Kali Bichromicum


Stinging in ears, from external meatus into internal ear. Violent stitches in (left) ear, extending into roof of mouth, corresponding side of head and neck, which was painful to touch, glands swollen. External meatus of (left) ear swelled and inflamed. Stitches in (left) ear and (left) parotid gland, with headache. Hard, painful swelling of parotid gland. Discharge of fetid, thick, yellow pus from both ears (after scarlet fever). Itching of lobe of (right) ear (waking him at night). Redness, heat and itching of external ears. Violent tickling and itching in ears.


Nose painfully dry, air passes with great ease through it. Nose dry, burning, stopped up, swelling, worse in warm, better in cool air. Great dryness of nose, with feeling of pressure in nasal bones, also-extending along frontal sinuses with soreness and burning. Tickling, like a hair moving or curling itself in top of left nostril. Sneezing (in morning). Coryza, fluent, worse in evening, in open air, in wind, obstruction in morning and bleeding of nose (right nostril). Coryza fluent, excoriating nose and lips, discharge of mucus streaked with light-colored blood. Profuse secretion from right nostril, a spot in the right lachrymal bone is swollen and throbbing. Flow of acrid water from nostril excoriating nostril and burning upper lip (right). Violent shooting pains from root of nose along left orbital arch. Pinching pain in bridge, better by hard pressure. Pressure at root of nose. Nose stuffed up. Nasal speech. The sensation of a hard substance compels one to blow the nose, but there is no discharge from the dry nose. When blowing nose violent stitches in right side of nose, and sensation as if two loose bones rubbed against each other. Expired air feels hot in nose. Scab on septum. Septum ulcerates. Round ulcer in septum. Small ulcers on edge of (right) nostril, violent, burning when touched. Discharge of large masses of thick, clean mucus from nose, if that ceases he has violent headache, pain from occiput to forehead. Watery secretion with great soreness and tenderness of nose. Discharge of tough green masses from nose. Discharge of hard, elastic plugs (clinkers) from nose. Though accustomed to smoke, every inhalation through the nose caused a sickening sensation like sulfuretted hydrogen. Sensation of fetid smell before nose. Loss of smell. Fetid smell from nose.


Face: pale, yellowish, red in blotches, flushed, anxious expression. Acne. Shooting in left upper maxillary bone towards ear. Shooting inward in left malar bone with pressure, worse in morning. Sensitive painfulness, as if bruised, of bones of face. Syphilitic eruption from root of nose to upper lip. Lupus right side of nose with troublesome itching. Lupus, pustules, impetigo of face, with much itching. Perspiration on upper lip. Lower lip swelled, chapped. Digging pain in rami of lower jaw. Mumps right side. Parotids swollen.


Gnawing, dull burrowing, boring in roots of teeth. Stitches in teeth extending to other parts, and alternating with wandering rheumatic pains. Toothache not better by heat or cold, only momentarily better by pressure. Gum of right lower jaw much swollen, dirty white, extremely tender, teeth that side quiet loose, will not bear slightest pressure, profuse ptyalism, gums of both sides unusually sensitive, cannot masticate any food, liquid food makes gums feels very sore and tongue rough.


Dryness of mouth and lips, better by drinking cold water. Accumulation of saliva in mouth, saliva bitter, viscid, frothy, tasting salt. Papilla very long on dorsum with a brown-coloured patch. Sensation of a hair on back part of tongue. Tongue coated, thick brown, as with thick yellow felt, at root, papillae elevated. Tongue dry, smooth, red, cracked (in dysentery). Ulcers with hard edges, smarting, at mucous surface of lips. Painful ulcer on tongue. Stinging pains in tongue.


Sensation of a hair on back part of tongue and velum, not better by eating or drinking. Erythema of fauces and soft palate, bright or dark red, or of a coppery colour. Soft palate slightly reddened: uvula relaxed, with sensation of a plug in throat, which is not better by swallowing. Deep excavated sore, with a reddish areola, containing a yellow, tenacious matter at root of uvula, fauces and palate presenting an erythematous blush. Posterior wall of pharynx dark-red, glossy, puffed, showing ramifications of pale-red vessels, on middle, towards left side, a small crack, from which blood exudes. Sharp, shooting pain in left tonsil, towards ear, better by swallowing. Burning in pharynx, extending to stomach. In forepart of palate single circumscribed spots, of size of a barley corn, coloured red, as if little ulcers were about to form. Ulcer on roof of mouth, with sloughing (syphilis). Pimples on uvula. Oedematous bladder-like appearance of uvula, much swelling but little redness. Ulceration of uvula and tonsils. Throat pains more when tongue is put out. Sensation as if an acid, acrid fluid were running through posterior nares over palate, causing cough. Discharge of thick yellow matter through posterior nares.


Taste: coppery, sweetish, sour, bitter in morning. Loss of appetite, increased thirst. Longing for beer or acidulated drinks. Aversion to meat.


Eructations of air, relieving an uneasiness of stomach as from wind pent up at great curvature. Sudden nausea. Nausea, with feeling of heat over body, with giddiness, rush of blood to head, worse by moving about, in morning at sight of food, after meals, after stool, excited by drinking and smoking, better by eating, better in open air, with sweetish flat salivation. Nausea and vomiting of mucus. Vomits large quantities of bright yellow water. Vomiting: of undigested food, sour, of bile, bitter, of pinkish, glairy fluid, of blood, with cold perspiration on hands, burning in stomach, heat of face. Burning in stomach and stomach pit. After eating a full meal, which was relished, a sensation as if digestion were suspended, food lies in stomach like a heavy load. Pressure and heaviness in stomach after eating. Giddiness, followed by violent vomiting of a white, mucous, acid fluid, with pressure and burning in stomach. Swelling of stomach (in evening), with fullness and pressure, cannot bear tight clothes. (Round ulcer of stomach, and duodenum.).


Colic alternating with cutting pain at umbilicus, during night. Sensitiveness of abdomen to least pressure. Dull, heavy pressure or stitches in region of liver. Stitches in region of spleen, worse by motion and pressure. Stitches in spleen extending into lumbar region. Tympanitis, whole abdomen feels bloated, followed by eructations. Cutting in abdomen, as from knives, soon after eating. Attacks of periodical spasmodic constriction of intestines, with nausea. followed by a papescent stool and burning in anus, with tenesmus. Stitches through abdomen, extending to spinal column. Chronic ulceration of mucous membrane attended with vomiting of ingesta, hectic and emaciation.

Stool & Anus

Constipation, with debility, coated tongue, headache and coldness of extremities. Scanty, knotty evacuations, followed by burning in the anus. Stool in one mass of excessive hardness. Stools dry, with burning at anus. Constipation, with painful retraction of anus. Very painful evacuation of extremely hard faeces. Periodical constipation (every three months). Stools slate-coloured, bloody. Stools: blackish, watery, yellowish, watery, clay-colored, watery and lumpy, jelly-like, involuntary and often painless and odourless, bloody and extremely painful. Papescent evacuations, with much rumbling in intestines. Morning diarrhoea, wakes from urgent pressure to stool, the watery contents gush out, followed by violent tenesmus, she cannot rise on that account, later, burning in abdomen, nausea and violent straining to vomit. Frequent bloody evacuations, with gnawing pain about umbilicus with tenesmus, tongue smooth, red, cracked. Dysenteric evacuations of brownish, frothy water, with violent, painful pressing, straining and tenesmus. Pressing and straining in anus, with tenesmus. Periodical dysentery every year in early part of summer. Sensation of a plug in anus (can scarcely sit down). Soreness at anus, making it very painful to walk. Fullness in haemorrhoidal vessels.

Urinary Organs

During micturition heat in urethra. During and long after micturition burning in glandular portion of urethra. After micturition burning in back part of urethra (in bulbus urethra, in glands of urethra, in fossa navicularis), with sensation as if one drop of urine had remained behind with unsuccessful effort to void it. Stitches in urethra, especially after micturition. Frequent discharge of watery urine of strong smell, awaking him at night. Continuous desire to urinate during day. Painful drawing from perineum into urethra. Urine with white film and deposit, with mucous sediment. Violent pain in os coccygis, worse when rising, after he sat long, to urinate. Some time in passing urine. Scanty red urine, with pain across back.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica