jerking pain. Dryness, and distressing sensation or dryness, in interior of ear. Discharge of blood and pus from ears. Eruption of ears. Redness, excoriation, and oozing behind ears. Deafness. Tinkling, rolling, roaring, ringing, rumbling, cracking, and buzzing in ears. Excessive secretion of cerumen.


Epistaxis. Slight epistaxis ameliorates headache. Purulent blisters on nose. Ulcerated nostrils (and stopped catarrh). Ozaena, scabs, purulent mucus, cracked nostrils. Swelling of nose, with discharge of pus, and pain above root of nose. Stoppage of nose. Dryness, and distressing sensation of dryness, in nose. Much mucus in nose. Itching on tip of nose. Coryza with hoarseness.


Heat in face, sometimes after a meal, and with thirst. Dryness and constriction of skin of face and eyelids as though covered with a thin layer of albumen, cheeks look glazed and contracted. Pale, yellowish complexion. Facial paralysis (from inflammatory products in Fallopian canal). Eruption of pimples on face. Scurfs around mouth. Scabby pimples, with shooting pain on lips, and commissures. Furuncles on lower lip. Swelling of sub-maxillary glands. Easy dislocation of maxillary joint in bed in morning with sharp pains.


Toothache from contact with open air, worse at night, with swelling of cheek. Numbness of teeth, with pain on clenching them. Pustule above a hollow tooth like a fistula. Fistulous vesicles in gums. Swelling of gums, with shooting pain on being touched.


Fetid breath, sometimes like garlic. Ulcers on inner surface of cheeks (painful when closing teeth). Much mucus in mouth and throat. Tongue coated white. Painful soreness on chewing. Great dryness of mouth (and throat in morning) with violent thirst (for beer).


Sore throat, with shooting pain during deglutition. Swelling and great dryness of throat. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Rawness (stitching and burning) in pharynx, worse on swallowing. Tickling on swallowing, extending to ear. Dryness and burning in pharynx. When swallowing the aliment rises towards nasal fossae. Hawking up of mucus in morning.


Putrid, mawkish, mucous, or else bitter or acid taste. Excessive thirst for beer. Bulimy. Hunger with speedy satiety. Voracity. Daintiness. Anorexia. Repugnance to meat and fat, also to hot and cooked ailments, worse by eating cabbage. Uneasiness during digestion, after almost every kind of food, however little may have been eaten. After a meal: obscuration and vertigo, nausea, heaviness and pressure at stomach, sleep, or colic, with eructations, or sour risings, congestion in head, cramp in chest, etc.


Noisy eructations. Sour (or bitter eructations or) risings and regurgitations. Pyrosis. Frequent nausea, especially in morning, often with accumulation of water in mouth, obstructed respiration, sour risings, tongue dry and white, stitches in hepatic region, heat in face, vertigo, &c. After eating, vertigo and giddiness. Nausea from motion of a carriage. Nausea and vomiting of pregnant women. Water-brash. Heartburn toward evening. Inclination to vomit. Greenish, bitter vomiting. Aching of stomach. Cramps in stomach. Pressure on the stomach, colic (at night). Sensation of emptiness and weakness in stomach. Weak digestion. Diarrhoea from suppressed eruption. Pain in epigastria, as if something were being torn away. Swelling of epigastrium, with pain when touched. Sensation of fullness in epigastrium.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica