Nux Vomica


Sensation as if everything in abdomen would fall down, obliging him to walk carefully. Affection in the inner belly generally, also upper belly, inner part, sense of stricture or tightness around hypochondriac region. Contractive pain in the hypochondria Cannot bear his clothes tight around hypochondria. Stitches in region of liver, worse from contact or motion. Throbbing pain as from hepatic abscesses. Jaundice, gall-stones. Painful sensitiveness of hepatic region to the slightest touch, and to every movement, with pulsative, shooting, pressive and tensive pains. Pressure and stinging in region of liver. Swelling (inflammation)and induration of the hepatic region. Aching, tension, fulness, and distension of abdomen, and especially of epigastrium, worse after a meal. Periodical (colic) pains in abdomen, especially after eating and drinking. Colic, with cramp- like, contractive, and compressive pains, or cuttings and shootings, or sharp and drawing pains in the umbilical region, in sides, and in hypogastrium, worse after a meal, or after having partaken of coffee, in morning, and often with inclination to vomit, eructations, heat of face, lassitude, and drowsiness. Pain in abdomen in open air, as from a chill, with sensation as of an approaching attack of diarrhoea. Sensation of heaviness, and swelling in abdomen. Heat and burning, or sensation of excoriation, as if parts were raw, or pain, as from a bruise in abdomen. Congestion of blood and ebullition in abdomen. Movements in abdomen as from something alive, and commotion of intestines when walking. Labour-like spasms in abdomen and uterus, extending into legs. Flatulent colic, sometime in morning, but principally after eating or drinking, and often with pressive pains, as if caused by stones: great flatulency, which is incarcerated in hypochondria, or mounts towards chest, frequent borborygmi, and grumbling in abdomen, pressure on anus, perineum, and urinary organs (towards the genitals), sacral pains, distension of abdomen, anxiety, fatigue, and necessity to lie down. Pain, as

from a bruise in integuments of abdomen, worse when moving, pressing on them, coughing, laughing, etc., with painful sensitiveness to touch. Jerking and twitching in abdominal muscles. Palpitation of abdominal muscles, with sensation as if something were running about in them. Sensation of weakness in inguinal ring, as if a hernia were about to protrude. Hernia, incarcerated hernia. Swelling of inguinal glands. Excoriation in angle of groin.

Stool & Anus

Frequent but ineffectual and anxious effort to evacuate (in infants), or sensation as if anus were contracted or closed. A constipated feeling, whatever the state of the bowels. Constant urging sensation in rectum for a stool which never comes, or a small portion of faecal matter may be passed with this urging, leaving the sensation as though a little lump were left behind the rectum, which was yet to come away. Obstinate constipation, often as from inactivity or obstruction of intestines, with hard and difficult faeces (often streaked with blood) of too large a size. Stools like pitch, with blood. Incomplete evacuations, with colic, and sensation of constriction in rectum. Constipation and loose evacuations, alternately. Faeces, partly soft or liquid, partly hard with much flatus. Small, loose, aqueous evacuations, or mucous and sanguineous, with colic and cuttings, pains in loins and tenesmus, pain as from excoriation in rectum, and burning pain in anus. Whitish or greenish, deep-coloured mucous evacuations. Dysenteric stools, with cutting at navel, pressing and straining on rectum, and discharge of bloody mucus with faeces. Discharge of slimy matter and of bloody mucus, or of pure blood, also with loose evacuations. Contractive pain in rectum during evacuations, and at other times. Discharge of bright-red blood with faeces with constriction and spasmodic contraction of rectum. Painful, spasmodically closed anus. Swelling and closing of anus. Painful blind haemorrhoidal tumours. Blind haemorrhoids, with sticking beating or pressive pain in rectum and anus, after a stool and after a meal. Haemorrhoids, with pain as from excoriation, shooting, burning pain, and pressure in anus and rectum, worse during meditation and intellectual labour. Bloodless piles in hysterical women (***R.T.C.). Discharge of blood from anus. Jerking in anus when not at stool. Itching, tickling, and tingling in anus and rectum, as from ascarides. Discharge of ascarides. Aching and itching in perinaeum.

Urinary Organs

Strangury, complaints before making water. Abortive inclination to urinate, with pressure on urinary organs, troublesome pains in neck of bladder, and painful emission of urine, drop by drop. Spasmodic contraction of urethra. Painful emission of thick urine. Frequent emission of watery and pale urine, sometimes with discharge of thick mucus or purulent matter from urethra (during and after micturition). Tenacious mucus passes with urine, without pain. Urine: reddish with sediment of the colour of brick-dust, turbid, with dirty yellow sediment in morning and when thinking. Urine sometimes scanty, sometimes copious, flatus passes with urination (cured, ***R.T.C.) _ Pressure to urinate at night, with discharge of a few drops of red, bloody, burning urine. Haematuria. Pains in renal region, as if a foreign body were there, with inability to lie on side affected, scanty emission of some drops of a saturated urine, and discharge of blood from urethra. Burning pain in neck of bladder and in anterior part of urethra when making water. Constriction in fore part of urethra extending backward. Itching, and pains as of excoriation, in urethra, before, during and after emission of urine.

Male Sexual Organs

Tickling and itching in glans, and biting itching in inner surface of prepuce. Excoriation and retraction of prepuce. Prepuce sore on margin. Copious (increased) secretion of smegma behind glans. Itching, shootings, and constrictive pain in testes. Easily excited, strong sexual desire, with painful erections (especially in the morning, after midday nap). Increased sexual desire, with frequent erections and pollutions, worse in morning. Hydrocele. Itching of scrotum. Pollutions, with flaccidity of penis, sometimes followed by coldness and weakness in lower extremities. Complaints from involuntary seminal emissions. Masturbation and its consequences. Sexual perversion. Nightly emission, with lascivious dreams, from high living etc., bad effects of sexual excesses. Dry heat of body and dryness of mouth after coition. Inflammatory swelling of testes, with painful sensitiveness to touch, hardness and retraction of testes (with stinging and spasmodic contraction extending to spermatic cords). Cramp-like pain and sensation of contraction in spermatic cord. Flaccidity of penis during coition.

Female Sexual Organs

Swelling of uterus, with great sensitiveness to touch. Prolapsus vaginae, or prolapsus uteri. Cramp-like and contractive pains in uterus and hypogastrium, extending to thighs, with painful pressure towards the parts (and discharge of mucus). Congestion to and bearing down of uterus. Bearing-down with dysuria, cannot sit down without pain. Inflammation of the uterus and external parts. Burning in pudenda. Burning heat in the parts, with sexual desire. Ecstasis erotica on slightest excitation, worse in bed in morning. Catamenia: premature and too scanty, too early and too profuse, with dark, black blood. Metrorrhagia. Return of catamenia at the period of full moon. Menses excessive, with much vaginal irritation (agg., ***R.T.C.). During the catamenia, spasmodic colic, nausea and vomiting in morning, great fatigue (attacks of faintness), cephalalgia, with shiverings and rheumatic pains in limbs. During and after menstruation, appearance of new and worse of old ailments. False and inefficient labour pains, with frequent pressure to urinate and to pass stool. After-pains too violent and of too long duration. Fainting away after every labour pain, in labour where, with every pain there is a sensation as though the bowels ought to be moved, in threatened abortion, or retained placenta, after abortion or parturition, with a constant feeling of uneasiness in rectum, as though bowels ought to be moved, haemorrhage from uterus with the same symptom. Discharge of a yellowish and fetid mucus from vagina. Internal swelling of the vagina, with burning pain, worse ion touch. Pains as from excoriation in mammae.

Respiratory Organs

Catarrhal hoarseness and painful roughness of larynx and chest, worse in morning or in bed, in evening, with scraping in throat, accumulation of tenacious mucus, which it is impossible to detach, headache, heat and redness of face, shiverings and constipation. Sensation of contraction in gullet, with danger of suffocation. Inability to speak in a loud voice. Dry, and sometimes continued, fatiguing, and also spasmodic cough, excited most frequently by a sensation of tickling and itching, or of roughness and scraping, in throat, appearing principally in morning or in bed in evening or at night, especially after midnight or after dinner, or periodically every second day, worse from exertion, from cold air, from eating and drinking, from smoking tobacco, from becoming cold, from acids. Dry cough, with pain in the head, as if it would burst, or with great soreness in the upper part of the abdomen. The cough is dry in the evening and at night, expectoration during the day. Whooping-cough caused by a tickling in the throat and larynx, with expectoration during the day of yellow, grey, cold mucus, mostly tasting sour or sweet, and last of bright red blood. Renewal or provocation of the cough by movement, meditation, or reading, and lying on back. Suffocative attacks after midnight from spasmodic contraction of the larynx. When coughing, shooting and pains as of excoriation in larynx, headache, as if the cranium were about to burst, and pain as form a bruise in epigastrium, and sometimes also vomiting, danger of suffocation, and bleeding from nose and mouth. Itching in larynx. Acute bronchitis. The dry cough becomes moist, and expectoration is established, when walking in open air. Expectoration of coagulated blood with cough. Tight, dry, hacking cough, with bloody expectoration, blood dark, sour taste of expectoration.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica