Lac vaccinum defloratum


Abdomen sore and sensitive to touch. Severe pain across umbilicus with headache. Great fatigue from walking, on account of heaviness as of a stone in abdomen. Drawing pain across lower part of abdomen, with heat and pressing, bearing down in pelvic region, both sides, worse by pressure. Flatulence.


(Constipation.) _ Is generally constipated, and when it is most persistent, very chilly, cannot get warm. Constipation: with chronic headache, most powerful purgatives were of no avail, feces dry and hard, passed with great straining, lacerating anus, extorting cries and passing considerable blood, chronic. Continual persistent constipation, better only by cathartics and enemas, with violent attacks of sick-headache, pain unbearable, great photophobia, deathly sickness all over, with nausea and vomiting worse by movement or sitting up, chilly, not better by external heat.

Urinary Organs

Frequent and profuse urination of very pale urine. Frequent but scanty urination. Profuse, pale urine. Albuminuria. Constant pain in region of kidneys, passing around each side above hips to region of bladder, also downward from sacral region to gluteal, and from thence down back of thighs, pain burning, not better in any position, worse lying down. Urine dark and thick. Urine very pale, cannot retain it. Urine comes away drop by drop, or else gushes out with a sensation of very hot water passing over the parts, wetting bed at night.

Female Sexual Organs

Pressing bearing down in ovarian region. Drawing pain across uterine region, with heat and pressive bearing down in both ovarian regions, cannot bear pressure of hand or arm on abdomen, intense distress in lower part of abdomen during menstruation, not better by any position, violent inflammation in ileocecal region, with intense pain, swelling, tenderness, faecal accumulation and violent vomiting. Menses delayed a week with congestion of blood to head, coldness of hands, nausea, and vertigo, flow commenced next morning after taking *Lac defl. scanty with pain in back, sensation of weight and dragging in left ovarian region. After putting hands in old water sudden suppression of menses, pains all over, especially in head. Irregular menstruation, sometimes very dark and scanty, sometimes colourless water. Slight yellowish leucorrhoea. Morning sickness during pregnancy, deathly sickness at stomach on walking, vertigo and water brash on rising, constipation. Decrease in size of breasts. (Has never failed to bring back the milk in from twelve to twenty-four hours.) _ Diminished secretion of milk.

Respiratory Organs

Asthma so that he could scarcely breathe, accompanied by bloating in epigastric region. Short, dry cough, with difficult expectoration of a small lump of mucus, which better cough.


Soreness of chest with great pressure. Tuberculous deposit in apices of both lungs.

Heart and Pulse

Pressure around heart (not like grasping of Cactus), with dyspnoea and a feeling of certainty that he is going to die in twenty-four hours. Sharp pain in apex of heart, as if a knife were cutting up and down, this preceded a heaviness of head, dulness over eyes, throbbing in temples and palpitation of heart. Palpitation of heart and flushes of heat, especially in left side of face and neck.

Back and neck

A symmetrical patch of herpetic eruption on each side of neck, itching and burning after scratching. Hard, pressive pain at fourth cervical vertebra, chills creeping along back between scapula. Intense burning pain in small of back and sacrum, commencing in region of kidneys, passing around on both sides above hips into groins, also downward from renal region through gluteal region, down back part of thighs, pain, burning, and better by no position, lying down.


Cold hands or feet during headache. Aching pains in wrists and ankles.

Upper Limbs

Ends of fingers icy cold, rest of hand warm.

Lower Limbs

Numbness and loss of sensation over outer and anterior surfaces of thighs. Pains passing down under side of thighs to heels and pains across top of feet as if bones were broken across instep, pains, would come on as soon as she stepped upon floor in morning, upon which she would be faint and nauseated and would have to lie down. Weakness and aching in ankles, puffiness. Skin thickened at edges of feet.


Great lassitude and disinclination to exertion. Great restlessness and extreme and protracted suffering from loss of sleep at night. Feels completely tired out and exhausted, whether she does anything or not, great fatigue from walking. Great loss of strength, commencing with a sharp cutting pain in apex of heart, forehead feels heavy, with a dull sensation over eyes and throbbing, principally in temples, rest of head feels light.


A symmetrical patch of herpetic eruption on each side of neck, itching and burning after scratching.


Sleepy all day long. Great restlessness, extreme and protracted suffering from loss of sleep at night.


Hot fever 9 p.m., continues until near morning, wakes in profuse sweat, which stains linen yellow, difficult to wash out. Hectic fever, malignant typhoid. Sensation as if the sheets were damp.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica