

Pains in orbits. Feeling of depression above the eyes, as if they were deeply sunken, in the evening. Pain, as from excoriation, in the eyes. Inflammation of the eyes, sometimes after taking cold. Watery white swelling of the eyelids. Dirty yellowish colour of the sclerotica. Protrusion of the balls. Lachrymation Convulsive movements, and quivering of the eyes, of the (lower) eyelids. Weak sight. Dimness of vision following upon application of Iodine to any part of body. Choroidoiritis. Diplopia. Sparks and scintillations before the eyes.


Buzzing in the ears. Hardness of hearing. Sensibility to noise. (Chronic deafness with adhesions in middle ear. Deafness from Eustachian catarrh, inflamed tonsils, roaring in the ears, etc.).


Small scab in the right nostril. Epistaxis. Red, burning spot on the noise, below the eyes. Stoppage of the nose, or secretion of mucus more abundant than usual. Dry coryza, becoming fluent in the open air (worse evening). Fluent coryza with much sneezing. Violent coryza with lachrymation and frontal headache, discharge hot, nose sore, fever. Blowing of much yellow mucus from the nose.


Complexion pale, yellowish, or easily tanned, or greenish. Acneous eruption of right side of face with burning and itching, twitching of right upper eyelid, and twitchings in other parts. Sallow, distressed countenance. Bluish lips, with swelling of the superficial veins. Frequent and sudden redness of the face, with sensation of burning in the ears. Face sunken with eyes cast down. Starting of the muscles of the face. Suppurating ulcer on the left cheek, with swelling of the contiguous glands. Swelling of submaxillary glands.


Pressive pains in the molars. Teeth yellow and covered with mucus in the morning, easily blunted by vegetable acids. Inflammatory swelling and bleeding of the gums, with swelling of the cheek, the guns are painful to the tough. Teeth loose. Softening of the gums.


Aphthae in the mouth. Ulcers in the mouth. Pain and swelling of the glands of the interior of the mouth. Exhalation of putrid odor from the mouth, after Mercury. Salivation. Tongue loaded with a thick coating. Dryness of the tongue.


Swelling and elongation of the uvula. Sore throat, with pressive pain, when not swallowing. Permanent constriction of the gullet and impeded deglutition. Increased secretion of watery saliva. Inflammation of the gullet, with sensation of burning and scraping, burning in the fauces. Ulcers in throat, with swelling of glands of neck.


Disagreeable, saponaceous, sourish, or bitter salt taste. Increased thirst day and night. Appetite variable, at one time bulimy, at another absence of appetite. Unusual hunger, with amelioration after a meal (after having eaten a good deal). Great weakness of digestion. Eats too often and too much, rapid digestion, but losing flesh all the time.


Risings, generally acid, with burning sensation. Heartburn after heavy food. Hiccough. Pyrosis, especially after indigestible food. Qualmishness, nausea (with spasmodic pain in the stomach). Frequent nausea. Violent vomitings renewed by eating. Vomiting of bilious matter or of yellowish mucus. Excessive pains in the stomach, with bilious evacuations. Aching in the stomach after every meal. Cramp-like, gnawing, or burning pains in the stomach. Inflammation in the stomach. Pulsations in the epigastrium. Gastric derangement with constipation.


Abdominal pains which return after every meal. Inflation of the abdomen. Incarceration of flatulence (left side of abdomen). Enlargement of the abdomen, which renders it impossible to lie down without danger of suffocation. Region of liver sore to pressure, swelling and hypertrophy of liver, jaundice. Hard, painful swelling of the spleen. Cramp-like pains in the abdomen. Violent colic. Pains in the abdomen like those of parturition. Swelling and inflammation of the mesenteric glands. Pancreas enlarged, whitish, whey-like diarrhoea. Abdominal pulsations, throbbing of abdominal aorta. Trembling in the abdomen, from the pit of the stomach to the periphery, with increased heat. Hard swelling of the inguinal glands.


Hard, knotty, dark-coloured faeces. Constipation. Loose, soft evacuations, sometimes whitish, alternately with constipation. Evacuations copious of the consistence of pap. Violent, frothy diarrhoea, or composed of sanguineous mucus. Dysenteric evacuations of thick mucus, or sometimes purulent, with retention of faecal matter. In the evening, sensation of itching and burning in the anus. Piles protrude and burn, worse from heat.

Urinary Organs

Suppressed secretion of urine. Copious and frequent flow of urine. Involuntary emission of urine at night. Urine of a deep colour, turbid or yellowish green, or milky, or acrid and corrosive. Parti-coloured cuticle on the urine. (Incontinence in old people with prostatic enlargement.) (Diabetes.).

Male Sexual Organs

Complete loss of sexual power, testicles atrophied. Violent and constant erections. Sexual desire increased. Painful pullings in the anterior part of the penis. Aching, pressing, twisting, or forcing pain in spermatic cords, after sexual dalliance. Swelling and hardness of the testes. Hardness of the prostate gland. After stool, milk-like fluid runs from urethra. Hydrocele. Offensive sweat of genitals.

Female Sexual Organs

Catamenia at one time too late, at another, too early. Menses premature, violent and copious. Metrorrhagia. Weakness, palpitation of the heart, and many sufferings, before, during and after the catamenia. Atrophy of ovaries and breasts, with sterility. Pain (dull, pressing, wedge-like) commencing in right ovary passing down broad ligament to uterus. Great sensitiveness of right ovarian region during or after menses. Inflammation of right ovary with an itching eruption on head and hands following application of *Iodine to os uteri. Chronic oophoritis (left) with thick, yellow, burning leucorrhoea, better after eating (H. N. Martin). Pain in lower abdomen, worse in left ovarian region, better by motion and by eating. Induration and swelling (cancer?) of the uterus. Uterine haemorrhage renewed after every stool. Leucorrhoea, corroding the limbs and the linen, acrid, profuse, worse at time of menses. Flaccidity and atrophy of the breasts. Mammary hyperaesthesia. Heaviness of breasts as if they would fall off. Acute pain and soreness in breasts with metritis. Bluish red nodosities size of hazel nut, in both breasts, dry, black points at tips. Galactorrhoea, thin, watery milk, weakness, emaciation. Milk suppressed, breasts atrophied and relaxed.

Respiratory Organs

Insupportable hoarseness and tingling in the throat, especially in morning. The voice becomes deeper. Membranous croup, with wheezing and sawing respiration, dry, barking cough, especially in children with dark eyes and hair, child grasps throat with hand. Croup, with much mucous expectoration, sometimes streaked with blood. Inflammation of the throat, of the larynx and trachea, with contractive pain of excoriation. Pain in the larynx, with discharge of hardened mucus. Contraction and heat in the larynx. Increased secretion of mucus in the trachea, with frequent hawking. Dry cough, with pressure, shooting, and sensation of burning in the chest. Cough in the morning. Cough, with expectoration of abundant, and sometime sanguineous mucus, pains in the chest, and fever. Rattling of mucus in the chest, with roughness under the sternum and oppression of the chest. Cough, resembling whooping-cough, excited by an insupportable tickling in the chest, with anguish before the paroxysm, and excessive emaciation. Hepatization, worse upper part of right lung.


Difficulty of respiration, and dyspnoea. Difficulty of expanding the chest on taking an inspiration. Suffocation. Shooting in the left side, on breathing. Loss of power to breathe especially on going upstairs. Weakness of the chest. Congestion in the chest. Burning, shooting tension in the integuments of the chest.


Sensation of weakness in the chest (and heart). Violent palpitation of the heart, increased by the least exertion (from walking or going downstairs). Sensation as of the heart were squeezed together. Constant, heavy, oppressive pain in region of heart, with sharp, piercing, movable pain. Great precordial anxiety, obliging him to constantly change his position. (Hypertrophy of heart, very like that of Arnica, and like that often met with in housemaids and others from over-exertion. Fatty degeneration of heart – Cooper). Pulse rapid, small, weak, with tumultuous, irregular, at times intermittent action of heart.

Back and neck

Tension in the neck. Swelling of the exterior of the neck. Swelling of the neck when speaking. Swelling of the glands of the neck, of the nape of the neck, and of the armpits. Hard and large goitres. Constant sensation of constriction in the goitres. Yellowish spots on the neck and redness, as from ecchymosis. Cramps in the back. Pain in sacrum and coccyx. Spinal complaints with gressus vaccinus.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica