Nitricum Acidum


Odontalgia, with jerking, shooting, drawing, or pulsative pain, principally at night, or in bed, in evening. Pain in carious teeth. The teeth feel elongated. Pain on chewing. Stitching or boring pains in teeth when touched by anything cold or warm. Teeth become yellow and loose. Gums bleed, and are white and swollen. Stomacace.


Offensive and putrid (cadaverous) smell from mouth. Excoriation of tongue, palate, and internal surface of gums, with acute shooting pains. Ulcers (mercurial and syphilitic) in mouth and fauces, with pricking pains. Ulcerated spots on inner surface of cheeks, with sticking pains as from a splinter, _ Corners of mouth ulcerated, with stitches. Tongue is very sensitive, even mild food causes a smarting sensation. White, dry tongue, in morning. Tongue: coated green (with ptyalism), coated yellow, sometimes white in mornings. Blisters and ulcers on tongue, and margins, with burning pain when touched. Bites tongue when chewing, and cheeks. Tongue sensitive, even to soft food, which causes smarting. Profuse flow of saliva. Saliva bloody in morning. Saliva has foul odour. Sour taste in mouth. Mucous membrane of mouth swollen and ulcerated, with pricking pains, after abuse of Mercury. Ranula. Salivation (also with ulcers on the fauces), sometimes from febrile attacks. Great dryness of the mouth, with burning thirst.


Ulcer, with shooting pain in the mouth and throat. Inflammation of the throat, with shooting pains, also after the abuse of Mercury, or with burning and soreness, especially on swallowing liquids. Tonsils (uvula and fauces) red and swollen. Great dryness and heat in the throat. Much mucus in the throat posteriorly. Sore throat on swallowing, as if swollen, raw and ulcerated. Burning sensation, and pain as of excoriation, in throat. Swallowing very difficult, as from constriction of the pharynx. Diphtheritic patches on tonsils and fauces, extending to mouth, lips, nose.


Loss of appetite. Milk is not digested. Bitter taste in mouth, especially after eating. Complaints worse while eating, from abuse of Mercury. Sour taste, with burning in throat. Sweetish taste in mouth. Violent thirst even in morning, or rising, _ Dislike to meat, and things sweetened with sugar. Repugnance to bread, which leaves a sour taste, and causes vomiting. Craving for earth, chalk, lime, or fat food, and herring. Sharp hunger, with disgust to life. Difficulty in digesting milk. Nausea from fat food. Sweat, during and after a meal. After drinking, during a meal, pain, as from excoriation in throat, oesophagus, and stomach, or else colic.


After a meal, fullness in stomach, lassitude with heat, sweat, and palpitation of heart from least movement, or nausea, risings, flatulency, headache with vomiting, sleep, anguish, etc. Nausea after eating with heaviness and dulness of head. Sour risings. Inclination to vomit. Pyrosis. Water-brash, after drinking quickly. Hiccough. Frequent nausea, and inclination to vomit, often attended by anguish, trembling, and shivering. Bitter and sour vomitings, with frequent risings (after as meal). Stomach and abdomen tense after a moderate meal, clothes seem too tight. Aching of stomach. Burning, or sensation of coldness in stomach. Pain in cardia, on passing of food into stomach. Cramp in stomach. Lancinations in epigastrium.


Stitches in hepatic region, worse from motion. Tensive pressure and shootings in the left hypochondrium. Pains in the abdomen, like those which follow a chill. Excessive inflation of abdomen, also in morning. Frequent pinchings and incisive pains in abdomen (especially in morning in bed). Pain, as from ulceration, in the lower part of the abdomen. Shootings in abdomen, especially when touched. Inguinal hernia, even in children. Swelling and suppuration of inguinal glands. Tendency to suffer from a chill in abdomen (colic from cold). Accumulation of flatus in abdomen. Borborygmies as if a boiler was working in abdomen. (Sensation in abdomen like machinery working.) _ Rumbling and borborygmi in abdomen. Incarceration of flatus (in upper abdomen), especially morning and evening.

Stool & Anus

Difficult and irregular evacuations. Before stool: colic, cutting, constant pressing in rectum, constant but fruitless desire. During stool: nausea, tenesmus, spasm of anus, cutting in anus and rectum, acute pain in abdomen, sensation as if faeces remained and could not be expelled, splinter-like pains in rectum (with ineffectual urging), burning, tearing, palpitation of heart. After stool: continued urging, *exhaustion, irritation, anxiety, general uneasiness, anus sores, raw, cutting, straining, shooting in rectum, continuing for hours, prolapse with sensation of constriction in anus: stitching pains, haemorrhage, discharge of prostatic fluid. Constipation. Inability to evacuate faeces. Constant ineffectual desire, not better by stool. Feces hard and dry. Constipation with fissure symptoms: bleeding, pain, distending stool. Evacuations too frequent. Urgent desire to evacuate. Loose evacuations, sometimes mucous, or of a putrid smell. Offensive and undigested evacuations. Much discharge of blood after stools. Sanguineous, dysenteric evacuations, with tenesmus. Black, offensive blood, mucous pseudo-membranes, with straining and burning in rectum. Colic, before stools. After stools, excitability and dejection. Burning pain, and itching in anus and rectum, with prolapse. Sticking in rectum, and spasmodic contraction in anus during stool, fissures. Oozing excoriation at anus. Haemorrhoids, protruding, painless or burning.Pain as if rectum would be torn asunder during a stool. Swelling of haemorrhoidal tumours in anus, which bleed at every evacuation _ Moisture on anus.

Urinary Organs

Frequent want to urinate, with scanty emission of a fetid urine, deep-coloured or brownish. Incontinence of urine. Painful emission of urine. Micturition in a thin stream, as from a stricture. Urine cold when it passes. Fetid urine, having an intolerably offensive, strong smell, or smells like horse’s urine. Urine reddish, offensive. Red sediment and sand in urine. Smarting and burning in urethra when urinating, _ Discharge of mucus, which is sometimes sanguineous, or of pus from urethra. Swelling (dark red) of orifice of urethra. Needle-like stitches in orifice of urethra, _ Ulcers in urethra. Discharge of prostatic fluid after a difficult stool.

Male Sexual Organs

Affections of male genital organs in general, glans penis, erections. Violent itching in genital organs. Falling off of hair from parts. Excoriation between scrotum and thighs. Red spots covered with scabs on prepuce. Small, itching vesicles on prepuce, bursting soon and forming a scurf. Secretion behind glans, as in gonorrhoea balani. Swelling, inflammation of prepuce, and phimosis, _ Paraphimosis. Ulcers, like chancres (after Mercury, especially with exuberant granulations), on prepuce and glans (with pricking, stinging pains). Deep, fistulous, irregular, ragged ulcers on the glans, with elevated, lead Coloured, extremely sensitive edges. Syphilis, secondary syphilis. Excrescences, like sycosis, on prepuce and glans, with smarting pain and bleeding when touched, with oozing of a fetid and sweetish pus. Red, scurfy sports on the corona glands. Relaxation of testes. Inflammatory swelling of testes, with painful drawing of the spermatic cord, as far as side of abdomen. Absence of sexual desire and of erections. Great lasciviousness, with copious discharge of prostatic fluid. Painful, and almost spasmodic, nocturnal erections. Frequent pollutions.

Female Sexual Organs

Itching, burning pain, and sensation of dryness in vulva. Great falling off of hair of genitals. Stitches up vagina, or from without inward, when walking in open air. Violent stitches in vagina. Excoriations in vulva between thighs. Ulcer, with burning itching in vagina. Excrescences on vaginal portion of uterus as large as lentils, great voluptuousness of mucous membrane in genitals after coitus. Uterine haemorrhage from overexertion of body. Metrorrhagia, a principal remedy (***R.T.C.) _ Coffee- ground, offensive discharge from uterus at climaxis, or after labour. Before menses: throbbing in nape of neck and small of back. Menses: too early and too profuse, blood very dark and thick, irregular, scanty, and like muddy water. During menses: eructations, cramp-like pain in abdomen as if it would burst, very offensive urine, bruised pain in limbs, down thighs, labour- like pains in abdomen and back, palpitation of heart, anxiety, trembling, heaviness, burning in eyes, toothache and swelling of gums. After menses: violent pains through abdomen and a sudden gush of “muddy water:’ brown or thick leucorrhoea, finally a thin, watery, flesh-coloured, offensive discharge, sometimes acrid, greenish, mucous leucorrhoea. White glairy leucorrhoea, followed by backache (cured, ***R.T.C.) _ Menses reappear: a few days after cessation, and are pale red, fourteen days after cessation, not profusely. Stringy mucous leucorrhoea, flesh coloured. (Leucorrhoea staining, yellow. Leucorrhoea leaving spots with black border on linens.) _ Catamenia too early, or suppressed. Cramps in the hypogastrium, and bearing down towards the genital organs, during catamenia. Fetid, mucous, corrosive leucorrhoea. Fetid discharge of a reddish brown colour (like brown water) from vagina. Hard nodosities on breast. Atrophy of breasts.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica