
Iridium signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Iridium is used…

      The metal. Ir. (A.W. 192.5). Trituration.


Anaemia. Axilla, abscess in. Bronchitis, chronic, Cramps, Gout. Hemiplegia (r) Neuralgia. Numbness. Rheumatism. Spinal paresis.


*Iridium is a rare metal of the *Platinum group found in platinum ore. It is one of the heaviest substances known. A.J. Tafel took gr. xx. of 3rd trituration. He experience a number of symptoms, all within two hours of taking the dose. Prominent among them were: A sensation of numbness, in ears and throughout the body. A feeling as if they eyes were being affected from below upward. A feeling as of a triangle in face, the based formed by the two malar bones, the apex in the vertex. The numbness, and a cramp like contraction in right calf, show a resemblance to the action of *Platina *Irid. needs and deserves a fuller proving. The majority of symptoms appeared on the left side. In the *Revue Hom. Francaise of February 1892 (translated *New York Medorrhinum Times, November 1892), ***M. Laboucher gave an account of this remedy and compared it with others. He does not mention how they symptoms were obtained. They will be found in the Schema marked with “(L)” after each. Those unmarked are Tafel’s. Laboucher says it is ” admirable in all cases of anemia,” is better than *China for the aged and persons exhausted by disease, for puny, weak-limbed children, and those who grow too fast. He mentions a particular alternation of symptoms or reaction. Painful weakness of lower limbs and renal region, followed by a favorable reaction, self confidence and facilitated mental labor. It shares with *Osmium, *Palladium, and *Platinum a place in the treatment of rheumatism and gout. Laboucher gave *Irid. in the 4th attenuation, *Pallad. in the 3rd, *Platina in 2nd, and *Osm. in the 1st.


*Compare: In uterine diseases, Aurum and Aur-mur. ( Laboucher says Irid. is superior to both and to Osm. in uterine tumors). In exhaustion after disease, Chi.



Weariness in back and limbs followed by favorable reaction, feeling of self confidence. (L). Facilitates mental labour (L).


Pains in middle of occipital bone. Neuralgia of head especially temples, drives one crazy (L). Open air and noise seem to bruise the head.


Feeling as if eyes were being affected from below upward.


Feeling of numbness in ears and throughout the body lasting but a short time.


Pain in the left malar bone, a kind of stinging, from this place a kind warmth spreads over whole face, the pain is also felt in right malar bone like a pressure.


Increased saliva with sensation in malar bones, which is more perceptible on left side.


Cramps in stomach.

Female Sexual Organs

Swelling of ovaries without dropsy(L). Corroding and suppurating ulcers of uterus, bluish patches on uterus (L). Uterine tumor with suppuration(L). Piercing, gnawing pains in breasts(L).

Back and neck

Painful weakness of lower limbs and weakness in region of kidneys, followed by favourable reaction(L). Spinal paresis followed by greatly increased strength(L).


Neuralgia of the limbs.

Upper Limbs

Abscess in axilla, arrests suppuration(L). Transient pain in inner side of wrist, worse left, also bend of knee joint. Painful deep red glossy swelling of thumb(L). Pinching pain on wrists and fingers (rheumatic paralysis) (L).

Lower Limbs

Formication, scraping and smarting pains in hip joints, sciatica preventing rest in bed(L). Transient pain in bend of knee joint. Pressing in anterior portion of left thigh in middle of upper half, followed by pressing groin. While walking, feeling of tension in both thighs, worse left then a dislocating feeling in left hip joint, and a dull pain tending towards left buttock. Cramp like contraction in right calf and middle of sole of foot.


R. hemiplegia when temperature of skin remains normal (L).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica