Magnesia Carbonica


Acid risings. Frequent risings, with pains in stomach. Nausea and vertigo during a meal, followed by retching, and vomiting of bitter or saltish serum. Pressive contractive pain in stomach, sometimes with sour risings. Sensation of insipidity and emptiness in stomach, with nausea and inclination to vomit ( better after dinner). Pains, as from ulceration, in stomach (with great sensitiveness to pressure).


Colic, pressing, spasmodic. Contractive pain. Griping, cutting, and rumbling in whole abdomen, followed by thin, green stools, without tenesmus. Induration and shooting pains in hepatic region. Excessive distension and tightness of abdomen, with sensation of heaviness. Cramps in abdomen, followed by leucorrhoea. Pinchings, cuttings, and acute drawings in abdomen. Inguinal hernia. Affections of the left abdominal ring, great amount of flatus which is sour when eructated.

Stool and Anus

Constipation. (Constipation of neurasthenia. Constipation with left ovarian pain, or with heartburn. Right T. C.) _ Frequent and ineffectual want to evacuate, with scanty feces, or only an emission of wind. Greenish, frothy, and mucous diarrhoea (especially in children, which looks like the green on a frog pond), with cutting pains. Stools with white floating lumps, like tallow, always preceded by griping, worse on right side. Diarrhoea of a sour smell (of children). Ejection of ascarides and lumbrici. Shootings in anus and rectum, especially while suffering from tenesmus.

Urinary Organs

Secretion of urine, more copious than usual, watery, and of a pale or greenish colour. Frequent emission of urine, even at night. Involuntary emission of urine, when walking, or rising from a seat. White sediment in urine. Sensation of burning and excoriation when urinating. Bladder and rectum become irritable (from 200th. Right T. C.).

Male Sexual Organs

Diminished sexual desire. Absence of erections. Flow of prostatic fluid during the emission of flatus. Scrotal hernia. Frequent pollutions.

Female Sexual Organs

Backache and general flabby condition (in women). Menstrual flow more profuse during night than day, with dragging pains, better from pressure on abdomen and stooping. No menstrual discharge during the pains, only after them. Sensation of bearing down towards groins, as if preparatory to catamenia, with cutting pains in abdomen. Catamenia retarded, or completely suppressed, too scanty, or premature, and accompanied by a variety of sufferings. Constant headache, at each excessive menstrual period. Falls down in a dead faint at each menstrual period, with aching pains in limbs, which feel useless, and left ovarian pain. Emission of deep-colored, thick, glutinous, and pitch-like blood, with the catamenia. Before the catamenia: pains in loins, colic, bulimy, frequent risings, and nausea. During catamenia: dejection, shivering, pains in head, paleness of face, pains in loins, and cramp-like, pressive pains in abdomen, which arrest the menstrual flux. Discharge of white and corrosive mucus from vagina, sometimes preceded by cramps in abdomen. Toothache of pregnant female. Sore throat before menstruating.

Respiratory Organs

Cough excited by a tickling in throat, with a serous and saltish expectoration. Expectoration only in morning of thin or tough mucus or of dark blood tasting salt. Cough worse in evening till after midnight. Cramp-like cough at night. Cough in morning, with expectoration of a yellowish pus. Expectoration of tubercles as big as a pea, and very offensive in smell. Expectoration of blood when coughing.


Oppression of chest, with sensation of constriction. Oppression of chest, with shortness of breath, especially when walking. Pressure and sensation of heaviness, or incisive and shooting pains in chest. (A lady, 32, without chest symptoms, took *Mag.c. 200 through the day, and at night brought up quantities of phlegm, with constant cough, and movement of bowels. (R.T.C.).


Pain as of excoriation, and shootings, in left side of chest, and in region of heart. Palpitation of heart and whole left side painful, with nightmare (in patient taking *Mag.c. 200, otherwise she felt lifted up and stimulated. (R.T.C.).

Back and neck

Stiffness in nape of neck. Stiffness in neck. Tearing, and successive pullings, in nape of neck. Shootings in loins. Much pain in head and right shoulder, pain as if dislocated on raising arm. Contusive pains in sacrum and back, at night. Pain in back and small of back at night, as if broken.

Upper Limbs

Wrenching pain in shoulder-joint, while in motion. Pain in top of shoulder-joint, generally right side, which prevents raising arm. Fits of tearing in shoulder, especially at night, with tingling, extending to fingers, and inability to move arms, in consequence of the acuteness of the pain. Drawing pain in arms and hands. Cracked skin of hands. Cramp like tension in joints of fingers. Heat in fingers. Red and inflammatory swelling of fingers. Spreading blisters on hands and fingers, with stinging.

Lower Limbs

Restlessness in legs. Drawing pain in legs and feet. Itching of buttocks, with red spots after scratching. Painful swelling in ham. Cramp in calves of legs at night. Burning places on shin. Furunculi on legs.


Painful sensitiveness of whole body. Drawing and tearing in limbs. Rheumatic pain in limbs. Rheumatic pains in shoulders. Neuralgic lighting-like pains. Painful shocks in different parts. Frequent falling, without loss of consciousness, when walking or standing. Epileptic fits. Dazed feeling, packs and unpacks her clothes on a journey, without consciousness of having done so. Relaxation of whole body. Lassitude, principally in feet, and when seated. A short walk tires much. Restlessness in the limbs, in the evening, after sitting a long time. The symptoms manifest themselves, or are worse, at night, and during repose. The symptoms, which appear when in the sitting posture, are better by movement.


Violent itching, and great dryness of skin. Violent itching over whole body. Large nodosities between the skin and the flesh, with shooting pains. Nettle-rash with much swelling in feet and hands, and up both sides of face, knuckles disappear in the swelling, and ears sing and buzz and become deafened (in woman, 30, from the 200th. (R.T.C.) Small painless, red tetters, which ultimately exfoliate. Spreading blisters. Small blood boils (lower legs). Corroding vesicles.


Frequent and violent yawning. Inclination to sleep during day. Sleeplessness, sometimes from oppression in abdomen, or from anxious uneasiness and internal heat, with great dread of being uncovered. Sleeplessness, from flatus, cutting wisdom-teeth, exhaustion. Many anxious dreams, with talking, cries, and starting from fright. Dreams of fire, flood, robbers, quarrels, money, pleasures, misfortunes, dead persons, etc. Sleep at night unrefreshing, with fatigue as great in morning as before going to bed in evening, early awakening, with difficulty in again going to sleep. Cannot sleep after 2 or 3 a.m.


Shivering in evening. Chill and chilliness with external coldness in evening, and after lying down, slowly going off. Chill running down back. Heat mostly in the forenoon, frequently with perspiration on head only. Heat after evening chill. At night, anxious internal heat, with restlessness and aversion to being uncovered. Perspiration with thirst, from midnight till morning. Morning sweat. Sensation of heat in morning, without perspiration and without thirst. Nocturnal sweat, often fetid and greasy (coloring the linen yellow). Sour sweat.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica