
Female Sexual Organs

Violent sexual desire. Menses: too early and too profuse, with drawing pain, with intolerable titillation in genitals, great disposition to faint. Desire greatly excited (in an old woman). Drawing, and sensation of bearing down towards hypogastrium, and the genital organs during menses. Dysmenorrhoea with fainting. Bearing down as if menses would appear. During pregnancy she complains much, but of nothing in particular.

Respiratory Organs and Chest

A sudden sensation in upper part of larynx as if it closed upon the breath, as if caused by the vapour of sulphur. Severe dry cough worse morning, pain under left breast on coughing. Whooping-cough, last stage, with vertigo and constriction of chest and trachea. Difficult respiration, and shortness of breath, with shootings in chest. Cramp-like and suffocating constriction in chest, especially after taking cold (or on going out into cold open air, or becoming cold). Hysterical spasms of chest. Cramps in chest, commencing sometimes with an inclination to cough, and afterwards aggravated so as to create despair. Pressive pain in chest, to extent of obstructing respiration. Gnawing in chest with sense of suffocation. Paralysis of lungs, loud rattling of mucus, restlessness, syncope. Shootings in chest and sides, sometimes with redness and bloatedness of face, dilated pupils, rough and dry tongue, and burning thirst. The chest is acutely affected, and painful on all sides, with violent and dry cough. Painful sensitiveness of chest under arms, especially when pressed. A pressive pain in left breast as though the pain would force itself through the nipple. Angina, tightness of chest, obliged to breathe forcibly.


Anxious palpitation of heart. Palpitation, dyspnoea, prostration, nervousness _ says, “I shall die, I know I shall die,” _ Sensation of trembling around heart, with constriction in whole chest. Prostration followed by threatened collapse.

Neck and Back

Violent drawings in nape, unable to turn head. Pain in muscles of neck as if torn from upper and lower attachments. Drawing pain from second cervical vertebra to right shoulder. Drawing pains in spine which extend into hip-joint, and there become so violent that he cries out. Violent drawing pain in back, as if tissues drawn tense (as before menses). Partly jerking, partly drawing pains in spine. Acute pressure left side of sacrum above coccyx, as if caused by a dull instrument.

Upper Limbs

Drawing pains along the entire extent of the arm, and especially in wrists, as from cramp. Burning, with sensation of coldness, in last joints of fingers. Swelling of hands, with shooting pains. Convulsive movements of hands and fingers.

Lower Limbs

Restlessness in legs, with paralytic weakness, which compels constant movement. Trembling in legs, as after great fatigue, when seated. Compressive pain in hollows of knees as though tendons too short. Paralytic weakness in legs, on sitting down, after walking. Sensation of coldness on tibia. Burning pressure on tips of right toes. Jerking pains in nails of two first toes as if they would suppurate, could not bear anything to touch them, could only walk barefooted upon the heel.


Pricking in limbs, sometimes with pain in the parts affected. Cramp-like pains in limbs. Trembling and jerking, over whole body. Weakness, which is felt more during repose than in movement. Weakness to the extent of fainting, with nocturnal coldness of skin generally. Fainting fits: especially at night (in bed), in evening, or in open air, followed by headache, of hysterical persons. Hypochondriacal complaints, originating in sexual system. Wrenching and bruising pain, in side on which patient has been lying. The sufferings are worse when the body is chilled. Great susceptibility to open air. Pinching, shootings, and itching, which compels scratching, in different parts of body. Tetanus. Convulsions with cramps in chest. Hysterical symptoms, even in men. (We may think strongly of this remedy in nervous or spasmodic complaints where the patient feels very cold, in epileptic fits, for instance, where there is rigor or chilliness, or shuddering, as though the patient were very cold. In complaints where the smell of musk affords great relief. Where there is a sense of fulness in the inner parts. Sensations: of coldness of the skin, great sensation of coldness in outer single parts, external chilliness with internal heat. Pain where there is sensation of oppression, or a very severe oppressive pain. ***H.N.G.).


Herpes with excessive burning.


Great drowsiness during day, with frequent and vehement yawning. Coma. At night, inability to lie long in same position, pain in part on which patient has lain, as of a dislocation, or a bruise. Vivid dreams, in which the passions are strongly excited. Dreams in which nothing succeeds. Sleeplessness during whole night from excitability of nervous system. Sleeplessness of hysterical persons.


Pulse full and accelerated, with ebullitions. _ Weak pulse, faintings from anaemia. Circulation of blood accelerated. Frequent sensation as of cool air blowing on person, especially on the parts which are uncovered. External coldness with internal heat. One cheek is pale and hot, the other is red and cold. The one hand is burning hot and pale, the other is cold and red. Sensation of coldness, mostly in spine, with drawing pains. The air seems cold, patient seeks fireside. Frequent slight shuddering, commencing at head and spreading over whole body. Attacks of burning heat in evening, in bed frequently only on right side, with restlessness and inclination to uncover. Sweat every morning. Clammy perspiration in morning, smelling of musk.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica