

*Antidoted by: Acet-ac., Belladonna Chamomilla, Silicea It *antidotes: Metals, and especially mercurial preparations, nitricum acidum, Calcarea, Iodium, Kali-i., Cold-liver-oil. It removes the weakening effects of Ether. *Compatible with: Aconite, Arnica, Belladonna, Lachesis, Mercurius, nitricum acidum, Silicea, Spo., Zincum met. *Complementary to: Calendula in injuries. *Compare: In better from warmth: Arsenicum, Calcarea, Nux-v., Nux-m., Pso., Silicea, Mag-m. In aversion to be washed: Ant-c., Clem., Rhus, Sepia, Spi., Sul. In aversion to be touched: Ant-c., Ant-t., Cin., Silicea, Thu. In irritable heart: Cact., Pho. In suppuration: Silicea, Lute. (Succession of abscesses), Calc-s., Mercurius Every little scratch suppurates: Mercurius, Chamomilla, Silicea, Lycopodium Cries during cough: (Arnica, before and after, Belladonna after). Sharp splinter or fish-bone sensation: Arg-n., nitricum acidum, Silicea, Fl-ac., Mercurius, Alm. Hasty speech and actions: Belladonna (hasty speech, hasty drinking), Lachesis, Dulcamara, Sul. Little pimples round eye: Euphras., Phosphorus Croups: Aconite (Hepar follows Aconite, Aco. is anxious, high fever, distressed breathing), Spo. (dry, hard cough, little or no expectoration, starts from sleep choking, worse before midnight, Hepar worse after), Bro., Iodium Constipation: Alm., Bryonia, Nux-v., Nat-c. Sour stools: Mag-c., Calcarea, Rhe. Pains causes fainting: Chamomilla, Val., Veratrum Sensitiveness of ulcers, etc.: Lachesis (absence of sensitiveness, Graphites) Teste puts Hepar in his Pulsatilla group with Silicea, Calcarea, Graphites, and Phosphorusday advanced. Pimples surround affected eye.


Cold, dry winds. Injuries. Mercury. Suppressed eruptions.



Sadness and desire to weep. Anguish and extreme apprehension, especially in evening, and sometimes suggesting suicide. Ill- humor, dislike even to see friends. Excessive irritability. Vexation and passion, with hasty speech and excessive weakness of memory. The slightest cause irritates him and makes him extremely vehement. A sort of furious spleen as though one could murder a man in cold blood. Anger, would have no hesitation in killing a man who offended him, only he knows better. Visions in the morning, in bed.


Vertigo on moving the head, as well as from the motion of a carriage, or in the evening, with nausea. Sense of swashing in the head. Vertigo, with loss of intellectual power, and obscuration of sight. Headache in the morning, excited by the slightest shock ( worse from every contusion). Headache at night, on moving the eyes, the forehead seems about to be torn asunder. Pain in the head, as if a nail were driven into it. Boring headache from without to within in right temple, on one side of head, at root of nose, when waking from sleep, worse by motion and stooping. Pressure in the head, semi-lateral, as from a plug or dull nail, at night and when waking in the morning, worse when moving the eyes and on stooping, better when rising and from binding the head up tight. Pressure on the temples and on the vertex, with palpitation of the heart in the evening. Tension above root of nose. Aching in the forehead, like a boil, from midnight till morning. Pain, as from ulceration, in the head, directly above the eyes, every evening, or else at night, in bed. Shootings in the head, especially after having been in the open air, and on stooping, or at night, as if the head were going to burst. Piercing in the head, esp., at the root of the nose, every morning. Falling off of the hair, with very sore, painful pimples and large bald spots on the scalp, sensitiveness of the scalp to contact, with burning and itching in the morning after rising (after abuse of Mercury). Cold sweat on the head. Cold, clammy perspiration, smelling sour, principally on the head and face, with aversion to be uncovered, worse from least exercise and during night, better from warmth and rest. Disposition to catch cold when uncovering the head. Tuberosities on the head, with pain as of excoriation, of their being touched, better from covering the head warm and from perspiration. Humid scabs on the head, feeling sore, of fetid smell, itching violently on rising in the morning and feeling sore on scratching. The head is bent backward, with swelling below the larynx, with violent pulsation of the carotid arteries and rattling breathing (in croup).


Pain, as if the eyes were driven, or drawn back, into the head. Painful and difficult movement of the eyes. Heat, pressure and shootings in the eyes. Throbbing in and about the eye. Pressure in the eyes, as from a foreign body (sand). Pain, as from ulceration, immediately above the eyes, every evening. Inflammation of the eyes and of the eyelids, sometimes erysipelatous, with pain as of a bruise, and of excoriation, on being, touched. Pimples above the eyes, and on the eyelids. Specks and ulcers on the cornea. Nocturnal lachrymation and agglutination of the eyelids. Spasmodic closing of the eyelids (at night). Eyes prominent. Obscuration of the sight on reading. Photophobia by day, and by candle-light. The eyes ache from the bright of day, when moving them. Confusion of sight, in the evening, by candle-light, alternately with clearness of vision. The objects appear to be red.


Darting pain in the ears. Shootings in the ears, on blowing the nose. Detonation in the ear, when blowing the nose. Heat, redness, and itching in the ears. Itching of the external ear. Discharge of pus from the ears, which is sometimes fetid. Scabs behind and on the ears. Hardness of hearing, with pulsations and buzzing in the ears, especially in the evening in bed. Increase of cerumen.


Inflammation, redness, and swelling of the nose. Pain, as of a bruise, and of excoriation in the nose, on its being touched. Burning pain, as from ulceration and scabs in the nostrils. Epistaxis, in the morning, and after singing. Want of, or increased power of smell. Coryza, chiefly on one side, with roughness in the throat, inflammatory swelling of the nose, fever, or painful weariness in all the limbs.


Face yellow, with blue circles round the eyes. Face burning, and of a deep red. Nocturnal heat of face. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the face and cheeks, with pricking tension, and eruption of vesicles. Drawing and tearing pains, commencing from the cheeks, and extending to the ears and the temples. Pains in the bones of the face, on the parts being touched. Pimples on the forehead, which disappear in the open air. Swelling of the lips, with tension and pains on touching them. Eruption at the corners of the mouth. Ulcer in the corner of the mouth. Ulceration at the commissure of the lips. The middle of the lower lip becomes chapped. Blisters (boils) on the lips, chin, and neck, painful on being touched. Eruption on the face, scurfy, very painful to the touch. Vesicles on the chin. Shootings in the articulation of the jaw, on opening the mouth.


Odontalgia, with starting and drawing pains, worse by closing the teeth, by eating, and in a hot room. Looseness of the teeth. The hollow teeth feel too long. Swelling and inflammation of the gums, which are painful when touched. Ulcer on the gums and in the mouth, with a base resembling lard. The gums and mouth bleed readily.


Accumulation of water in the mouth. Salivation, hawking up of mucus. The tip of the tongue is very painful and feels sore. Speech hoarse and precipitate.


Sore throat, as if there were a peg in it or an internal tumour. Painful scraping in the throat, with difficulty in speaking and in swallowing the saliva. Hawking up of mucus. Shootings in the throat, and even into the ears, as from splinters, on swallowing, coughing, breathing, and on turning the head. Violent pressure on the throat, with danger of suffocation. Deglutition impeded and almost impossible, without great efforts. Dryness in the throat. Swelling of the amygdala.


Loss of appetite. Bitterness of the mouth and of food. Earth- like and bitter taste in the throat, with natural taste of food. Violent thirst. Unusual hanger in the forenoon. Bulimy. Desire only for acids, wine, sour and strong-tasting substances, or highly seasoned things. Dislike to fat. Desire for wine.


Risings, with burning sensation in the throat. Burning in the stomach. Attacks of nausea, sometimes with cold and paleness. Nausea, with inclination to vomit in the morning. Acid, bilious, greenish, or mucous and sanguineous vomitings. Frequent and easy derangement of the stomach. Pressure at the stomach, even after eating very little. Pressure in stomach, as if lead were in it. Swelling in the region of the stomach, with pressive pains. Pressure, inflation and sensation, as if there were something weighing heavily on the epigastrium, with inability to continue seated, and to endure tight clothes.


Shootings in the region of the spleen. Splenetic stitches when walking. Shootings in the hepatic region, especially when walking. Pain, as from a bruise in the abdomen, in the morning. Cramps and contractive pains in the abdomen. Sensation of violent clawing in the umbilical region, with nausea, anxiety, and heat of the cheeks. Cutting pains. Pain, as from ulceration in the abdomen. Shootings in abdomen, especially on left side. Swelling and suppuration of the inguinal glands (buboes). (Rumbling in the abdomen.) Incarceration and difficult emission of flatus, especially in the morning.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica