Oxalicum Acidum


*Antidoted by: Carbonates of Lime and Magnesia. *Compare: Kali- ox. In cholera infantum, Arsenicum, Ip., Verbascum In gastralgia, Colchicum Gastric symptoms, Kre. In spinal disease, Pic-ac. (Pic-ac. more heaviness, Ox-ac. more numbness, blueness, and pains in small

spots), Arg-m., Phos-ac. Induration of testicles, Pulsatilla Headache worse from wine, Zn. Faintness during scanty stools, Croton tiglium, Dulcamara, Pet., Sarsaparilla, Sul. (stools not scanty, Apis, Nux moschata, Pul., Spi., Verbascum). Pain lower lobe left lung, Sul. worse From sugar, Arg-n. Backache, Variol., Ant-t. worse Shaving, Carb. an., Ant-c. worse Thinking of ailments, Oxyt., Piper met. ( better thinking of them, Camph.).





Diminished power to concentrate ideas. Great cheerfulness and clearness of mind. Very much exhilarated, quicker thought and action. Thinking of his ailments worse them. As soon as he thinks about the pains they return. Mania. Aversion to talk, with headache, fullness in face.


Vertigo: with darkness before eyes and sweat, with weakness and thirst, anxiety, headache and perspiration. Vertigo while looking out of the window, when rising from a seat. Vertigo, swimming sensation on lying down. Sensation of emptiness in head, faint feeling, as if all the blood had left the brain. Dullness in forehead (morning). Pain in forehead and vertex (dull, heavy headache), on left side of the forehead on waking. Pressing pain on small spots. Pressing, like screwing, behind both ears. Headache worse after lying down, after sleeping, and on rising, better after stool. Head affected by drinking wine. Small spots on head painful to touch.


Pain in the balls of the eyes, worse in the left Pain in both orbits, worse left Inclination to close the eyes. Type blurs when reading. Small, especially linear, objects appear larger, they are thought to be more distant than they really are. Vanishing of sight, with giddiness and perspiration, with bleeding of nose.


Sneezing, watery coryza. Sneezing, with chilliness. Stitches in right nostril on taking a long inspiration. Pimples in right side of nose, wing of nose swollen. Red, shining swelling of right side of nose, beginning at tip and from there extending.


Face pale and livid, with open mouth and unconsciousness. Pale colour, with sunken eyes. Face red, Swollen, feeling full, hot or cold, covered by cold perspiration.


Pain in decayed molar teeth. Gums bleed and are painful in spots. Small ulcers on gums.


Tongue swollen, sensitive, red, dry, burning, swollen, with thick, white coating. Tongue coated white, with nausea, thirst, and loss of taste. Sour taste in mouth. In mouth, pain, accumulation of saliva, water, or mucus.


Burning in throat and stomach (heartburn). In the throat, scraping (rawness), increased accumulation of thick mucus. Dryness in throat (in morning) after diarrhoea. Painful deglutition, especially in morning. Difficult deglutition, with sour eructations.


Appetite: increased, absent, with loss of taste. Thirst, with vertigo, loss of appetite, nausea, colic. Unquenchable thirst.


Pain in stomach is better by eating, soup is pleasant when there is gnawing at stomach. Empty feeling, compelling one to eat. After eating, eructations, nausea, pains at navel, colic, rumbling in abdomen, urging to stool, weakness. Heartburn, worse evenings. Empty or sour eructations, of tasteless wind, after each meal. Sudden hiccough, with eructations, frequent hiccough. Nausea and thirst with colic, after diarrhoea. Nausea and frequent vomiting. Stomach sensitive, slightest touch causes excruciating pain. Violent pressive pain at pit of stomach. Burning at pit of stomach.


Violent colic, waking one at night. Colic, rumbling evening and night). Colic pain around navel, as if bruised, stitches, with pressing and discharge of flatulence, worse on moving, better when at rest. Difficult emission of flatus. Continuous pain in left hypochondrium as if bruised, stitches. Incarcerated flatulence (in left hypochondrium). Stitches in liver better by taking a deep breath. Burning in small spots in abdomen. Cutting pain in abdomen.

Stool and Rectum

Morning diarrhoea, stools soft or watery, with colic around navel and pressing in rectum, returning as soon as one lies down again. Stools: dark, muddy, copious, mucus and blood. Before stool, and from pain with stool, headache. During stool: micturition, fainting, vomiting. After stool: nausea and tension in calves, dryness in throat, better of pain in small of back. Diarrhoea as soon as one drinks coffee. Pressing and straining in rectum, tenesmus. Constipation, no stool.

Urinary Organs

Thinking of urinating causes necessity to urinate. Nocturnal incontinence, sharp, shooting pain in left chest, close to sternum and parallel to it. Pain in region of kidneys. Frequent and copious urination, which is clear, straw-coloured, oxaluria. Albuminuria. Burning in urethra, as from acrid drops. Pain in glans penis when urinating.

Male Sexual Organs

Great increase of sexual desire. Red points on glans without itching or soreness. Erections (forenoon). Erections with dulness in occiput. Sensation of heaviness and contusion in testicles, worse left _ (During a walk) heaviness of testicles, with drawing pain, extending into (shooting along) the spermatic cords. Terrible neuralgic pain in cords, worse from slightest motion. Emissions at night with lascivious dreams. (After taking rhubarb tart, boys with long foreskins often get balanitis from deposit of oxalate of lime crystals.).

Female Sexual Organs

Much burning pain in genital organs. During pregnancy, nausea and painful vomiting, a tormenting, cramp-like feeling between pit of stomach and navel, sour taste, heartburn, and water-brash.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness, larynx feels swollen, contracted, raw, with tickling in it (sensation of mucus during talking). Voice completely altered from a deep bass to a very low key, like one talking in an undertone, later, though improved, still “a complete old man’s voice.” _ Constant dry cough on violent exertion. Mucous secretion in throat increased. Mucus in small lumps, or hard or thick, yellowish-white phlegm, with black lumps in center of it. Difficulty of breathing, with oppression of chest (right side) when moving about in evening. Difficulty of breathing, with constrictive pain in the larynx and wheezing (angina pectoris). Spasmodic breathing. Paroxysms of short, hurried breathing, with intervals of ease.


Sharp, shooting pain in left lung and hepatic region. Congestion localised base of left lung. Dull, heavy, sore pain in chest. When breathing, stitches in chest and pain above the hip. Pain in the middle of chest, extending through to back. Sudden lancinating pain in left lung, depriving him of breath. Stitches in left breast, worse during walking.

Heart and Pulse

Pain in heart, soreness, stitches from behind forward or from above downwards. Sharp darting in heart and left lung, extending to epigastrium. Pain commencing in praecordial region, extending up sternum and darting out across chest, especially towards left side, must keep perfectly quiet (angina pectoris). Palpitation of heart after lying down at night, heart in a continual fluttering palpitation. Beats of heart intermit when thinking of it. Pulse increased in frequency, almost imperceptible, with coldness, clammy sweat, etc.

Back and neck

Pain in back, under point of shoulder-blade, between shoulders, extending from shoulders to loins, bruised sensation, worse beneath tip of left scapula, with stiffness. Stitches from chest into scapulae. Acute pain in back, gradually extending down thighs, with great torture, seeks relief in change of posture. Numbness, pricking, causing a sensation of coldness and weakness in back, weakness in loins and hips, extending down to lower limbs, back feels too weak to support body.


Strange sensation of numbness in limbs. Pains in rheumatic gout worse from sweets.

Upper Limbs

Pain first in left, later in right deltoid muscle, with inclination to move. Sharp, lancinating pains in arms, angina pectoris. Right wrist feels sprained, with inclination to stretch it, and stitches in ulnar region, cannot hold anything. Numbness of shoulders to tips of fingers. Numbness of finger-tips. Pain in (right) metacarpus and fleshy part of right thumb, with sensation of fullness, heat, and numbness. Heaviness of hand, can move fingers but slowly. Hands are cold, as if dead. Arthritic pains in fingers, they are drawn in. Twitching of fingers. Fingers and nails livid.

Lower Limbs

Blueness, coldness, and almost complete immobility of lower limbs. Numbness and tickling or pricking in thighs. Numbness, pain, and weariness in lower limbs, making it difficult to ascend stairs. Restlessness in legs. Knees feel tired. Violent contracting pain in external tendon of left knee. Weariness of lower limbs, they are gone to sleep, paralysis, stiffness.


Pains appear on small longitudinal (circumscribed) spots. Jerking pains, like short stitches, confined to small spots, lasting only a few seconds. Pains come on periodically. Peculiar numbness, approaching to palsy. Paralysis of left side. Symptoms recur in paroxysms, intermit for hours or a day. Blood coagulates very slowly.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica