

*Antidoted * by: Pulsatilla (chief antidote), Arnica, Camph., Chamomilla, Coccul., Coffea *It antidotes: Brandy, coffee, chamomile tea, tobacco, Selenium, Zincum met. *Compatible:* Arsenicum, Belladonna, Calcarea, Chi., Lycopodium, Nux., Pulsatilla, Rhus-t., Sepia, Sulphur, Zincum met. *Incompatible:* Coffea, Tabac., Nux (sometimes). *Compare: Croc. (irresistible fits of laughter, rapidly alternating mental states), Lycopodium (sinking sensation at night, preventing sleep, canine hunger at night, also Chi.), Sepia (sinking, gone sensation, with Ignatia it is attended with sighing), Phos-ac., Gelsemium, Coloc. (grief, Phosphorus ac., especially for chronic condition), Asafoetida, Asarum europaeum (nervous persons); Arsenicum, Nux (fevers; better from external warmth). In difficult swallowing of liquids, Belladonna, Causticum, Cin., Hyo., Lachesis, Lycopodium, Pho. Globus hystericus, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Plumb. Piles (better sitting, Ignatia worse sitting, Lycopodium, Thuja, Phosphorus ac.). Piles during menses, Lachesis, Collins., Pulsatilla, Sul. Worry and its effects, Nux vomica, Sul. (Sul. worried by trifles). Laughter when ought to be serious, Anacardium, Pho. Sadness, Pulsatilla (Ignatia hides her grief, Pulsatilla shows it). Prolapsus ani, Podophyllum Jealousy, Apis, Hyo. Disappointed love, Phosphorus ac. Better from hard pressure, hollow cough as from sulphur fumes, Chi. Laryngismus, Gelsemium Headache ending in copious flow of clear limpid urine, Gelsemium, Aco., Silicea, Verbascum Worms, Cin. In functional paralysis from fatigue, emotions, or worms, Stannum, Coccul., Pho. Hysteria, Cuprum, Platina, Hyo., Asafoetida, Mosch. (faints easily), Valer., Nux-mosch. Spasms in delicate women, Belladonna (but Belladonna has bright red face, shining eyes, hot head, fever: Ignatia has no fever with spasms), Hyo. (Hyo. has unconsciousness, Ignatia not). *Sudden effects of emotions, Opium (very similar, but Opium has dark red, bloated face), Gloninum (in the convulsions of Gloninum the fingers spread out widely, also Secal.), Verbascum, Cuprum, Chamomilla In uterine spasms, Coccul., Chamomilla, Mag-mur., Actea r. Hiccough (Ignatia worse by eating, smoking, emotions), Hyo. (after operations on abdomen), Stramonium and Verbascum (after hot drinks), Arsenicum and Pulsatilla (after cold drinks), Teucrium (children, after nursing). Nervous cough, the more he coughs the more annoying the irritation, Apis. Sadness, indifference, profound melancholy, Tarent. (Ignatia introverted state of mind, Tarent. cunning attempts to feign paroxysms and wild dancing, no paroxysms if no observers). Chorea, eye symptoms, Agaricus Extreme sensitiveness to pain, flushing of one or other cheek, Chamomilla Ear symptoms, Phosphorus (Ignatia hard of hearing except to human voice, Pho. exact opposite, over-sensitiveness to ordinary sounds, deaf to voice). Nervous women, Mg-c., Mg-m. Tears, fevers, Natrum mur. (Natrum mur. is the *chronic of Ignatia). Teste places Ignatia in his Ipecac. group: Nausea and vomiting, reversed peristalsis, congestive headaches and engorgements resulting from vomiting, tenesmus, intermittent fevers are the leading characteristics of the group.


Grief. Fright. Worry. Disappointed love. Jealousy. Old spinal injuries.



Taciturn, with continuous sad thoughts, still, serious melancholy, with moaning. Sadness and concentrated sorrow, with sighing. Irresolution, anxious to do now this, now that. Impatience. Strong disposition to be frightened. Morose and discontented humour, and involuntary reflections on painful and disagreeable things. Intolerance of noise. Effrontery. Tenderness of disposition and of conscience. Inconstancy. Alternation of foolish gaiety and tearful sadness. Laconic speech. Great weakness of memory. Love of solitude. Anguish, especially in the morning on waking, or at night, sometimes with palpitation of the heart. Lachrymose and apathetic humour, with dread of exertion. Inclination to grief, without saying anything about it. Changeable disposition, jesting and laughing, changing to sadness, with shedding of tears (hysteria). Despair of being cured. The least contradiction excites rage and passion, with redness of face. Fearfulness, timidity. Anger, followed by quiet grief and sorrow. Fear of robbers at night. Cries, and complete

discouragement, at the least provocation.


Vertigo, with sparks before the eyes. Great heaviness of the head, as if it were full of blood. Pressive headache, especially above the root of the nose, and often accompanied by inclination to vomit, worse or better by stooping. Stinging pain, from within to without in the forehead. Cramp-like pressure on the forehead and occiput, with obscuration of sight, redness of the face, and weeping. Painful sensation of expansion in the head, as if the cranium were going to burst, especially when conversing, reading, or listening to another. Pain, as from a bruise in the head, especially in the morning, on waking. The headaches are worse by coffee, brandy, tobacco-smoke, noise, strong smell, from reading and writing, from the sunlight, from moving the eyes, better when changing the position and when lying on the painful side. Headaches with zigzags before the sight. Skin across forehead feels drawn, with a lost and drowsy feeling, and thousands of stars float before sight. Headache, as if a nail were driven into the brain, or out through the side of the head, better when lying on painful side. Pressive headache in the forehead and vertex. Piercing and shooting tearings, deep in the brain and forehead, better by lying down. Pressive, pulsative headache. Trembling of the head. Throwing of the head backwards (during spasms), better by heat. Falling off of the hair.


Pressure on the eyes, sometimes, as if sand had been introduced into them. Inflammation of the eyes. Redness of the eyes. Acrid tears in the eyes during the day, agglutination of the eyelids during the night. Lachrymation, especially in the brightness of the sun. Swelling in the upper lid, with enlargement of the (bluish) veins, the eyelid is turned upward. Inflammation of the upper part of the eyeball as far as it is covered by the upper lid. Convulsive movements of the eyes, and of the eyelids. Fixed look, with dilated pupils. Photophobia. Sight confused, as if directed through a mist. Flickering zigzags (and stars) before the eyes.


Swelling of the parotids, with shooting pain. Redness and burning heat in one of the ears. Hardness of hearing, except for the human voice. Itching in the ears. Noise before the ear, as from a strong wind. Worry takes away hearing and intensifies the noises.


Itching in the nose. Nostrils excoriated and ulcerated, with swelling of the nose. Epistaxis. Stoppage of one nostril, dry coryza, with dull headache, and excessive nervous excitement. Dryness of the nose.


Face pale, red, or blue, or earth-coloured and wan. Alternate redness and paleness of the face. Clay-coloured, sunken face, with blue margins around the eyes. Perspiration on the face alone. Redness and burning heat in one of the cheeks (and in one ear). Convulsive startings and distortion of the muscles of the face. Eruption on the face. Lips dry, cracked, and bleeding. Pain, as of excoriation, in the internal surface of the upper lip. Scabs on the commissurae of the lips, and on the lips. Pains in the submaxillary glands. Convulsive jerking of the corners of the mouth. Ulceration of one of the corners of the mouth. Spasmodic clenching of the jaws (lock-jaw).


Odontalgia, as if the teeth (the molars) were broken. Looseness of the teeth. Toothache towards the end of a meal, worse after its conclusion. Difficult dentition, with convulsions.


Inflammation and redness of the mouth, and of the palate. Constant secretion of mucus, or accumulation of acid saliva in the mouth. Aptness to bite the tongue, on one side posteriorly, when chewing or speaking. Moist tongue, loaded with a white coating. Stitches in palate, extending to the ear. Foam at the mouth. Voice weak and tremulous.


Sore throat, as if there were a plug in it, when not swallowing. Palate red and inflamed, with a sensation as if what is swallowed passed over a burning and excoriated tumour. Shootings in the throat, extending sometimes to the ear, chiefly when not swallowing. When swallowing sensation as if one swallowed over a lump, causing soreness and a cracking noise. Inflammation, swelling, and induration of the tonsils, with small ulcers. Impeded deglutition (of drinks). Constriction of the gullet, with sobbing risings. Pain in the submaxillary glands when moving the neck.


Repugnance to food and drink, especially to milk, meat, cooked victuals, and tobacco-smoke. Want of appetite, and speedy satiety. Insipid taste, like chalk, in the mouth. Weakness and difficulty of digestion. Sour taste in the mouth. Bitter and putrid taste of food, especially of beer. Repugnance to, or strong desire for, acid things. Dislike to wine and brandy. Painful inflation of the abdomen after a meal. Feeling of hunger in the evening, which prevents one going to sleep. Desire for different things, which are disregarded when obtained. Food has no taste. Milk taken in the morning leaves an after-taste for a long time. After smoking, hiccoughs, nausea, sweat, and colic.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica