Kali Chloricum


Much commotion and flatulence in abdomen. Movings (frequent) with inclination to diarrhoea. Flatulence: during day, in afternoon, with epigastric distress, preventing sleep. Griping. Colic, with diarrhoea and shifting of the flatulence. Intermittent weight, tension and pain in umbilical region. Pressure: in left hypochondrium, in right extending to umbilicus, tensive in right, better emission of flatus. Pain in pelvic

region, with diarrhoea.


External piles, with constipation. Congestions and obstructions to portal system and liver, with haemorrhoidal complaints. Persistent pain in rectum. Urging, constant, with normal stool. Stool: liquid, thin, diarrhoea, violent, constantly getting more liquid, at last consisting only of mucus, copious, as after a refrigerant purging salt (painful), with weakness. Slow, hard and dry evacuations The latter part is mixed with mucus and blood. Liquid, loose, and sometimes mucous evacuations. Painful diarrhoea. Dysentery, much blood passing with the slime. Stool hard, and at last mixed with mucus and blood. Green stools. Light-coloured stools. Stools indolent, delayed.

Urinary Organs

Nephritis. Urging, frequent. Itching in urethra and scrotum. Inability to empty bladder. Could pas only a few drops of bloody urine. Frequent micturition, and copious, with irritation about bladder and urethra. Hematuria. Urine: increased in evening and night, scanty, black and albuminous, greenish-black, containing hematin, urine containing albumen, casts, and altered blood, drawn off by catheter, acid and deposits urates abundantly, turbid, suppressed. (Albuminuria during gestation.).

Male Sexual Organs

Violent (frequent) erections, with itching on scrotum, with emissions. Frequent pollutions with lascivious dreams. Depression of desire, with chilliness and apathy.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness. In larynx irritation to cough. External sensitiveness of larynx and throat. Cough, violent, with catarrh. Dryness of throat and chest, with violent cough as from vapour of sulphur. Violent cough with coryza. Breathing laborious.


Pain in sides and loins. Painful pressure superiorly in left costal region. Chest, tight, constriction as from sulphur fumes. Oppression, with sensation as if lungs were constricted with a fine thread, with violent beating of heart, rush (congestion) of blood to chest.

Heart and Pulse

Precordial anxiety with palpitations and oppression. Coldness in precordial region. Palpitation. Heart’s beat distinctly perceptible to touch (but not accelerated beating), with coldness in precordial region. Violent beating of heart, sometimes with oppression of chest and cold feet. Pulse, rapid, compressible, feeble, as after a sudden and copious haemorrhage, slow, and small, weak. Pulse diminished in fullness and force, accelerated, or soft and sluggish, not synchronous with beats of heart. Pulse in right hand full and soft, intermittent, slower than beat of heart, in left hand small, soft, compressible.


Pain in lumbar region, with weight. Heaviness in lumbar region, with dragging and increased urine.

Upper Limbs

Rigidity of muscles. Drawing: in forearms, in wrists, with tearing. Tearing in right wrist and along ulna. Extraordinary coldness of arms. Cramp in right index. Inflamed hang-nails. Phylctenae and itching pimples on back of hands.

Lower Limbs

Drawing in thigh. Violent lancinating pains in knee. Sticking in right knee. Cramp in leg. Cold feet with palpitation of heart.


Convulsions, followed by delirium. Jerking of head and other parts. Clumsiness. General bloated feeling. Blood taken from a vein was very viscid. Rheumatic pains in different parts. Malaise. Discomfort. Weakness, lassitude and sleepiness. Collapse. Better From warm baths, which were always followed by profuse sweat and quiet sleep. Great chilliness, constant shivering and shuddering, sometimes with stiffness of hand. Constant coldness of feet.


Cyanosis, worse lips and extremities. Icterus. Duskiness of skin. Small purple macule on forearms. Rash, with painful pimples on left shoulder. Pimples: on forehead, between lip and chin, on thigh, red pimples, burning on left cheek, itchings, itching pimples, with vesicles on back of left hand, better during day, but returning next morning. Miliary eruptions. Itching pustules filled with matter, surrounded by red areola, on limbs. Numerous small red papule. Itching vesicles on back of right hand. Itching over whole body: worse in evening in bed, in face, at night, next morning red pimples on legs and shoulders, not on joints, then pimples on face.


Yawning. Sleep uneasy, and interrupted by heavy dreams. Sleep full of vexing dreams. Waking towards morning from an anxious dream, lying on back, snoring and breathing with difficulty. Dreams of occurrences of day previous. Quiet dreams of prophecies of death, of death from nervous (typhus) fever. Voluptuous dreams with emissions.


General coolness, shivering on cold days, seemed as if it has cooled off her blood. Chilliness: in afternoon, in open air, with stiffness of hands. Shivering: in evening, over back and neck, with warm feet. Cool skin. Cold limbs (right arm, internally in right forearm, feet, with palpitation). Heat: in bed, with violently throbbing pulse and heart, in face in flushes. Orgasms, worse chest, Intolerable heat in head.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica