

Tongue furred. Articulation difficult and indistinct. Heat, worse dryness. Salivation, with profuse sweat, with dry skin, stringy, but not viscid. Constant spitting of alkaline saliva. Alkaline saliva flows upon pillow during sleep, causing collapsed feeling in glands in cheeks. Saliva contained a notable quantity of urea. After the perspiration and salivation have ceased the parts become very dry, especially the mouth and pharynx, and there is great thirst.


Swelling of submaxillary glands (*Mercurius, *Calcarea) Pain in submaxillary glands. Dryness at back of throat. Dry and inflamed feeling in forenoon, with scraping on swallowing anything, the inflammation worse afternoon, with swelling of tonsils and stiffness of jaws. Soreness and smarting of throat, with headache worse left side, and hurried breathing.


Good appetite. Hunger disappeared and he could not eat. Urgent thirst. Eructations and vomitings. Hiccough. Nausea, sudden, and retching, often with hiccough. Vomiting, after supper, sudden, in the lad who failed to perspire, of the saliva that he had swallowed, severe, of the contents of the stomach, then of bile, then continued retching. Distress in stomach and in lower half of oesophagus, especially the latter feels constricted. Heavy distress at pyloric part at dinner-time, from an indigestible substance, better a full meal. Constrictive feeling as if rugae were puckered (probably owing to alcohol in tincture).


Empty, gone feeling in abdomen. Cutting in lower abdomen, without tendency to diarrhoea. Pain over pubes. Severe pains over pubes with strong desire to pass water, which gave better.


Stools : watery, yellow, frequent and painless, undigested, gushing, weakening, papescent and large, painless. Stool, first part five-eighths of an inch in diameter and about five inches long, the last part papescent and dark brown. Hard stool. Constipation, two stools a day instead of three. Stool at 7 a.m. and again at 7 p.m. difficult, of long large, dark faeces. Passage of threadworms.

Urinary Organs

Sudden severe pain in bladder, shooting down to urethra and causing exclamations. Burning in urethra, with urging to urinate. Urine dark. Urine increased, during the sweat, and sp. gr. diminished, urea increased. Urine decreased, and sp. gr. and urea increased. Urea diminished next day increased. Chlorine, chlorides, and uric acid diminished, next day increased.

Male Sexual Organs

Orchitis, with incipient bronchial trouble, metastasis of mumps.

Female Sexual Organs

Menses scanty, congested head, dry skin. Flushing at climacteric. Cured dysmenorrhoea in a young woman to whom it was given for increased eye tension, which it rapidly cured. Leucorrhoea. Pregnancy: oedema of. Puerperal convulsions, in stupor threatened suffocation from inability to swallow excessive quantity of saliva. Milk: deficient, excessive.

Respiratory Organs

Bronchial secretions increased. Loose cough. Breathing difficult. Breathing hurried.


Sticking in chest. Pain in chest and around heart. Pressure on chest, with anxiety, palpitation and pain in region of heart. Anxiety in chest, with oppression, preventing sleep.

Heart and Pulse

Pain in heart region. Palpitation. Irregularity, weakness and rapidity of action, with nervous, restless condition and constant yawning. Pulse rapid, then slow, at beginning of sweat, the tracing becomes a little crooked, the rising line larger and more upright, the descending line more oblique, more dicrotic, at the height of the sweat the general outline very irregular, some beats shorter than others. Pulse and temperature increased during sweat, then lowered. The rapidity of the circulation is increased, but the arterial tension and temperature are lowered. Tracings showed almost complete asystole, with diminished vascular tension during sweat.


Redness of face, throbbing of temporal arteries, then heat in mouth and on face, salivation, then sweat on forehead, cheeks and temples, incessant expectoration, sweat covering face and neck, then whole body red and moist, pleasant warmth, then general sweat, which soon runs down all sides, then lachrymation and copious discharge from nose, increased activity of mucous glands of back of throat, trachea, and bronchi, salivation so great that he can scarcely speak, salivary glands enlarged, sometimes accumulation in bronchi cleared away by cough, thirst, contracted pupils, after the sweat and salivation have ceased, prostration, drowsiness and dryness of the parts that have secreted so copiously, worse mouth and throat with much thirst. Restlessness, in evening with anxiety. Much trembling, especially of upper extremities. Weariness, in morning, with dryness of mouth and thirst, on rising, from a short walk, with hurried breathing and palpitation, so that the legs gave way when walking. Faintness. Collapse.


Sleepiness. Fell asleep while sitting reading. Profound sleep, in daytime. Most wretched night that he ever remembers, fever, headache, malaise, no thirst, restlessness, moving and delirium. Did not sleep well on account of restlessness, with pressure on chest and hurried breathing. Distressing dreams towards morning. Dreams of accidents and fights, waking him twice a night.


Temperature sank. Chilly up and down back at 7 p.m. Shivering. Temperature 98.50, in taking which he uncovered himself, this caused coldness, with horripilation and griping, but as soon as he covered himself again profuse sweat. Heat: temperature rose then fell, glow in face and over body. Profuse sweat: finger ends shrivelled like a washer woman’s, in drops on forehead. Sweat on forehead, then over whole body, then chiefly on face, legs and feet. Sweat on forehead and over whole body, worse trunk, simultaneously with the salivation, on face, on face and upper part of chest, on face, then on whole body, on chest, then on other parts, worse upper extremities. Sweat of neutral reaction running down all over body Sweat contains urea. Perspired easily before taking, but did not sweat during the proving. Semilateral left sweat.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica