Natrum Phosphoricum

Male Sexual Organs

Erections almost nightly, preceded by slight pains in testicles (worse left). Drawing in testes and cords. Emissions: at night with vivid dreams, after coitus, without dreams. Semen, thin, watery, smells like stale urine. Emissions followed by week back and trembling of knees. Great itching of scrotum, prepuce, anus.

Female Sexual Organs

Menses five days early. *During menses: feet icy cold by day, burn at night in bed, pressure in right eye, flow at first paler than usual. *After menses: symptoms worse, trembling at heart, headache, paralytic aching in right wrist: knees feel as if tendons shortened. Leucorrhoea: creamy or honey-coloured, sour smelling, acrid, and watery (S). Prolapsus uteri with weak sinking sensation after defection.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness. Cough from drinking water. Cough from tickling in throat. Constant cough and hawking, pain in chest in mammary region.


Empty feeling in chest, worse after a meal. Pain through chest ( worse left) after dinner. Pain from right clavicle diagonally to stomach, intense, caused starting, followed by hoarseness. Burning deep in chest, worse right side. Sudden feeling of fullness. Contracted feeling, muscles as if drawn, aching pains. Weight above ensiform cartilage, with empty feeling. Lower third of sternum, pain as if torn in two. (Phthisis florida in young subjects).


Trembling about heart worse going up stairs. Feeling as if a lump or bubble started from heart and were forced through arteries. Heart feels uneasy, especially about base, when pains in limbs and great toe are better. Pulses felt all over body. Pulse, quick, jerking.

Neck and Back

Crick in both sides of neck. Scrofulous swelling of lymphatic glands (S). Goitre. Weakness in back towards evening. Slight pain in left scapula. Sharp pain in right sacroiliac joint.


Right wrist and left ankle weak, ache as if paralysed (after menses). Drawing in hands, feet, wrist-joints, and left shoulder.

Upper Limbs

Synovial crepitation. Arm (left) feels gone, tired. Arms weak, must let them drop. Heaviness of right arm. Contraction of extensors in back of arm, often, when writing. Rheumatic pain in right shoulder, feels nervous. Shooting pains from neck over right shoulder. Deep-seated pain in right wrist going into palm. Drawing cramping, paralytic aching (during menses) in right wrist. Numbness in right hand and arm. Crampy pain in left hand, especially index finger. Numbness in right fingers, occasional darting, worse ring fingers. Severe shooting pains in left middle and index fingers.

Lower Limbs

Synovial crepitation. Sudden giving way of legs while walking, as though they would be paralysed. Hamstrings stiff. Sharp, shooting front of left thigh. Knees feel as if tendons shortened, (also at menses). Stitching in left knee. When walking: calves feel pulled tight, as if needles piercing calf. Pain in ball of foot, in (right) big toe. Gout (S). Rheumatism (S). Much itching at ankle-joints, even eczematous eruptions.


Lassitude: in morning, in hot weather. Nervous. Sore. Wakes at midnight, soon a sensation like electric shock through body, trembling and palpitation as from fright. Deposits in joints (S).


Itching, worse after going to bed, hives (Apis better). Itching papules on right ear, about joints. Itching of scrotum, prepuce, and anus. Chafing of skin. Eczema, with acidity, honey-coloured secretion. Crusta lactea. Golden-yellow scabs.


Drowsy all day, most forenoon, falls asleep sittings. Unusual excitement, could not sleep till left awoke again at 5, unrested. Sleepless 12 to 3 a.m. Dreams: sexual, vexing, of the dead.


Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica (all 3 vol.) by Clarke J. H.

Natrum Phosphoricum [Nat-p]

      Phosphate of Soda. Hydric Disodic Phosphate. Na8HPO4, 12H2O. Trituration. Solution.


Acidity (infants). Conjunctivitis. Diabetes. Dyspepsia. Enteralgia. Erysipelas. Gastralgia. Glands, scrofulous swelling of. Goitre. Gout. Intertrigo. Leucocytosis. Leucorrhoea. Morphinomania. Phthisis. Post-nasal catarrh. Rheumatism. Scrofula. *Sighing. Sterility. *Threadworms. Urticaria. *Worms.


As *Nat.phos. is one of Schussler’s introductions I will first quote what he has to say about it: *”Nat.phos. is contained in the blood-corpuscles, in the cells of the muscles, of the nerves and of the brain, as well as in the intercellular fluids. Through the presence of *Nat.p. lactic acid is decomposed into carbonic acid and water. *Nat.p. is able to bind to itself carbonic acid, receiving into itself two parts of carbonic acid for every volume of phosphoric acid. When it has thus bound the carbonic acid it conveys it to the lungs. The oxygen flowing into the lungs liberates the carbonic acid, which is only loosely attached to the *Nat.p., the carbonic acid is then exhaled and exchanged for oxygen, which is absorbed by the iron of the blood-corpuscles. *Nat.p. is the remedy for those diseases which are caused by an excess of lactic acid. It therefore answers to the diseases of infants, who, having been fed to excess with milk and sugar, from redundant acids. The symptoms in such cases are: Sour eructations, vomiting of sour cheesy masses, yellowish-green, so- called hacked diarrhoeas, colic, spasms with acidity. Uric acid is dissolved in the blood by two factors, the warmth of the blood and *Nat.p. If uric acid is deposited from its solution in the joints or near them, owing to a deficiency of *Nat.p., or when it combines with the base of *Carbonate of soda into urate of soda, which is insoluble, then there arises podagra or acute arthritic rheumatism. During an acute attack of podagra the secretion of uric acid in the urine is diminished by just so much as is retained of it in the diseased parts. *Nat.p. also serves to saponify the fatty acids, it therefore cures those dyspeptic ailments which arise from eating fat food, or which are aggravated thereby.” _*Nat.p. has been proved, chiefly in the attenuations, under Farrington’s direction. Schussler’s indications do not all appear in the provings, but I insert them in the Schema and distinguish them by (S). The correspondence is tolerably close. In the proving the nose-irritation and itching anus of the worm-condition was developed. Atony of bladder. Hair sensation on tongue. Tightness of muscles and tendons. Seminal emissions. Charles Mohr, who was one of the provers, relates in *Amer. *Medorrhinum *Monthly (Oct., 1897) the effect it has on him and the use he made of it. After being under the influence of the drug some time (without knowing what it was) he has much itching at the ankle-joints, with an eczematous eruption. Fear, especially at night, that something would happen. Headache, some nausea, defect of vision, one pupil dilated. The symptoms had to be antidoted with *Sepia. Two years after, Mohr had a patient with visional disturbance and headache, and when these were at their worst he had a sense of fear, worse at night, and an eruption about the ankles which began with itching, *Nat.p. 6x cured promptly. ***M.J. Luys (*H. W., xxxiv. 477) has successfully overcome the morphia habit by subcutaneous injections of *Nat.p. with glycerine and water. The symptoms are worse walking, especially up stairs. Warmth of bed causes itching at anus from worms. Thunderstorm. Worse pains, causes trembling and palpitation. When big toe pains heart pains are better. There is periodicity in the action. Worse From coitus.


*Antidoted by: Sepia (especially eruption and swelling about

joints), Apis (urticaria). *Compare: Acidity and scrofula, Calcarea, Rheum. Gout, Benz-ac., Guaiac., Lycopodium, Urt. ur., Sul. Gastric catarrh, Calcarea, Carb-v., Kali-c., Nux-v., Robin., Carbol-ac. Speech impeded, Natrum mur. Hair sensation. Natrum mur., K, bi., Silicea Worse From Coitus. Kali-ca., Causticum Worms, Abrot, Cina, Teucrium Drinking water causes cough, Silicea, (Causticum better cough). Emissions causing weak back and knees, Natrum mur.


Sugar. Milk. Fat food. Bitter foods. Thunder storms.



Melancholy, especially after emissions. Despondent, could not study, imagined he was going to have typhoid fever. Fears bad news. Nervous fears on waking. Easily startled. Irritable. Memory lost.


Dizzy, as if he would fall, objects turn round on rising or moving. Dullness in head and at root of nose. Fullness in head, flushes of heat, afterwards sweat. Fullness in forehead, over eyes, in morning, while studying, with cutting in right temple. Sharp cutting right side of head with, at times, dull aching over eyes.


Eyes weak, worse from gas-light 8 p.m. Slight burning, lachrymation, must rub eyes. Cutting in right eye. Eyes feel as if sand in them. Pain over eyes. Pressure on right eye during menses. Pressure over right eye with sighing. Pain in left orbit, with pain in bowels, extending up into chest, flatulence. Right supraorbital neuralgia. Lids heavy, itch along margins. Dryness of left eyeball with bruised pain. Vision: dim, flickering, halo round gas-light. (Squinting, with worms.) _ Disturbed vision, one pupil dilated.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica