
Urinary Organs

Intense renal colic, severe pain in ureters, with sensation as of passage of calculus, during kidney attack, great craving for ice. Dull pinching pain in region of supra-renal capsules at 11 a.m., fingers cold at same time, great pressure in bladder, greater than amount of urine warrants, urine scanty and high coloured. Pain in renal region, profuse urination better. Urine: high coloured, strong-smelling, covered with thick, greasy pellicle, intensely yellow. Slow flow, cutting across root of penis transversely just as last drops are voided, intermittent. Diabetes. After urination, syncope.

Male Sexual Organs

Emission during sleep: watery, causing on stiffness of linen, transparent, consistence of gum arabic mucilage, too thick to pour, and voided with difficulty, thick, with threads of white, opaque substance. Impotence. Intense and frequent erection day and night. Pains along urethra while urinating, drawing burning. (Suppressed gonorrhoea).

Female Sexual Organs

Great sexual desire after menses in a single woman. A great deal of pain in left ovary, with a sensation as if a sac was distended and if pressed would burst, sensation as if something was pulling it down, causing it to be sore, pain when walking passed to left groin, as if leg pushed something, with a great amount of heat. Tense pains passing diagonally in right ovary, followed by a bubbling sensation. Intense, excruciating, neuralgic pains in whole pelvic region, extending downwards through ovarian region to uterus, cutting like knives, forcing tears and groans. Distinct soreness and nervous pain in one spot in lower part of uterus on left side, worse walking or moving left leg. Profuse menses, dark clotted, stains difficult to wash out, also bright blood, with faintness and some pain. Intense menstrual colic, causing drawing up of knees, with terrible bearing-down, labour- like pains, with pressing of feet against support, as in labour. A burning pain in lower part of back and hips during menses. After profuse menses, neuralgia in paroxysms in head, with twitching and drawing in of limbs and cords of neck, which were like wires, pain in lower abdomen, with profuse yellowish leucorrhoea. Itching of vagina and labia, thinking of it makes it worse. Small chancres on edge of right labia (had no sexual intercourse for three years, never had venereal disease). Short, shooting pains, passing outwards, chiefly in breasts. Breasts as cold as ice to touch, especially nipples (during menses), rest of body warm. Large but not painful swelling of left breast. Breasts and nipples very tender to touch, also inflamed. Soreness of nipples, a gummy secretion drying on orifice, when picked off nipple bleeds freely.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness, especially while reading, with occasional loss of voice. Choking caused by a weakness or spasm of epiglottis, could not tell which, larynx stopped so that no air could enter, only better by lying on face and protruding tongue. Dryness of glottis, very annoying, with pain during deglutition, great hoarseness. Soreness in larynx, as if ulcerated. Tenacious mucus in larynx. Sensation of a lump in larynx, severe pain on deglutition. Bronchial catarrh spreading into larynx, swelling of tonsils and glands of throat extended also into ears, causing transient deafness. Great oppression of breathing every afternoon about 5 p.m., sense of constriction. Has to fill lungs, but no power to eject air. Breath hot, feels so even when breathing through the nose. Cough from tickling under upper part of sternum. Incessant dry cough, worse at night, wakes just as she is falling asleep, worse from sweet things. Terrible, painful cough, as if larynx would be torn to pieces, and as if mucous membrane was torn off, with profuse discharge of viscid, greyish mucus, mixed with blood. Cough worse on lying down. Better lying on stomach. Expectoration: yellow white, albuminous, or little green, bitter balls, ropy, difficult to raise, as if flecked with infinitesimal dark spots.


Sharp pain in bottom of left lung. Chest sore to touch, at times burning extends over chest, cold seems to worse it, a piece of ice seems to cool it for an instant, then it is hotter, lung feels as if beaten of bruised. Singular sensation through chest, bounded by a line drawn across lower end of sternum and another about middle, as if there was a cavity extending from side to side, filled with burning air, which dilated in puffs in all directions and could be felt impinging on walls of cavity. Pain in right shoulder as though it came from left straight through. Constricted sensation at bottom of both lungs, dull, heavy pain at top of left lung. Coughing gives great pain in chest, as if it was painfully contracted. Incipient consumption. Pain and soreness through chest and mammae. Sensation of an abscess between pectoralis major and minor. Great soreness to pressure of muscles of lower left chest front and back, soreness when moving left shoulder-blade.


Palpitation after slight exertion. With heat in chest, heart felt very hot, beat very fast and felt large, accompanied by a bursting sensation. Feeling of a cavity where heart ought to be. Pain in heart: acute, sharp, quick, dull, quick. Intense pain in heart, seemed to radiate in different parts of left side of chest, worse from least movement. Burning in heart, went through to back and down into left arm.

Back and neck

Drawing in cords of neck, causing desire to throw head back. Spasms of neck muscles, notably sternomastoid, drawing chin firmly down to breast. Contractive pain from superior angles of scapulae, passing to seventh dorsal vertebra, drawing shoulders back tight as if bones would be crushed, worse moving shoulders, neck, or arms. Intense burning heat, commencing in back of neck and extending gradually down spine, with a contractive stiffness extending into head and seeming to thicken the scalp. Weak, stiff, aching back. Heat in medulla and spine for a whole week. Whole length of backbone sore to touch, also ribs of left side. Lumbago caused by straining or lifting. Pain in back of hips, running around and down limbs. Pain in sacrum and coccyx.


Almost entire loss of nervous force in legs and arms, exhausted by slightest effort. Numb sensation in left arm, hand, and leg, left leg goes to sleep. Eruption under and on toes and on hands and feet.

Upper Limbs

Rheumatic pain in top of left shoulder, worse from motion, occasional little darts of pain if kept still. Rheumatic pain in (right) shoulder and arm. Brown, itching eruption on left shoulder. Cold numbness outer side of arms just below elbow. Cracking of joints, especially elbows. Much pain in left arm, cannot hold a paper, veins become enlarged, worse raising arm. Trembling of arms and hands. Burning of hands, wants them fanned and uncovered, always cold hands. Backs of hands rough. Small yellow spots on hands. Transverse depression on nails, as if they were bent. Consumptive incurvation of nails.

Lower Limbs

Woke with sharp pain in left hip, preventing stooping, walking difficult, like a stiff neck. Legs heavy as lead, walking difficult, especially up and down stairs. Numbness, paralysed feeling, in left leg from knee to hip. Longs to stretch legs. During heavy thunderstorm very sharp pains in knees start upwards, pains worse by stretching. Aching in legs with inability to keep them still in bed, worse when giving up control of himself, as who trying to sleep ( better after Lilium t.). Trembling in legs from knees down ( worse left), burning in feet. Cramps in soles and calves at night. Ankles turn easily when walking. Sudden intense pain in left ankle, back of joint, on going to bed, could not move limb or body without screaming, could find no position of comfort. Burning in feet, wants them uncovered and fanned. Cold feet with chills all over. Oedema of feet followed and better by diarrhoea. Soreness in ball of foot under toes. Cold, sweating feet. Old foot-sweats, worse during winter for seven years. Great toe covered with tettery scales. Corns very tender.


Gangrene. Trembling. Spasms. Epileptiform spasms, foaming at mouth. Opisthotonos. Risus sardonicus. Collapse.


Yellowness of skin. Intense and incessant itching, fugitive, worse towards night, sometimes confined to one side. Itching (and pricking) all over, worse back, vagina, labia, and worse thinking of it. Fiery red band passing down neck, back, and perineum, and involving genitals and pubes. Fiery red rash about anus in babies, “the water scalds it terribly.” _ Scald-head. Tinea capitis, eyelids involved. Copper-coloured spots (syphilitic) remaining after eruptions, thin yellow-brown and detach in scales, leaving skin clear and free. Small pedunculated warts, with pin-heads, like small button mushrooms, on various parts of body and thigh. Favus. Fetid odour of body.


Sleepy, yawning, chilly. Spasmodic yawning, cannot suppress it, followed by spasm of glottis. Asleep, but hears everything, answers questions as if awake. Bites tip of tongue in sleep. Sleeps at night on her knees with face forced in pillow. Can only sleep on back with hands over head, if she lies on either side, the contents of lower part of chest and abdomen seem to press on each other and cause discomfort. Dreams: horrid, painful, exhausting, that she is drinking, of walking, of ghosts and dead people. Wakeful, slept towards morning. Great restlessness at night, sleepy but could not sleep.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica

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