
Stool and Anus

Diarrhoea: nine or ten times daily, preceded or followed by colic, nearly always with black blood (no hemorrhoids), (Diarrhoea after coffee). Stools mushy, frequent. Bilious stools, partly fluid, delayed, hasty, with burning at anus. Constipated stools, small, delayed. Stool: hard, then soft, orange-coloured, dry, full of air, delayed, next day scanty and small, only a small lump like a marble, difficult. Tendency to piles. Urging but passage of only flatus, urging, then stool, first part hard, then soft, with burning in anus preventing sleep, urging with desire for stool, but evacuation of only a little mucus. Constipation. Burning in anus during and after stool.

Urinary Organs

Diminution or suppression of the urinary secretions. Urine albuminous, strong-scented (high-coloured, smelling of violets, apparently full of bile), dark brown (porter-coloured) and scanty, deposits bright-red sediment. Bright’s disease.

Male Sexual Organs

Violent pain on the point of penis and prepuce. Glans red on left side, during coition a long-lasting emission of semen. Throbbing, stinging, pinching in left side of glans. Hard erections, often after midnight, always on waking in morning, later they last longer, even after rising, desire moderate. Erections every morning, earlier and harder. Pain: in right testicle, in testicles, preventing sleep all night, in spermatic cords, worse left, in spermatic cords extending into testicles, with inflammatory swelling of right inguinal glands. Appetite suppressed, the conjugal act done by volition, and the usual thrill in ejaculation absent.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx, tickling, sore pain, burning. Mucous secretion increased, profuse secretion of mucus in air passages, it hangs in larynx like a string, causing hawking and coughing with straining to vomit, has to swallow it, when sneezing the mucus becomes loose easily. Dryness of the throat when coughing. Hoarseness and pair in larynx, with cough and coryza. Hoarseness, worse from singing, and worse on entering the house. Burning irritation in trachea. Spasmodic coughs in attacks (with twitching of fingers, dryness of throat and crying). Cough sounds as if one coughed into an empty tube, or as if caused by resonance of contiguous parts Cough with sneezing. Cough: only in morning, from scraping in larynx, with pain in larynx, with constriction of trachea, convulsive, in short bursts on rising, without expectoration, in short bursts (after coryza), returned during day, disturbing sleep till midnight, from tickling in larynx, after sneezing a lump is loosened, which he must swallow: dry, spasmodic, dry, rattling, difficult to loosen, short, dry, paroxysmal, as if mucous membrane would be torn off, with and followed by raw, sore pain in larynx and trachea, extending to middle of sternum. Hacking cough, better deep inspiration, worse motion in open air, with irritation in larynx. Cough, with secretion of colourless mucus. Bronchitis. Chronic dyspnoea. (Heaves in horses.).


Moist rales on breathing and in larynx. Wandering pneumonia. Sticking near left lower rib. Pain beneath sternum on coughing, extending to sides of chest, with burning soreness, after coughing long lumps of yellow, tenacious mucus were loosened. Sternum sore, painful to touch, independent of cough. Shooting up and down in sternum. Oppression, better deep inspiration, with difficult respiration as if lungs were collapsed and could not get air enough. Tightness, dread of breathing, sore pain when air enters lungs. Dryness in chest.


Anxious palpitation. Pulse rapid.


Pressive pain in back and loins. Pain: in sacral region. Peculiar pain extending from scapula to sacral region, worse motion and cough.


Heaviness and weariness of limbs, worse knees.

Upper Limbs

Perspiration in axillae smelling like garlic. Pulsating stinging on inner side of right shoulder-joint. Pinching above left elbow, inwardly and on inner posterior side. Pain: in middle of left humerus, then in left fingers, in bone of left elbow. Paralytic pain deep in radius. Pinching in bones of right forearm. Pain in bones of left wrist in morning after stool. Pain in right index, especially in phalanx, stinging and twitching towards tip, in forenoon. Stabbing: in tips of left fingers and thumb, in attacks, in finger tips, worse left Burning pain in left ring finger. Fold remains attached to growing nail, worse right side and mostly middle finger.

Lower Limbs

Rash on thighs and on ankle. Fullness and restlessness in legs and feet, quite unbearable, has to lie down at 9 p.m. Legs almost insensible. Sudden pain in hip-joint as if it would be dislocated, preventing walking. Ulcerative pain in left leg and gluteal muscles. Pain in right ankle. Flying cutting in bones and joints of right foot. Pinching in bones of left heel, then right.


Great weakness and prostration (all day, with muddled head and aching limbs and body, on rising, on rising after a restless night). Cutting and pinching pains in limbs. Tearing to and fro deep in right upper side of forehead and in bones of limbs in evening. General sick feeling. Restless.


Red spots on dorsum of hands. Copious exanthema on forearms, hands, and cheeks. Red-brown papules, with desquamation, on forearm and hand. Small, itching, pointed vesicles, surrounded by red areola on back of left hand, between thumb and index (where six years before scabies had broken out), and on ulnar margin of left hand, from metacarpal joint to phalanges of little finger, and on outer surface of wrist, on right hand itching, but no vesicles. Itching as from crawling of insects. Face red, tender, covered with pimples with watery heads, then pimples on knuckles, gradually spreading over hands and arms, later hands and forearms covered with red, slightly raised circular or elliptical patches, covered with concentric scabs, resembling later stages of herpes iris, most of patches. deeply fissured, patches irritable, worse morning on rising and at night on undressing, papules on neck. Redness of hands and arms, with swelling and itching pimples, gradually becoming vesicular, on face, neck, and forearms patches of vesicles on elevated base, the latter hard, breaking and

pitting on pressure, towards the edges the patches consist of one or two vesicles on the summit of a large pimple, contents of vesicles watery, occasional cracking of affected skin and constant oozing, the itching makes him irritable. Eruption on forearms, head, and side of face. Eczematous rash on face and upper limbs. Prickly heat disappears on upper half of body and increases on lower, first on thigh, then on leg, then on ankle. Burning stitches in many places, worse right upper lid and at inner border of nail of left fourth finger. Itching: on legs and ankles, in spots near left hip, 3 to 4 a.m., when erections return, above crest of left ilium, with redness and pointed spots as if tetter would appear, as from crawling insects, on shoulders and back in evening on going to bed, it scarcely permits sleep.


Sleepiness, overpowering. Sleepless. Restless sleep, with painful dreams. Sleep heavy, interrupted by nightmare. Dreams: of fire, confused, but not frightful, unremembered of activity and of serious and important events.


Shivering, worse back. Fever, with difficult respiration, fever, with hot and dry skin. Sweat in axilla, smelling of garlic, worse evening and night.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica