Oleum Jecoris Aselli


Palpitation of heart, with cough, with short breath. Rush of blood to heart, with creeping sensation all over body. Sudden stitch in heart. Pulse accelerated, soft, and small.

Neck and Back

Soreness from back to neck. Pain through back. Sharp, heavy aching pain in lower spine. Spinal irritation, sore to touch. Fluttering from sacrum to occiput. Weakness and dull aching in sacral region, better by pressure. Often placed hand on sacrum to support it, often complained of pain in region of sacroiliac joint, walking increasingly difficult.


Continual aching and sore pain in elbow and knee-joints. Movements in joints were limited, especially elbows and knees, flexion and extension caused excruciating suffering.

Upper Limbs

Rheumatic pains in shoulders. Hands dry and parched with pain in spleen. Pain in bones of left arm.

Lower Limbs

Abscess appeared on left gluteus maximus near anus, and discharged three times, afterwards another boil right side of chest. Hip-joint disease, especially when originating in bone (rather than in synovial membrane). Sciatica with atrophy of affected limb. White swelling of knee. Rheumatic pain in left foot. Fistulae and abscesses round joints. Soreness of both feet. Feet constantly cold.


Skin red all over, at night in bed, with irritability, better in morning. An eruption of small red spots, like psora, appeared, and from that time she made rapid progress. Eruptions: papular, vesicular, herpetic. (Scrofulous ulcers discharging a large quantity of pus, cold abscesses. Lupus. Ichthyosis.).


Less sleepy than usual. Sleepless after 3. a.m. Dreams of seeing objects in the room during sleep.


Constantly chilly, feels as if constantly taking cold-Chills from occiput down back and round abdomen. Chill: 3 a.m., in evening, with some vomiting and purging for six hours, with spasmodic pain in region of navel (returned every evening for four days, relieved by *Iris v.). Chilly on going to bed, afterwards heat, worse in hot room, burning face. Flushes of heat, face red, stomach hot, heat to tips of toes-Heat in palms; every night. Fever and excitement every night producing wakefulness. Tertian intermittent. Fever followed by violent sweat, especially of head, neck, and arms. Sweat: every night, with smell of the oil, only on lower limbs. Cold perspiration all day.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica