Natrum Sulphuricum


*Compatible: Ferr-p. (polyuria), Natrum mur. (skin disease), Thuja (sycosis and hydrogenoid constitution), Belladonna *Compare: Carlsb., Natrum mur., and Sul. In sycosis, Malan., Vacc., Variol., Thuja, Nit- ac., Sabi., Silicea, Mercurius, Nux. Condylomata, Thuja, Mercurius In hydrogenoid state, Aranea d. Eye symptoms, Graphites, Hepar, Sul. Cough and diarrhoea, Bryonia Cough and urine, Lycopodium Toothache better by cold, Coffea, Pulsatilla Chest pain better holding with both hands, Nicc. (right lung. Bry). Hip disease, Stilling. Pains in limbs better motion, worse damp, Rhus. Granular lids like small blisters, Thuja Inability to think, Na. c. Greenish-yellow coatings and discharge(golden yellow, Nat-p.). Tendo Achillis, Val. Pressure of clothes worse, Lachesis, Lycopodium ( better, Natrum mur.).

Must change position, but it is painful and gives little better, Causticum (Causticum has better in wet weather). Jaundice from anger, toothache worse cold, Chamomilla


Anger. Injury to head (fall). Suppressed gonorrhoea.



Sadness, inclined to weep. Melancholy with periodical attacks of mania. Timidity, weak, enfeebled. Satiety of life, suicidal, has to use all self-control to prevent shooting himself. Mental results of injury to head. Jaundice after anger. Melancholy and lachrymation, especially after heaving (lively) music. Cheerfulness, happy mood, after loose stools. Ill-humour, with dislike to conversation, and laconic mode of speaking. Quarrelsome humour, with gloomy aspect, worse mornings.


Vertigo in evening (at 6 p.m.) with vomiting of sour mucus. Turning vertigo after dinner, with buzzing in head. Vertigo after a meal, the heat extends from abdomen to the head, better after forehead becomes moist. Headache on reading, with heat and perspiration. Aching and compression in the occiput, and sides of head, even at night. Pain in vertex, as if head were about to split. Hot feeling on vertex. Headaches in head, with bleeding of nose. Tearing pains and clawing in forehead, sometimes immediately after dinner, with great drowsiness. Periodical attacks in right side of forehead. Pain as if forehead would burst, after a meal. Boring pains in head. Painful shocks in head, as from electric sparks. Jerks in head, tossing it to right side (forenoon). Feeling of looseness of brain, as if it were falling to left temple (in forenoon on stooping). Irritation of brain after lesions of head. Shootings in sides of head, on fatiguing arms. Violent and throbbing headache, especially in temples. Headache in base of brain, gnawing, as if in a vice, as if bones being crushed. Tearing pressure in occiput, both sides, right side. Painful sensibility of scalp, when combed. Tearing at exterior of vertex, at night, with shivering and shaking, and chattering of teeth.


Heaviness of eyelids, as if weights were on them. Itching on edges of lids mornings. Aching in eyes, esp., in evening, when reading by candle-light. Tearing pain round eye. Burning in eyes, sometimes morning and evening, with great dryness, or profuse lachrymation (with discharge of burning water, with dimness of sight). Dimness of sight, from weakness of eyes. Burning in right eye, worse near fire, burning of edges of eyelids. Nocturnal agglutination of lids. Confused sight. Sparks before eyes, after blowing nose. Photophobia, especially on waking in morning.


Otalgia, as if tympanum were propelled outwards. Lancinations in ears. Piercing pain in right ear inward, lightning-like stitches in ear, worse going from cold air into warm room, worse in damp weather, living on wet ground, etc. Ringing in ears, as of bells. Tinkling in ears.


Coryza, with obstruction of nose, which scarcely permits respiration. Nose-bleed, before menses, during menses (in afternoon), stops and return often. Sneezing, with fluent coryza.


Face pale and sickly, as after a nocturnal debauch, with gloomy aspect. Tearing in face, and especially in cheek-bones. Itching of face. Vesicles on lower lip. Pimples on chin, they burn when touching them. Dryness of lips with burning & desquamation, inflamed & burning blisters on upper lip. Painful rigidity in maxillary joint, which prevents the mouth being opened.


Dryness with redness of gums and thirst. Dryness of mouth, with thirst, especially in morning. Burning in mouth, tongue, and palate (as from pepper, or highly-seasoned food). Tongue, dirty greenish grey or greenish brown coat at root, greenish coat with malarial symptoms. Tongue covered with mucus, slimy taste in mouth. Burning blisters on tip of tongue. Burning of palate as if sore and raw (during menses). Blisters on palate, with great sensitiveness, better by cold, can hardly eat, better from cold things. Burning vesicles on tongue. Accumulation of an acid water in mouth. Much saliva after meals. (Salivation during headache.).


Drawing pains in teeth, with looseness, and a sensation as if elongated, better by cold air, and by smoking tobacco. Pulsative, throbbing toothache at night, with great agitation, worse from warm drinks. Toothache, better from holding cold water in mouth.Tearing in carious teeth, on getting out of bed, at night.Burning in gums. Shifting and painless swelling in gums. Purulent vesicles on gums.


Sore throat, with painful and obstructed deglutition (urging to swallow saliva) and inflammatory swelling of uvula and amygdalae. Frequent constriction of throat when walking. Constriction and dryness in throat, extending to oesophagus. Accumulation of mucus in throat, worse at night, with hawking up of salt mucus in morning. Ulcers on tonsils.


Mucous taste. Burning thirst for very cold drinks, especially in the evening, worse after violent exercise. Want of appetite, and repugnance to food. Head confused, and eyes coloured, during a meal. After a meal, sweat on face, oppression of chest, and accumulation of water in mouth, with inclination to vomit.


Sour regurgitation. Frequent hiccough, in evening, after eating bread-and-butter. Nausea, with lancination in eyes. Qualmishness before eating. Water-brash, in evening. Vomiting of salt or acidulated water, or of acid mucus(preceded by giddiness), followed by great dejection, and burning pains in head. Fulness in stomach, descending to chest, with obstructed respiration, in bed, in evening. Boring pains in stomach, as if it would be perforated, or burning and pinching in morning after rising, better after breakfast. Beating in stomach, with nausea.


Painful sensitiveness of the hepatic region to the touch, during a walk, or to a sudden jar. Stitches in the region of the liver while walking in the open air. Throbbing, tension, and lancinations in hepatic region. Shootings in left hypochondrium (while waling in the open air.) _ Pains as from a bruise in abdomen, at night, with pains in loins, the patient is awakened by pains, which are insupportable, except when lying on side. Transient burning passing over different parts of abdomen, in evening. Painful digging in abdomen during menses, in evening, followed by thirst. Contractive pain in abdomen, extending to chest, with tightness of breath, and subsequent diarrhoea. Distention, burning, and shooting in groins Stitch from the left groin to the axilla. Inflammation of right groin, typhlitis. Painful accumulation of flatus. Pinching in abdomen with sensation as if bowels were distended. Pinching in whole abdomen, with rumbling, shifting and subsequent diarrhoea. Flatulent colic, with pinching in abdomen, worse before breakfast, better in afternoon by emission of flatulence. Flatulent colic, accumulation and difficult emission of flatulence. Incarceration of flatulence. Rumbling borborygmi, and movements in abdomen. Frequent expulsion of offensive flatus (in the morning, after

meals, and with the loose stools). Piercing pain in right flank.

Stool & Anus

Hard and knotty faeces (with pressure), often mixed with blood and mucus. Frequent soft and loose evacuations. Half-liquid stools, with tenesmus. Diarrhoea, preceded by pain in the groins and hypogastrium. Yellow liquid stools after rising from bed in the morning. During stool profuse emission of flatulence. Constant uneasiness in the bowels and urging to stool (chronic diarrhoea, tuberculosis abdominalis). After stool, burning at the anus. Itching of the anus. Diarrhoea, worse in wet weather, in morning, after vegetables and farinaceous food, also in cold evening air. Knotty, wart-like eruptions on the anus and between the thighs, sycosis.

Urinary Organs

Frequent emission of urine, with sediment of a yellow colour, or like brick-dust. Piercing in both groins, with urging to urinate, afternoon while walking outdoors. Burning in urethra, after and during emission of urine, or with pain in the small of back on retaining urine. Urine scanty, dark and passed more frequently, had to get up several times at night.

Male Sexual Organs

Violent itching in genital organs (glans or penis, obliging one to rub). Gonorrhoea: thick, yellowish-green discharge, painless, chronic, suppressed. Itching of scrotum, with burning after scratching. Itching of perinaeum and mons veneris. Excited sexual desire (evening), erections (morning). Sweat on scrotum, in evening. Increased sexual desire.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica