Kali Carbonicum


Frequent risings. Sour risings and regurgitation. Burning acidity rising from stomach, with spasmodic constriction. Feeling in stomach as if cut to pieces. Constant feeling as if stomach were full of water, wobbling on motion. Pressure in stomach like a heaviness after eating. Sensation as of a lump in stomach the size of the fist. Pyrosis. Nausea from mental emotions. Nausea, as if he would faint, also with anxiety. Nausea during pregnancy. Nausea to such a degree as to cause loss of consciousness, sometimes during a meal. Anxious nausea, with inclination to vomit, especially after a meal, or after mental emotion. Retching in evening (for several evenings). Vomiting of food and acid matter, with prostration of strength, as if about to faint. Nocturnal vomiting of food. Fullness in stomach, especially after a meal. Pressure on epigastrium. Tension above stomach. Contractive cramps in stomach, renewed by all kinds of food and drink, or else at night, with vomiting. Pinching, digging, and shootings in stomach. Lancinations in epigastrium and in hypochondria, which suspend respiration. Pulsations in epigastrium. Extreme sensitiveness of epigastrium.


Pain in liver, on stooping, as if it were wrenched. Burning pain, aching, and shootings in liver. Pressure and shootings in region of loins. Pains in abdomen, with frequent risings. Pressure on abdomen, especially on stooping. Tension across the abdomen. Great inflation of abdomen, especially after a meal. Inquietude and heaviness in abdomen. Abdominal pains, contractive and spasmodic. Colic renewed after each meal. Colic, resembling pains of labor, sometimes with pains in loins. Feeling of coldness, as if a cold fluid passed through intestines, during menses. Lancinations throughout the abdomen. Inertia and coldness in abdomen. Dropsical swelling of abdomen. Drawing and shootings (and painful bloatedness) in groins. Abundant production and incarceration of flatus. Incarceration of flatulence, with colic. Restricted or excessive emission of flatus, sometimes preceded by pressive pain in rectum.

Stool & Anus

Constipation, sometimes every second day. Constipation during menstruation. Constriction of the abdomen and difficult evacuation of faeces of too large a size. Retarded stools from inactivity of rectum. Obstruction from inactivity of bowels, as a want of peristaltic motion, haemorrhoids. Result less inclination to evacuate, and scanty evacuation. Stool resembling sheep’s dung. Diarrhoea, mostly in evening and at night, with cutting pains and great physical debility. Discharge of mucus, or of blood, during evacuation. White mucus before and during stool. Painless diarrhoea, with rumbling in abdomen. Discharge of tenia and lumbrici. Anxiety before the evacuation. Itching in anus. Tearing, shooting, incisive, and burning pains in anus (and rectum), especially after evacuation. Protrusion and distension of haemorrhoids during stool, with pricking and burning. Protrusion of haemorrhoids during micturition, emitting first blood, afterwards white mucus. Inflammation, soreness, stitches, and tingling, as from ascarides, in haemorrhoids. Haemorrhoidal pimples in anus, painful, bleeding, and with shooting pain. Sensation of red-hot poker being thrust up rectum, temporarily better by sitting in cold water. Excoriation and pustulous eruption in anus. Stitching, pressing proctalgia (during pregnancy).

Urinary Organs

Frequent want to make water, and scanty emission of fiery urine. The urine is discharged slowly. After micturition, discharge of prostatic fluid. Urine pale greenish, turbid. Frequent emission of urine, day and night. Incisive pains in bladder, from right to left. Burning sensation in urethra, especially on (and after) making water.

Male Sexual Organs

Tension, tearing, and pulling in glans and in penis. Itching and pain, as from a bruise in scrotum. Hot swelling of testes and spermatic cord. Excessive increase or absence of sexual desire. Repugnance to coition. Want of erections, or too frequent and painful erections. Absence of, or immoderate pollutions. Pollutions with voluptuous dreams. After coition and pollutions, weakness of body, but especially of eyes.

Female Sexual Organs

Repugnance to coition in women. During coition, pinching and pain, as of excoriation, in vagina. Constant sensation of bearing down. Burning pain and shootings in vulva. Erosion, itching, and gnawing in genital parts, and in interior of parts Difficult first menstruation. Catamenia premature, or too weak. Suppression of catamenia. Suppression of menses, with anasarca and ascites. Haemorrhage of pregnant women (clots of coagulated blood). Corrosive menstrual flux. During catamenia (the menstrual blood is acrid) itching eruption, and excoriation, between thighs. Gastric symptoms, and agitated and anxious sleep during catamenia. During menses:(morning) headache, cutting pain in abdomen, pain in small of back, like a weight, stitches in ears, Coryza, itching of whole body. Leucorrhoea, sometimes with violent pains in loins, and pains like those of labor (extending from back to uterus). Yellowish leucorrhoea, with itching and sensation of burning in vulva. (Uterine cancer with pain round loins extending down right thigh to knee). Tearing stitches in breasts on flow of milk. During pregnancy: sickness (only during a walk) without vomiting, with feeling as if she could lie down and die, pulsation of arteries, even down to tips of toes, hollow feeling in whole body, heavy broken-down feeling, only with the greatest effort that any exertion can be made, _ back aches so badly while walking she could lie down in the street, _ Pressing, forcing pains in small of back as if heavy weight came into pelvis, low down, also stitching, pressing proctalgia. Impending abortion with pains from back into buttocks and thighs, discharge of clots (2nd and 3rd month). Weakness after abortion. Labour pains insufficient, violent headache, wants back pressed, bearing-down from back into pelvis. False pains, sharp cutting pains across loins, or passing off down buttocks, hindering labor, pulse weak. Pains stitching or shooting. Chills after delivery. Puerperal fever, intense thirst. After confinement, haemorrhage, haemorrhoids, peritonitis. Haemorrhage week after labour.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness and roughness in throat, with violent sneezing. Aphonia (with violent sneezing). Easy choking. Sensation as of a plug in larynx. Cough on moving arm (when playing the violin). Cough, excited by a tickling. Dry cough, especially at night, and in evening, in morning with expectoration. Night cough, worse from 3 to 4 a.m. Cramp-like cough, with inclination to vomit, and vomiting, especially in morning. Shootings in throat, or chest, while coughing. Expectoration: difficult, or, small round lumps come flying from mouth without effort. Spasmodic cough, in short but frequently returning attacks, caused by a tickling in the throat and larynx, during morning and day cough is loose, but the yellow pus and tough mucus has to be swallowed again. Cough with sourish expectoration, or of blood streaked mucus, or of pus. During cough, rough pain in larynx, stinging in throat, stitches in right side of chest (lower part), sparks dart from eyes, asthma. Whooping-cough (with inflammation of lungs, with swelling between upper eyelid and eyebrows, and worse from 3 to 4 a.m.).


Difficult respiration. Shortness of breath in morning. Respiration impeded on walking quickly, or in morning. Stitches in sternum and right side of chest through to back, when taking an inspiration. Tearing in sides of chest. Spasmodic asthma (in the morning), better by sitting up and bending forward, resting head on knees). Anxious oppression at chest. Obstructed respiration awakes him at night. Wheezing in chest. Oppression at chest, as from hydrothorax. Pain in chest when speaking. Cramp in chest, sometimes on coughing. Sensation in chest as if heart were compressed. Pressure, burning pain, and shootings in chest, sometimes on breathing. Inflammation of lungs (and liver) with stitches in chest (right side). Suppuration of lungs, abscesses of lungs. Weakness and faintness in chest from walking fast. Small pimples on chest and back. Incisive pains in chest.


Palpitation of heart (sometimes with anguish), especially in morning on waking, with ebullition of blood. Frequent and violent palpitation, with anxiety. Palpitation when he becomes hungry. Frequent intermissions of beats of heart. Burning in region of heart. Crampy pain in region of heart. Stitches about heart and through to scapula. Pinching pain in or by heart, as if heart were hanging by tightly drawn bands, worse on deep inspiration, on coughing, not noticed on motion of body. On lying on right side, heart feels suspended to left ribs. Feels pulse over whole body to tips of toes. Pulse slow.

Back and neck

Stiffness between scapulae. Dull pain, like hot water, between scapulae. Stiffness of nape of neck. Weakness of muscles of neck. Goitre. Hands swelling of axillary glands and of those of neck. Sweat under armpits. Pains in loins, also after a fall. Pain, as from a bruise in back, during repose. Drawing pains in back, which often proceed from loins. Burning, tearing near right side of spine, above small of back. Sharp stitching pains awaken him 3 a.m., he must get up and walk about, pains shoot from loins into nates. Stitching and shooting pains in back, shooting down into gluteal region or hips. Stitches in kidneys. Back aches as if broken. Pain across sacrum like labour-pains, feeling of tightening of skin of lower abdomen, feeling of weight in abdomen on walking, and especially on standing. Pain in small of back as from flatulent distension, morning in bed, with feeling as if bubbles accumulated at small of back, with urgent desire for stool, all of which disappeared after passing wind. Violent constant drawing in small of back, alternating with pulsations in it, only better when lying. Pain as if broken on moving about. Bruised pain in back only during rest. Feeling in morning as if small of back were pressed inward from both sides. Pressure in region of both kidneys. Gnawing in coccyx.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica