Natrum Carbonicum


Violent and anxious palpitation of heart, especially on going upstairs, or at night, when lying on the left side. Painful cracking in region of heart.

Neck and Back

Rigidity of the nape. Cracking of the cervical vertebrae when moving head. Swelling in glands of neck. Hard swelling of thyroid gland. Goitre, pain, pressing. (Goitre decreased in size.) _ Boring pain in tip of left scapula, extends to point of ensiform cartilage. Pain, as from excoriation, in sacrum. Lancinations in sacrum when seated. Backache, violent pain in small of back after walking. Drawings and cramp-like tension in back and nape of neck. Tingling in back.

Upper Limbs

Aching in shoulders. Drawing and tearing (rheumatic) in shoulders, arms, and elbows, with lassitude in those parts. Heaviness, rigidity, and pains in arms, which take away the power to lift them. The right arm and right hand become numb and painful to move from pain in muscles. Jerking and thrilling sensation in arms, hands, and fingers, especially on grasping an object. Drawing tension in forearms and hands. Warts on arms. Incisive pains in hands, _ Tearing and boring in metacarpal bones, especially in evening and morning in bed. Burning in joints of hands in evening. Swelling of hands (in afternoon). Trembling of hands (morning). Hands become numb, painful, and prone to ulcerate _ ***R.T.C.) _ Skin of hand dry, rough, and cracked. Warts (or herpes) on the back of hands. Red spots and tetters on hands. Jerking in joints of fingers. Distortion

(contraction) of fingers. Burning, itching, and burning blisters on fingers, as if stung by nettles.

Lower Limbs

Tension in bend of knee, the muscles are shortened. Hollow of knees painful on motion. Great heaviness in legs and feet, with stiffness when seated and when walking. Jerking in thighs. Tettery eruption on the buttocks. Contraction of tendons of ham. Tetters on harm. Pressive and cramp-like drawing in legs. Cramp and pulling in calves of legs, as if too short. Legs swollen, red, inflamed, and covered with ulcers. Blotches (as in lepra) on legs. Incisive pains and cramps in feet. Burning in joints of foot in evening. Swelling of feet, or soles of the feet, with shootings, when planting foot on the ground. Tendency to dislocate and sprain joint of foot. The ankle is so weak that it give way, the foot bends under when stepping on it. Coldness of feet. Chronic ulcers in heel, proceeding from gnawing vesicles. Black, ulcerated pustule on heel. Throbbing and crawling in both heels. Cracks and excoriation between toes. Swelling of (big) toes, with tearing, and pain as from excoriation, which banishes sleep. Blisters on extremity of the toes, as from a burn. Boring, drawing, and shooting in corns.


Mucus in urine. Nocturnal erections, nocturnal pollutions. Bad smell of the expectoration. Troubles appearing in the back part of head, also heel. Cutting pain in the outer parts. Hysterics. Old sprains, one who is easily sprained, *i.e., a disposition to be sprained by any exertion. Exanthema purulent, or filled with pus. Falling out of the hair. Inclination to perspire, which may be caused by any exertion. Cramp-like tearing, principally in arms and legs, _ Paralytic drawings and tearings in joints, especially in evening and at night. Contractions of muscles (hands, bend of the knee, neck). Contraction of tendons. Jerkings in limbs, joints, and muscles. Tingling, stinging in muscles. Strong tendency to dislocations, and to strain back. Swelling and induration of glands. Symptoms worse during a storm. Most symptoms manifest themselves when seated, and are better by movement, pressure, or rubbing. Anguish, trembling, and sweat, during pains. Great agitation of whole body in evening. Excessive morbid sensibility, with trembling, also when playing the piano. Relaxation and want of stability in whole body (in morning). Unsteady gait. Heaviness and indolence, especially in morning, with fear of movement. It hurts to lie on the left side. Paralytic, contusive pain in morning, and great lassitude in limbs. Lassitude, so great as to cause sinking down, after a moderate walk. Prolonged weakness. Emaciation, with pale complexion, dilated, pupils, and deep-coloured urine. Repugnance to open air. Great tendency to chill, followed by coryza, or colic with diarrhoea.


Ulcers, with swelling and inflammatory redness of affected parts. Skin dry, rough, and chapped. Red, hard blotches. Dryness of skin, with profuse sweat from least exercise or slightest labour. Itching over whole body, as from fleas. Tingling under the skin. Scabies. Tettery eruption. Herpes: iris, circinatus. The tetters spread and suppurate. Yellow rings, like remains of tettery sports. Leprous tubercles. Warts, painful to touch. Shootings, incisive pains, and burning in injured parts. Itch- like eruption in lower part of abdomen.


Irresistible disposition to sleep, with much yawning, by day, which deferred sleep in evening, and difficulty to wake in morning. Uneasy sleep, full of vivid dreams, sometimes confused and lascivious, with violent erections and pollutions. Dreams, pleasant, amorous. Anxious dreams, which, after waking, seem to be true. Frightful dreams of deaths, floods, quarrels, robbers, devils, thieves, etc. Dreams about travelling. At night, great uneasiness in body, ebullition of blood, palpitation of heart, and nightmare, toothache, colic, and vertigo with anguish. Jerking and shocks during sleep. Waking too early.


Pulse accelerated mostly at night, with ebullitions. Febrile shuddering, with cold hands and hot cheeks, or *vice versa, but always without thirst. (Shivering fits between 3 and 4 a.m. induced by overfatigue and anxiety _ ***R.T.C). Coldness of hands and feet. Coldness and chilliness the whole day, more so in forenoon, with cold hands and feet with hot head, or the reverse, hot hands and feet with cold cheeks. Heart with great debility and sleep. Heat with perspiration over whole body. Burning hot perspiration on forehead when the hat presses him. Perspiration while eating. Burning in feet, especially soles, on walking. Sweats in morning. Nocturnal sweat, often alternating with dryness of skin. Cold and constant sweat, as form anguish, with trembling from the pains. Profuse sweat from the least physical exertion.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica